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Everyone I know calls the galleria area "Uptown". I've heard ppl say:

Person says, "Yeah I work in the gallera"

Me, "Oh yeah that's right they DO have a visible changes in there"

Person, "No I mean in the galleria area"

Me, "Oh you mean UPTOWN"

Person, "Huh? Downtown?"

Me, "No... I mean UPTOWN"

Person, "I'm lost lol. Well whatever. All I know is that from my house in Katy I take I-10 or get on the westpark tollway"

Me, "Get out of my office."

So not everyone you know calls the Galleria area Uptown. For example, Person does not call it Uptown, but you do. I call it "the Galleria area".

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Oh and by looking at the map on the site, it should really be called South East Downtown...

So not everyone you know calls the Galleria area Uptown. For example, Person does not call it Uptown, but you do. I call it "the Galleria area".

I hardly know this person. It was an example of various conversations I've had throughout the years I've been in Houston. And you're right. Not EVERYONE I know calls it that. Just 99.97% of them.

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Everyone I know calls the galleria area "Uptown". I've heard ppl say:

Person says, "Yeah I work in the gallera"

Me, "Oh yeah that's right they DO have a visible changes in there"

Person, "No I mean in the galleria area"

Me, "Oh you mean UPTOWN"

Person, "Huh? Downtown?"

Me, "No... I mean UPTOWN"

Person, "I'm lost lol. Well whatever. All I know is that from my house in Katy I take I-10 or get on the westpark tollway"

Me, "Get out of my office."

Did the person actually say "lol"? I would have made someone get out of my office for that crime against the English language alone.

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Did the person actually say "lol"? I would have made someone get out of my office for that crime against the English language alone.

No they didnt. It was more like a nervous laff. Because she was about to mention she lives in katy. Dont worry... EaDonians/EaDonites will laff the same way soon.

Edited by LTAWACS
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No they didnt. It was more like a nervous laff. Because she was about to mention she lives in katy. Dont worry... EaDonians/EaDonites will laff the same way soon.

This is how the conversation will go:

Person#1: I live on Live Oak.

Person#2: Where is that?

Person #1: "Eado"

Person #2: Oh, you mean the East End.

Person#1: dry.gif

Edited by CHiPs
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This is how the conversation will go:

Person#1: I live on Live Oak.

Person#2: Where is that?

Person #1: "Eado"

Person #2: Oh, you mean the East End.

Person#1: dry.gif

Let's call it Eatopia and be done with it.

Just thinkin'... that would be a good name for a restaurant.

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By the way, Yelp is throwing gasoline on the fire by throwing an EaDopalooza later this month http://www.yelp.com/events/houston-yelp-presents-eado-palooza

Heh. Scene-chasers on YELP tend to have the attention span of a gnat, so the fire will burn out quickly.

I'll continue to do my part to support the greater East End by hitting the sweet spot this week (aka the Dowling/Leeland intersection) for a Sparkle burger, and an after dinner treat from the Royal Crown liquor store.

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I'll continue to do my part to support the greater East End by hitting the sweet spot this week (aka the Dowling/Leeland intersection) for a Sparkle burger, and an after dinner treat from the Royal Crown liquor store.

I thought you quit drinking Night Train... ?

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Heh. Scene-chasers on YELP tend to have the attention span of a gnat, so the fire will burn out quickly.

I'll continue to do my part to support the greater East End by hitting the sweet spot this week (aka the Dowling/Leeland intersection) for a Sparkle burger, and an after dinner treat from the Royal Crown liquor store.

Whatever you do, don't do the double. It's an insurmountable challenge that even if you beat it, you still lose.

What kind of food would they have? Like taco truck food?

With a name like Eatopia, you know it's going to give you heartburn.

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I don't know what all the fuss is about with EaDo... over half of the city still has no earthly idea where EastWOOD is, so it's not like they're going to find Eado anytime soon.

Houston east of I-45 doesn't exist... unless it's near the airport.

Wrong. 96.7% of the locals dont know where DOWNTOWN is. Ugh.

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I don't know what all the fuss is about with EaDo... over half of the city still has no earthly idea where EastWOOD is, so it's not like they're going to find Eado anytime soon.

I'm waiting for the inevitable ad campaign featuring Boz Scaggs singing the "EaDo Shuffle".

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I don't know what all the fuss is about with EaDo... over half of the city still has no earthly idea where EastWOOD is, so it's not like they're going to find Eado anytime soon.

Houston east of I-45 doesn't exist... unless it's near the airport.

"Here Be Dragons" would be a neat neighborhood name.

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  • 2 months later...

Exciting times this weekend, Saturday I get home from some grocery shopping and plop down in front of my TV (blazing saddles was on) and I hear a loud bang and my house rattles. So I turn off the TV and go onto my front porch and do a cautious visual inspection of my exterior. Nothing out of place, no one visible. So I plop back down in front of the TV and turn it back on, but have the sound real low, just in case.

Sure enough a minute or two later, glass breaks. I am quicky mcgee on the phone to 911 and stand by the front door ready to flee if need be. as I am finishing up my conversation with 911 two late teens kids are moving through my kitchen. I yell at them (while still on the phone with dispatcher) to leave my F---ing house. One of them looks at me with a deer in the headlights expression for a moment then they bolt the same way they entered.

About 20 seconds later I hear sirens, and about 10 seconds later the police are pulling up in front of my house.

within 1 minute 2 other cruisers showed up and did some searching for these kids, but didn't find anything.

More than anything I wanted to alert everyone that something happened, and see if anyone else had any recent happen to them either.

The descriptions of the kids aren't that great, and could describe a large chunk of the population, but I'll give it regardless.

two kids, both similar in build and hair style.

5'8" - 5'10"


late teens possibly early 20s


very short cut hair

clean shaved

upon further inspection of the exterior of my house, they looked in through the kitchen window (they stood on and broke a junction box off the exterior) and probably saw a 30 year old RCA tv I had sitting in my spare room, cause they didn't even look from the kitchen into the rest of the house, they went straight for that room.

needless to say, I am currently in the market for an alarm, and I was planning on getting a dog as a companion in the next 6 months to a year, which I will now speed that process up. as far as the dog goes, I had already pretty well set myself on a norwegian elkhound based on their traits, and now I'm sure of that selection (they are very territorial and will bark menacingly at anything weird going on around the house, in addition to the other traits I liked).

I'm a bit confused on the security system though and reading online references and reviews isn't of much help. does anyone (either in the area, or other areas) have first hand experiences they are willing to pass along? response times, customer service after the sale, cost, quality, etc.

also, my fiance wants me to put up a fence, are there any reputable installers? what options do I have in this realm?

stay safe, and thanks to all for any input!

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The dog is a good choice. While the elkhound looks sufficiently mean, any dog with a good stern bark is acceptable. My boxer looks and sounds sufficiently mean. Luckily, few people know that he is really just a puss. Burglars tend to have a healthy respect for dogs, as they are apparently afraid of being bitten. A fence is useful and needed to go with the dog. My dogs spend much of the day barking at passersby at the front gate. Mostly, they are barking at other dogs, but if someone gets close to the fence, the bark changes to a much more menacing and insistent bark, causing me to go look outside.

I believe that monitored alarm systems are a ripoff, but to each his own. Burglars tend to know that when an alarm goes off, they have 10 to 15 minutes before the police arrive. Like car alarms, because so many people set their alarms off inadvertantly, they lose their effectiveness. If you really want an alarm, a local alarm with a loud localized siren on the outside of the house would seem to be more effective at getting neighbors to look outside, and burglars to leave quickly. Silent alrms strike me as useless. I cannot ever recall hearing of the police catching a burglar in the act due to a monitored alarm. I can think of much better uses for $300-500 per year, such as motion sensitive lighting.

Some may suggest cameras. Remember that cameras do not catch anyone. However, if a suspect is found in another house, a good quality picture or video can help identify the burglar in your house. Neighborhood police may also recognize the guy if he has been active for awhile.

Finally, simply parking a car in your driveway can be a good deterrent. Burglars do not like occupied homes, as your thugs showed. A home that appears occupied is usually skipped for one that looks empty. However, since you had your television on, it sounds like your thugs may have been too stupid to notice.

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Glad you're ok. Perhaps you should consider a gun. That way you would be prepared to handle things if they decided they wanted your TV anyway.

I second that and recommend a 12GA shotgun. Load birdshot if your walls are thin and you've got people in the house. Otherwise, go with #1 buckshot. Don't use a choke. A bayonet could come in handy in close quarters.

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I second that and recommend a 12GA shotgun. Load birdshot if your walls are thin and you've got people in the house. Otherwise, go with #1 buckshot. Don't use a choke. A bayonet could come in handy in close quarters.

I like the machete for close quarters action.

As an added side benefit, if they pull out a knife of their own, you get to do a Crocdile Dundee impression: "Crikey! That's a wicked sheila!"*

*Note: I get easily confused when it comes to Australians. They all look alike to me.

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