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Personality Traits of HAIFers


Personality Types  

95 members have voted

  1. 1. Select your type.

    • ESTJ
    • ISTJ
    • ESFJ
    • ISFJ
    • ESTP
    • ISTP
    • ESFP
    • ISFP
    • ENTJ
    • INTJ
    • ENTP
    • INTP
    • ENFJ
    • INFJ
    • ENFP
    • INFP

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according to the humanmetrics, INTP (78, 12, 38, 22) although i would have guessed ISTP instead of the N (which i suppose is reflected in the "12") from the following site:


i have a copy of please understand me II somewhere - i'll have to dig it up

Edited by sevfiv
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What would be embarrassing? :huh: What could something like that tell you that you don't already know? Oh, gee, I'm an opinionated extrovert like most people here? :lol:

:lol: So, you DIDN'T take the test hmmmmmm ? ;)

Edited by TJones
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I'm not a big fan of tests that attempt to analyze my personality for the amusement of others. I wonder what that says about me? ;)

Sounds to me like you're insecure about some aspect of yourself, but then that's probably a seperate matter from personality types.

I'm going to guess ESFJ or possibly ESFP.

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Sounds to me like you're insecure about some aspect of yourself,

Aren't we all?

I'm going to guess ESFJ or possibly ESFP.

I really don't know what I am, and I doubt you know, either. :D I was truly kidding with my post, hence the "wink". True to form though, you responded with your usual analytical self...not that there's anything wrong with that. :lol:

Edited by Parrothead
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Aren't we all?

I really don't know what I am, and I doubt you know, either. :D I was truly kidding with my post, hence the "wink". True to form though, you responded with your usual analytical self...not that there's anything wrong with that. :lol:

She does not need a test, we can analysis her just fine without it. . . right! ^_^

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  • 3 weeks later...

ESFJ for me! All of it is true. I care so much to the point I care for others moreso then myself!

ESFJs are people persons - they love people. They are warmly interested in others. They use their Sensing and Judging characteristics to gather specific, detailed information about others, and turn this information into supportive judgments. They want to like people, and have a special skill at bringing out the best in others. They are extremely good at reading others, and understanding their point of view. The ESFJ's strong desire to be liked and for everything to be pleasant makes them highly supportive of others. People like to be around ESFJs, because the ESFJ has a special gift of invariably making people feel good about themselves.


(this is true about me)

For example...my friend just lost her dog (to a rescue shelter...won't go into the story)...I know she loves my kitten so I was going to hand her my kitten (the cat and my friend def. go hand and hand) or I was going to trade the kitten in to get her dog back from the rescue shelter. Even though her getting the dog back wasn't a possiblity it was the thought and if the action was put through...I sacrificed myself (I have heard time and time again to stop being a martyr) and animal to help my friend.

The potential ways in which an ESFJ can irritate others include:

talking too much

assuming they know the needs of others

avoiding conflict, and not giving criticism when it is needed

not paying attention to their own needs

not seeing the wood for the trees

being reluctant to try out new things or work towards new possibilities


(talking too much and not paying to my own needs!! (yes yes and yes!!) my mom always told me or others: If I don't talk I am either up to something or something's wrong. I am reluctant to try new things and I feel like I want to help everybody (I have heard I can't help everyone!)

My career I would love to do that's fitting for this type:

"Public Relations"

ESFjs have got very characteristic movements. When walking they often look like they are in a hurry. In fact, ESFjs always seem to be in a hurry. They are always going somewhere or visiting someone. They often seem to be overloaded with work that is not so urgent. They do not like to be criticised on this point and can sometimes take offence

ESFjs like to talk about people they know. They easily make new friends, because of their sociability and friendly approach.

(darn I lost the website)

well that's pretty much true to me!! :)

Thank you!!

Edited by BayouCityGirl
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They could have made that a much shorter test, by not asking the same questions over and over.

Carl Jung came up with this stuff... had some interesting things to say about it. Apparently the differences between extrovert and introvert are noticeable in babies, and never change during an entire life. The West is extroverted, the East introverted. This was the same guy who came up with the Archetypes, a student of Freud, a major influence on George Lucas, and the father of New Age spiritualism.

Check out the Jung Center on Montrose near the art museum.

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They could have made that a much shorter test, by not asking the same questions over and over.

Carl Jung came up with this stuff... had some interesting things to say about it. Apparently the differences between extrovert and introvert are noticeable in babies, and never change during an entire life. The West is extroverted, the East introverted. This was the same guy who came up with the Archetypes, a student of Freud, a major influence on George Lucas, and the father of New Age spiritualism.

Check out the Jung Center on Montrose near the art museum.

I got a kinda stupid question.. If the west was Extroverted and the East Introverted what does that make Central? (or what Houston would be classified as?)

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  • 7 months later...

INTJ. Finally, I've taken the time to complete this questionnaire.

Describes me quite well. I was surprised to see C.S.Lewis, my favorite author; William Bennett and William F. Buckley Jr., other men I admire, as INTJs. Perhaps I see myself in things that they have written.

Great topic Niche. Are you surprised that the largest percentage of HAIF members are INTJ?

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I'd forgotton totally about this poll. A thanks to whomever bumped it.

We now have a significant enough sample size, and this is how it plays out:


Surveys of the general population are shown on the left, and the results of this poll (to date) are shown on the right. At the far right, I have divided the percentage of the HAIFing population that fall into each category by the respective percentage of the general population that were in that category. This is the most important indicator, as any number greater than one means that there are a disproportionate share of HAIFers that have that trait while any number less than one indicates that disproportionately few HAIFers have the trait.

I should caution that when I say "surveys of the general population", that should technically be read to mean "surveys of those that take surveys".

What surprised me immensely was just how many INTJs we've got, 7.44 times as many as we should if we were like the general population. I am technically a cross-type, an IXTJ, where the N/S was in dispute, but I consider myself very much leaning toward the N, so that is how I answered. Apparently, INTJs and anyone at all similar to an INTJ in temperment completely dominated the statistics. I expected a disproportionate number of us, but damn...that's a lot. Keirsey estimates that INTJs actually comprise less than one percent of the population, even though they seem to like taking surveys such that they can be attributed to 2.4% of the 'general population' on my spreadsheet. This could mean that HAIFers are even more unlike the true general population than the statistics suggest.

Perhaps amazon.com needs to buy some advertising and sell copies of Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead on HAIF. It'd seem like a perfect fit.

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