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Everything posted by BigFootsSocks

  1. I like this new idea of swt not knowing what he's talking about. Let's explore it further; is swtsig really his name? Discuss.
  2. I wouldn't be mad if it made a Mim Kardashian comeback
  3. This pop up was different than the ones I was getting a month back. Those would redirect to the app store.
  4. I went to Friday's game, and the amount of Cubs fans in attendance was unreal. I get it, they're first in mlb, but I've been to Astros/Rangers games with less Rangers fans than Friday nights game.
  5. Just when you think the future generation is a lost cause...THEY TOTALLY REDEEM THEMSELVES. #KliensOutForHarambe
  6. Website shows these will be around $125,000 for one unit, which doesn't sound all that bad until you realize they're just under 600 sqft. Though I can imagine a lot of UH grads will eat these up. I might even consider this... Edit; Nvm, there are other floor plan options. That 2018 completion date is so far though...
  7. I thought they had to have GFR in order to qualify for the tax rebate?
  8. I was looking at the Replat, and it looks like the reason was to include the land North and South of (and including) the recently-closed Rosalie street. Couldnt find any other plat that includes the entire footprint as one Unrestricted Reserve, so to my slightly-trained eye, this is the approval they needed to begin the Sign & Seal process with the City to begin Construction soon.
  9. A Replat was signed and filed to the County Clerks Website on Tuesday. It's going by the name "Pearl Brazos Rosalie" and the reason for Replat was to create "One Unrestricted Reserve" Not sure what this means, but City Plans should be signed and sealed in the coming weeks for a hopeful start in the next couple of weeks/month, if their plan is still going strong.
  10. Plat was signed and filed to the County Clerks Office yesterday. I'll post it here whenever they upload the pdf. Now that the plat is signed, civil plans can go to the city/county (not sure if county is necessary or not) and after those are signed, construction should begin soon after. In fact, I'm pretty sure, for a project like this, city plans have been signed, or will be signed within the next couple of days. Wouldnt be be surprised to see this start to go up in the next couple of weeks. Note: obviously Civil/Structural plans aren't the only thing involved, but they're usually the first step in the complicated process of building a High Rise.
  11. Is this their "Proposed Montrose Residential" that's appeared on a few marketing borchures?
  12. So the plans for the renovation of the Conrad Sauer Detention Basin are now on Mylars, meaning they'll get signed and sealed by the city/county, then should be put out to Bid soon. However, I'm not sure if it's for the full renovation, or only the underground utilities. Either way, it's moving forward. P.S; there was a plat filed for the Northwest corner of I-10/Conrad Sauer called Hessed Development, though I'm not sure if it's part of this whole development.
  13. iPhone 6S, and just Safari, which might explain something. It's now just redirecting to random comic book reading apps. I'll try to screenshot the page that loads. It it always happens when I'm in the Going Up sub. I'll open a thread, scroll down to the bottom to select the "Go to Next Unread Topic" After that, it will start to load the page then immediately redirects to an advertisement page which loads into the App Store. Ive noticed a slight improvement in speed, and the ad page has only popped up once. A week ago it would load every time I tried to go to the Next Unread Topic.
  14. Yeah, if by "UofH" you mean strictly the Atheltic Department, and by "Athletic Department" you mean Football Team, and if by "Football Team" you mean Boosters, and if by "Boosters" you mean "Stictly Tillman Fertitta"....then yeah definitely.
  15. Anyone else constantly getting spam on mobile? It seems like every other page I load on here redirects me to a website that is some ad that automatically opens the iTunes App Store to download some porno app or Gambling app. I only use Haif on mobile, and running into these constant ads discourages me from actually coming to the site. It's slow as hell, littered with spam, and ads that aren't formatted for mobile that created awkward page layouts. I'd rather deal with the free version of the Chron than come here. The ads are the same, but at least it loads faster. Im really curious to see how the traffic has done in the past few weeks and since the switchover. It had been getting no better, but now it's back to being a shell of its former self. Sorry for the rant, but this is the thread for talking about the site Update, and holy sheet does this site need an Update...for the update.
  16. Probably waiting on inspection or the next sub-contractor to come in.
  17. Lol I'd love to be the TCEQ Rep that sees this proposal on their desk.
  18. I'm starting a fast food restaurant called Chic-le-Fay that's only opened on Sunday's, only serves chicken, and didn't invent the chicken, but the Chicken Sandwhich on Sunday's. Looking for investors plzPM me soon
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