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Everything posted by BigFootsSocks

  1. I'm starting a fast food restaurant called Chic-le-Fay that's only opened on Sunday's, only serves chicken, and didn't invent the chicken, but the Chicken Sandwhich on Sunday's. Looking for investors plzPM me soon
  2. For what it's worth, a plat was filed yesterday for this block
  3. So before anyone freaks out or loses their minds, let me explain what's going on at Antoine... First, a little back story; this specific segment was awarded to a Spanish Contractor (not the same as the Mexican Contractor that defaulted across Texas). For the past 6 or so months, you may have noticed a serious lack of activity on this bridge, as did we all. Recently, you may have finally seen work crews back at it over this stretch...but wait! What the hell?! They're taking the NEW beams off?! Yeah. So, basically, the Spanish Contractor screwed up the bridge. Actually, that's not the best way to describe it; the Contractor f uuuuuucked up on this bridge; the beans are too short, the columns aren't in the correct place, and the plates that beams rest on are also shot. TxDOT, being the smart group of people they are (not being that sarcastic btw), told the Contractor he's responsible for tearing out the bridge and replacing it with his own money...which would essentially bankrupt the company. Now, I'm not sure if the Contractor has found a way to fix the columns, but the beams are currently coming out as we speak. I'm also not sure if a Bankruptcy is immenient, but seeing as they're dismantling the bridge without going into default, there's a good sign we won't get a significant delay like we did for Segment H. Let me repeat; THERE'S A GOOD CHANCE WE WONT SEE SERIOUS DELAYS. Understood? Good. Please return to your regularly scheduled hot takes and freak outs over this insane Freeway.
  4. No, the amusement park is all speculation. The only facts here are; 1) Midway bought this land 2) It's not called Northbank
  5. I will be celebrating my bday and cannot promise I won't angry drunk post here tmrw
  6. Before I opened this thread I was wondering how the hell we have 4 pages of posts here...and then I realized half of them are mine...whoops...
  7. That's the first time an HBJ article sounded like something other than a Corporate Press Release; almost Swamplot-esque
  8. This was on the most recent Planning Commission Agenda
  9. Yeah I was just responding to Monarch's (more so than usual) over-the-top comment.
  10. "Article" Was this a sophomore's English class assignment?
  11. You have no idea how much I wish that was true. Oh god could you imagine the s***storm here?! It would be incredible
  12. As explained above, there was a redesign, which means that there will be a slight drlay. i still think this is cause for the collapse of the Houston economy and the death of a city. Everyone start gathering supplies, it's about to get all Fury Road up in this delicate flower.
  13. Not sure about the height, but due to the sites constraints it will be a hotel on top of a garage.
  14. I like that your (presumably) gf thought you were taking a pic of her, but really it was just a shot of the building
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