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Personality Traits of HAIFers


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OK, this is starting to get creepy now. ......Surrounded ..... by INTs......freakish mental masterminds everywhere.....even Dad With Cute Baby Girl is one. Agh!

I live with one, but can't escape them, not even on the internets. :ph34r: In a truly disturbing moment of clarity about the variations of INTP and INTJ, I have determined that if my BF were to be split into two separate people, he would manifest as Niche and Memebag. :o

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I really like it when you open up like that with your deepest fantasies, Niche. :PMuch better reading than the PPT I brought home from the office.

BTW you put me in a very awkward position of maintaining some sort of loyalty to both you and the deviant, which of course eventually gets too treacherous and you unwittingly create a wild-card third party right under your nose. And the last thing you need is a female with leverage--especially if she can influence or control the prized, younger females.

Females with leverage get paid off early into the scenario. Slightly less worn-out shoes for you! What good are material things when I (temporarily) control all of them, after all?

Actually, that does raise a good point. If I can purchase the loyalty of a sufficient number of women early on, I can use some pretty brutal tactics to bring the human population back within the island's carrying capacity (it is after all one thing if most everybody is starving...then genocide against the weak is fairly acceptable for a population on a level playing field...but if you're starving and facing the prospect of certain celibacy, that would just suck too much to go against).

I'd probably have to wipe out the gays, though. Nothing personal or anything, just that I wouldn't have any leverage over them and think that they might be more prone to resist.

...I might keep a couple loyal gays (four would be ideal) around after the return to normalcy to be co-oligarchs. They'd probably be less likely to turn on me at that point than a straight guy that viewed himself as in competition with me for wealth, power, or women.

Edited by TheNiche
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Females with leverage get paid off early into the scenario. Slightly less worn-out shoes for you! What good are material things when I (temporarily) control all of them, after all?

Actually, that does raise a good point. If I can purchase the loyalty of a sufficient number of women early on.....

Nice try, grasshopper. Shoes vs. power. Hmmmm. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. You lack sufficient empathy and persuasion to gain that kind of loyalty. Also, beware: this is where the deviant will try to outplay you with tricks. But he too will fail. You will be weakened through defection of INT gay men, and the deviant weakens himself by overreaching, for while he has his charms, he is rusty and easily distracted.

ENTJ 11-62-12-56. In good company with FDR, Margaret Thatcher, J. P. Morgan and Norman Vincent Peale. Did I hear president in 2029?

Yay, another EN! I don't feel so outnumbered.

Although this has got to be the first time FDR and Margaret Thatcher shared a list.

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Actually, that does raise a good point. If I can purchase the loyalty of a sufficient number of women early on, I can use some pretty brutal tactics to bring the human population back within the island's carrying capacity (it is after all one thing if most everybody is starving...then genocide against the weak is fairly acceptable for a population on a level playing field...but if you're starving and facing the prospect of certain celibacy, that would just suck too much to go against).

Why would the chicks go with you, when I can show them that they'll live better AND be better protected with me? After all, I have convinced TJones and Mark Barnes to be my enforcers. You may be of some use to us, though. Perhaps your ability to acquire things will persuade us to keep you around. ;)

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Why would the chicks go with you, when I can show them that they'll live better AND be better protected with me? After all, I have convinced TJones and Mark Barnes to be my enforcers. You may be of some use to us, though. Perhaps your ability to acquire things will persuade us to keep you around. ;)

I knew you were going to play the "giant friends with superior cars and firepower" card. :lol:

We all know that the bad elements of the HAIF aren't necessarily a threat that can be stopped with brawn. One of us will need to cultivate other ...options. :ph34r:

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Why would the chicks go with you, when I can show them that they'll live better AND be better protected with me? After all, I have convinced TJones and Mark Barnes to be my enforcers. You may be of some use to us, though. Perhaps your ability to acquire things will persuade us to keep you around. ;)

I'll brand you all as militant and anti-social. But I'll have more resources and will only be viewed at this point as greedy...and as I start buying off the women, very perverted. A clandestine nighttime murder of one of your kind when he's out taking a whiz away from camp while everyone else sleeps (it doesn't have to be you, only someone associated with you) will prove that your faction is unsafe to be around. Women may swoon over rebellious types, but I'd like to see what happens when one of those guys get stabbed.

Meanwhile, I'm only perceivd as a weird greedy pervert...otherwise harmless. I will continue to project an absent-minded aloofness for as long as is practicable, but because I have more resources, my voice carries more weight. ...not that I'll be overtly acting as though I'm jostling for group leadership at this point. I will simply guide the discussion by providing people talking points, partisan only on account of fear for my own safety...as is prudent given that there is an angry rogue amongst us.

If your possee gets angry and starts making accusations, I will escalate the matter by accusing you guys of being deserving of it for having been so pre-emptively unpleasant and militaristic. As I see it, this may cost me some political capital and perhaps real capital, but it will be a battle of psychological attrition that you cannot win. If there is a split, all it takes is for my side to buy off a relatively small margin of HAIFers, enough to slightly outnumber you. Then a few on your side (maybe only one person) will see that victory is less likely and will switch sides out of cowardice...once a few go, the victory looks all that much less likely. You will be all but abandoned. If you are the clear ringleader, you will be silenced...and I will have paid a starving man to have made the suggestion. If you are not an easy scapegoat, you get to survive for another week or so. But before long, you and all of the lawyerly types must be dealt with mercilessly.

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I'll brand you all as militant and anti-social. But I'll have more resources and will only be viewed at this point as greedy...and as I start buying off the women, very perverted. A clandestine nighttime murder of one of your kind when he's out taking a whiz away from camp while everyone else sleeps (it doesn't have to be you, only someone associated with you) will prove that your faction is unsafe to be around. Women may swoon over rebellious types, but I'd like to see what happens when one of those guys get stabbed.

Meanwhile, I'm only perceivd as a weird greedy pervert...otherwise harmless. I will continue to project an absent-minded aloofness for as long as is practicable, but because I have more resources, my voice carries more weight. ...not that I'll be overtly acting as though I'm jostling for group leadership at this point. I will simply guide the discussion by providing people talking points, partisan only on account of fear for my own safety...as is prudent given that there is an angry rogue amongst us.

If your possee gets angry and starts making accusations, I will escalate the matter by accusing you guys of being deserving of it for having been so pre-emptively unpleasant and militaristic. As I see it, this may cost me some political capital and perhaps real capital, but it will be a battle of psychological attrition that you cannot win. If there is a split, all it takes is for my side to buy off a relatively small margin of HAIFers, enough to slightly outnumber you. Then a few on your side (maybe only one person) will see that victory is less likely and will switch sides out of cowardice...once a few go, the victory looks all that much less likely. You will be all but abandoned. If you are the clear ringleader, you will be silenced...and I will have paid a starving man to have made the suggestion. If you are not an easy scapegoat, you get to survive for another week or so. But before long, you and all of the lawyerly types must be dealt with mercilessly.

WTF ? You are so caught up in your scenario, you forget that all the people you're dealing with are the same MBTIs! ( Except me and the others :ph34r: )

You can't convince them you're up to something innocent. You have no hands to play, and certainly no leverage.

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WTF ? You are so caught up in your scenario, you forget that all the people you're dealing with are the same MBTIs! ( Except me and the others :ph34r: )

You can't convince them you're up to something innocent. You have no hands to play, and certainly no leverage.

I think TheNiche just likes thinking about your angry "possee".

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I'll brand you all as militant and anti-social. But I'll have more resources and will only be viewed at this point as greedy...and as I start buying off the women, very perverted. A clandestine nighttime murder of one of your kind when he's out taking a whiz away from camp while everyone else sleeps (it doesn't have to be you, only someone associated with you) will prove that your faction is unsafe to be around. Women may swoon over rebellious types, but I'd like to see what happens when one of those guys get stabbed.

Meanwhile, I'm only perceivd as a weird greedy pervert...otherwise harmless. I will continue to project an absent-minded aloofness for as long as is practicable, but because I have more resources, my voice carries more weight. ...not that I'll be overtly acting as though I'm jostling for group leadership at this point. I will simply guide the discussion by providing people talking points, partisan only on account of fear for my own safety...as is prudent given that there is an angry rogue amongst us.

If your possee gets angry and starts making accusations, I will escalate the matter by accusing you guys of being deserving of it for having been so pre-emptively unpleasant and militaristic. As I see it, this may cost me some political capital and perhaps real capital, but it will be a battle of psychological attrition that you cannot win. If there is a split, all it takes is for my side to buy off a relatively small margin of HAIFers, enough to slightly outnumber you. Then a few on your side (maybe only one person) will see that victory is less likely and will switch sides out of cowardice...once a few go, the victory looks all that much less likely. You will be all but abandoned. If you are the clear ringleader, you will be silenced...and I will have paid a starving man to have made the suggestion. If you are not an easy scapegoat, you get to survive for another week or so. But before long, you and all of the lawyerly types must be dealt with mercilessly.

Hmmm....you have already become more trouble than you are worth. Better to off you now, than risk your mettlesome interference later. TJ and Mark agree and offer to take care of business. I remind them to make it public, lest some other weirdo get an idea he can fill the void.

Finally, law school is paying off. MUWAHAHAHAHAHA! :D

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We all know that the bad elements of the HAIF aren't necessarily a threat that can be stopped with brawn. One of us will need to cultivate other ...options. :ph34r:

That's already occured to me. I'll be cooking my own food, mixing my own drinks. Lessons from the Classical empires serve me well on the island. Women kill, but they kill quietly, secretly.

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WTF ? You are so caught up in your scenario, you forget that all the people you're dealing with are the same MBTIs! ( Except me and the others :ph34r: )

You can't convince them you're up to something innocent. You have no hands to play, and certainly no leverage.

I can deal with other NTs easily. They are rational actors. I know the rules of their games, just as they know mine. An understanding can be arrived at more easily.

It will be the smarter among them and also the more emotional sort that are the wildcards. Just as in a game of chess, there are only two adverse outcomes as they pertain to me: I can only be out-thought or I can over-think.

Edited by TheNiche
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That's already occured to me. I'll be cooking my own food, mixing my own drinks. Lessons from the Classical empires serve me well on the island. Women kill, but they kill quietly, secretly.

i heard crunch has some duct tape. death could be painful.

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I've been watching way too much "Lost." I'm sure we'd all end up shooting each other. But just to speculate:

Puma would stir things up and instigate the sectarian violence.

Crunchtastic would talk us all down and there would less shooting.

Flipper would help us remodel our beach shacks.

Memebag and Niche would have no trouble adjusting to uncooked food and no plates.

that's all I can come up with at the moment... anyone else want to speculate on "HAIF: LOST" ??

I would die of laughter all the while. :lol:

That would leave more food for the others.

However, they may turn to cannibalism and I would become dinner. :o

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Hmmm....you have already become more trouble than you are worth. Better to off you now, than risk your mettlesome interference later. TJ and Mark agree and offer to take care of business. I remind them to make it public, lest some other weirdo get an idea he can fill the void.

Finally, law school is paying off. MUWAHAHAHAHAHA! :D

No, I would borrow crunch's duct tape and it would be done quietly, and all his fellow tribesmen would see is his head on a spear, in the middle of their plaza, the next day. I wouldn't leave any evidence that I had any involvement because their are always those who would consider it "martyrdom" and then come after those they knew were involved. i.e. me, and I don't need that headache.

BTW, I wouldn't do it necessarily out of me agreeing with you, I am just a "loyal mercenary", which means that, "He who has the cash, has me." If Niche were to make a better offer, before his demise, I may consider it. I would then finish the job I was hired for by Red, and then carry out Niche's wishes, as long as he has paid in full.

Edited by TJones
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No, I would borrow crunch's duct tape and it would be done quietly, and all his fellow tribesmen would see is his head on a spear, in the middle of their plaza, the next day. I wouldn't leave any evidence that I had any involvement because their are always those who would consider it "martyrdom" and then come after those they knew were involved. i.e. me, and I don't need that headache.

BTW, I wouldn't do it necessarily out of me agreeing with you, I am just a "loyal mercenary", which means that, "He who has the cash, has me." If Niche were to make a better offer, before his demise, I may consider it. I would then finish the job I was hired for by Red, and then carry out Niche's wishes, as long as he has paid in full.

I am definitely going to be stranded on a DIFFERENT desert island. You all are scary.

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I am definitely going to be stranded on a DIFFERENT desert island. You all are scary.

Can't ya just see someone carving Haif into the palm tree trunks? or spell out Haif on the sand so a search mission could find? By the time everyone is found nothing but a pile of bones? real scary :o

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I am definitely going to be stranded on a DIFFERENT desert island. You all are scary.

No kidding.

I've been here for years. Who ARE you people?

I'm going back to my little corner and sip on some shiner.

My bets on Red. The way he's been going, he has a tendency to convince people that they should off themselves to protect their own lives.

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holy effen crud.

1) i cant believe that i read this whole thread

2) niche has put waaaaaaay too much thought into his ideal HAIF-island

3) im an "ESFJ" and have no idea what it means, nor do i really want to know after, again, reading this whole thread

Yeah, but he hasn't put enough thought into who becomes the leader. Crowds do not flock to economists, they flock to charismatic speakers. Niche's island empire has a fatal flaw, in that he is of most use in a support role.

This is probably a good thing though. If Niche spent this much time thinking about his island empire AND was a charismatic speaker, we might see Jonestown Redux....or at least another Lakewood.

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3) im an "ESFJ" and have no idea what it means, nor do i really want to know after, again, reading this whole thread

It means you and I are archenemies. If we are ever in the same room I will fly at you with a ferocious, terrifying explosion of primal chi energy.

Edited by memebag
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Yeah, but he hasn't put enough thought into who becomes the leader. Crowds do not flock to economists, they flock to charismatic speakers. Niche's island empire has a fatal flaw, in that he is of most use in a support role.

This is probably a good thing though. If Niche spent this much time thinking about his island empire AND was a charismatic speaker, we might see Jonestown Redux....or at least another Lakewood.

I can be charismatic...when I want to be. It really comes down to motivation, and since we live in a highly-structured and ordered society, megalomania just isn't worth it to me, usually. Let someone else do it.

In small groups or in groups of incompetent people, however, or if my interest level is high, I tend to actively dominate. Take some HAIFers (80% male, mostly well-educated, used to eating well), place them on an island, in chaos and scarcity, and megalomania becomes a way of life. Compete and possibly die quickly or don't compete and definitely die slowly.

I do have an achilles heel: my glasses. When they get stolen, I'm left vulnerable. Loyalties dissolve instantly, someone else steps in to fill the power vacuum, and at best I am deposed and kept on as some kind of honorary advisor so as to prevent martyrdom, and at worst I get killed and fed to the starving idiots.

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I do have an achilles heel: my glasses. When they get stolen, I'm left vulnerable. Loyalties dissolve instantly, someone else steps in to fill the power vacuum, and at best I am deposed and kept on as some kind of honorary advisor so as to prevent martyrdom, and at worst I get killed and fed to the starving idiots.

This is what's holding me back from successful, safe, time travel. If my contacts get lost, I will get eaten by a dinosaur. After laser surgery though, it is on.

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Yeah, but he hasn't put enough thought into who becomes the leader. Crowds do not flock to economists, they flock to charismatic speakers. Niche's island empire has a fatal flaw, in that he is of most use in a support role.

This is probably a good thing though. If Niche spent this much time thinking about his island empire AND was a charismatic speaker, we might see Jonestown Redux....or at least another Lakewood.

I think you need to lean more towards WACO. :huh::lol:

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