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Personality Traits of HAIFers


Personality Types  

95 members have voted

  1. 1. Select your type.

    • ESTJ
    • ISTJ
    • ESFJ
    • ISFJ
    • ESTP
    • ISTP
    • ESFP
    • ISFP
    • ENTJ
    • INTJ
    • ENTP
    • INTP
    • ENFJ
    • INFJ
    • ENFP
    • INFP

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Still no ESFP's though.

ESFPs get a lot of satisfaction out of life and are fun to be around. Their exuberance and enthusiasm draw others to them. They are flexible, adaptable, congenial, and easygoing.
Edited by Marty
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I'd forgotton totally about this poll. A thanks to whomever bumped it.

We now have a significant enough sample size, and this is how it plays out:


Surveys of the general population are shown on the left, and the results of this poll (to date) are shown on the right. At the far right, I have divided the percentage of the HAIFing population that fall into each category by the respective percentage of the general population that were in that category. This is the most important indicator, as any number greater than one means that there are a disproportionate share of HAIFers that have that trait while any number less than one indicates that disproportionately few HAIFers have the trait.

I should caution that when I say "surveys of the general population", that should technically be read to mean "surveys of those that take surveys".

What surprised me immensely was just how many INTJs we've got, 7.44 times as many as we should if we were like the general population. I am technically a cross-type, an IXTJ, where the N/S was in dispute, but I consider myself very much leaning toward the N, so that is how I answered. Apparently, INTJs and anyone at all similar to an INTJ in temperment completely dominated the statistics. I expected a disproportionate number of us, but damn...that's a lot. Keirsey estimates that INTJs actually comprise less than one percent of the population, even though they seem to like taking surveys such that they can be attributed to 2.4% of the 'general population' on my spreadsheet. This could mean that HAIFers are even more unlike the true general population than the statistics suggest.

Perhaps amazon.com needs to buy some advertising and sell copies of Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead on HAIF. It'd seem like a perfect fit.

i like this sort of information way too much. one of my best friends is an INTJ too.

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And this ENFP would question your politics (not to mention your taste in literature) but would enjoy your drinking company nonetheless!

Heh, heh, you may question all you like. My best friends, both male and female, have a strong tendency to be E or I NFPs.

As for my taste in literature, it is perhaps a coincidence that I've spent about the past week binge-reading Rand's Anthem and Atlas Shrugged. It relieves cynicism and imbues me with immense confidence and self-respect. And even those that do not like her politics (and I myself am not entirely comfortable with radical libertarianism) frequently appreciate her descriptive writing style and the quick tempo of dialogue.

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Wow Niche, binge reading Ayn Rand, my hat's off to ya! Is there a Meyer's Briggs type for Glutton for Punishment? Just teasing ;) At least Anthem is short....

Actually I agree with you on her prose style, I did my own binge reading when I was wayyyy younger, with different tastes, and quite enjoyed her. I realized it was possible to have a major crush on a fictional character (Roark), so I guess she made her point, in a way.

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  • 10 months later...
Another test:


ISTP on this one (93 / 55 / 70 / 73)

That was an interesting test. I haven't taken one of those since college. I was skeptical as I was taking it, but the results and analysis were dead-on. I am actually in the career recommended for my personality type, and I love it! What do you know.

INFJ, but I don't remember the percentages.

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Does anyone have a difficult time taking these kinds of tests? I took it again and to my surprise, it labeled me the same as before.

I find these difficult because I feel like I don't really know myself. Some people are good at labeling others and themselves, but I find it hard to pinpoint my traits. To some degree I can.

Some of those questions were easy to answer and some I didn't really know the answer. I needed a specific instance to compare and then conclude.

Also, it's hard for me to distinguish who I really am, who I think I am and who I want to be. For this reason, I kind of think this test may have better results if someone very close to me took it with me in mind or if we both took it together while focused on me.

In some ways the description of who I am is on, but in many it is not. I know it won't be spot on, but I think it was more off than on.

Anyone else feel that way?

11 50 12 11


Interesting results overall with this group.

We're the same. Won't the other ENFJs please stand up?

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Another test:


ISTP on this one (93 / 55 / 70 / 73)

This one said I'm a ESTJ. The first one said I was a ENFJ. There was a link inside sefiv's link and it told me I was a ISTP, which I think is most accurate. The test niche posted was hard to take for me. sevfiv's was much easier.

^Wow - we're complete "opposites." FWIW, the test I posted seemed more fair since it allowed for an "in between" answer..

Yeah, I was wondering how accurate my results would be since that was my answer much of the time. I think I'm more often balanced than leaning heavily to one side of anything.

edit: lol, so sevfiv says she's the complete opposite than me, then before seeing what she was, I proclaim that the other test said I was ISTP, the same as her. But I believe it's more acurate. What is going on??? :wacko:

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This one said I'm a ESTJ. The first one said I was a ENFJ. There was a link inside sefiv's link and it told me I was a ISTP, which I think is most accurate. The test niche posted was hard to take for me. sevfiv's was much easier.

Yeah, I was wondering how accurate my results would be since that was my answer much of the time. I think I'm more often balanced than leaning heavily to one side of anything.

edit: lol, so sevfiv says she's the complete opposite than me, then before seeing what she was, I proclaim that the other test said I was ISTP, the same as her. But I believe it's more acurate. What is going on??? :wacko:

Maybe it's time for you to do some soul-searching.

I took both tests (this is a great way to kill a nice block of otherwise useful work time) and got the same results from both.

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This one said I'm a ESTJ. The first one said I was a ENFJ. There was a link inside sefiv's link and it told me I was a ISTP, which I think is most accurate. The test niche posted was hard to take for me. sevfiv's was much easier.

Yeah, I was wondering how accurate my results would be since that was my answer much of the time. I think I'm more often balanced than leaning heavily to one side of anything.

The inconsistenices both in E/I seem odd, unless you are a true cross type. But I didn't think there were cross types for E/I ? People's scores change some as they mature, but other than that the different tests should be fairly consistent. The full blown Myers Briggs is time consuming but chock full of data points. It goes in and out of favor in human resources circles. I have actually worked in an organization where entire departments were re-orged into different teams based on MBTI.

The prevalanece of INTJs here is weird, but makes sense. No wonder I feel at home! Historically, I've attracted/been attracted to them.

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Our company did that Myer's Brigg's hokey-pokey several years ago.

It was break room talk/gossip for a week or two, a few giggles here & there, then within 2 weeks everyone that was supposedly "compatible" were back to the old back stabbing & throat stomping just as before. Still cracks me up to this day. :lol:

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Wouldn't it be great to place all Haifers on a deserted island and see how things turn out? Like the SOS topic. :P

I've been watching way too much "Lost." I'm sure we'd all end up shooting each other. But just to speculate:

Puma would stir things up and instigate the sectarian violence.

Crunchtastic would talk us all down and there would less shooting.

Flipper would help us remodel our beach shacks.

Memebag and Niche would have no trouble adjusting to uncooked food and no plates.

that's all I can come up with at the moment... anyone else want to speculate on "HAIF: LOST" ??

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I've been watching way too much "Lost." I'm sure we'd all end up shooting each other. But just to speculate:

Memebag and Niche would have no trouble adjusting to uncooked food and no plates.

that's all I can come up with at the moment... anyone else want to speculate on "HAIF: LOST" ??

Uncooked!? Food is a whole lot more difficult to scavenge than fire is to build. There's a good reason polynesian people tend to be so chunky...all the thin people died off in repeated famines.

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Uncooked!? Food is a whole lot more difficult to scavenge than fire is to build.

Hmmmm, will need a chief fuel engineer. Must have fire at all time on the island right?

We'll also need a supply management system for cigarettes and booze and/or narcotics, at least until our foraging team identifies the local non-toxic hallucinogenic flora.

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Hmmmm, will need a chief fuel engineer. Must have fire at all time on the island right?

We'll also need a supply management system for cigarettes and booze and/or narcotics, at least until our foraging team identifies the local non-toxic hallucinogenic flora.

I'll leave that to one of HAIF's energy professionals. That's not my industry.

Supply management I can do. Give everyone equal shares of all rations and let them engage in free trade. Those that do not ration their resources will run out and compassionate people will share, resulting in two categories of desperately poor starving people. I will have carefully conserved and traded my durable consumption items for non-durables (especially food, potable water, and pharmaceuticals of all sort), speculating upon price appreciation as society's finite non-durable resources are depleted at an accelerated pace by the stupid and the compassionate. As tempers flare, I will give meager rations to a select group of loyal mercenaries--the price of loyalty by that time will not be high. Nor will the price of weapons, metals, clothes, or services. Tribute will be paid to Editor and the moderators, acting out a traditional role that everyone would accept without question, as enforcers of Guidelines.

The stupid and compassionate, led by a deviant (lawyer) aware of the opportunity to accumulate wealth, power, and perhaps the affections of one (or more) of the very few female HAIFers, will rise up as bolsheviks, and wage war on all the bougoise and the old regime (Editor, et al.) that had done nothing to stop me. Our kind will be dubbed 'speculators', the worst kind of criminal and a scapegoat for the slightest thing that goes wrong...and things will go wrong. Many HAIFers will die in the ensuing conflict between white and red forces, conveniently allowing the island's natural carrying capacity to exceed subsistence demands of the population. Whereas white forces had previously held a nutritional advantage over the reds, the playing field will now be level; the white forces will be overrun and slaughtered.

The deviant leader (lawyer) will carefully institute a kind of false communism meant to placate the radicals, the stupid, and the compassionate, even as the deviant leader basks in wealth and the availability of feminine affection and secures his power by allowing an oligarchy of loyalists to trade freely and to also enjoy wealth.


Damn, this job sucks.

Edited by TheNiche
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I'll leave that to one of HAIF's energy professionals. That's not my industry.

Supply management I can do. Give everyone equal shares of all rations and let them engage in free trade. Those that do not ration their resources will run out and compassionate people will share, resulting in two categories of desperately poor starving people. I will have carefully conserved and traded my durable consumption items for non-durables (especially food, potable water, and pharmaceuticals of all sort), speculating upon price appreciation as society's finite non-durable resources are depleted at an accelerated pace by the stupid and the compassionate. As tempers flare, I will give meager rations to a select group of loyal mercenaries--the price of loyalty by that time will not be high. Nor will the price of weapons, metals, clothes, or services. Tribute will be paid to Editor and the moderators, acting out a traditional role that everyone would accept without question, as enforcers of Guidelines.

The stupid and compassionate, led by a deviant (lawyer) aware of the opportunity to accumulate wealth, power, and perhaps the affections of one (or more) of the very few female HAIFers, will rise up as bolsheviks, and wage war on all the bougoise and the old regime (Editor, et al.) that had done nothing to stop me. Our kind will be dubbed 'speculators', the worst kind of criminal and a scapegoat for the slightest thing that goes wrong...and things will go wrong. Many HAIFers will die in the ensuing conflict between white and red forces, conveniently allowing the island's natural carrying capacity to exceed subsistence demands of the population. Whereas white forces had previously held a nutritional advantage over the reds, the playing field will now be level; the white forces will be overrun and slaughtered.

The deviant leader (lawyer) will carefully institute a kind of false communism meant to placate the radicals, the stupid, and the compassionate, even as the deviant leader basks in wealth and the availability of feminine affection and secures his power by allowing an oligarchy of loyalists to trade freely and to also enjoy wealth.


Damn, my fantasy sucks.

Yeah, that's pretty much the way I figured it. :D

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I really like it when you open up like that with your deepest fantasies, Niche. :PMuch better reading than the PPT I brought home from the office.

BTW you put me in a very awkward position of maintaining some sort of loyalty to both you and the deviant, which of course eventually gets too treacherous and you unwittingly create a wild-card third party right under your nose. And the last thing you need is a female with leverage--especially if she can influence or control the prized, younger females.

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