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What most surprises me is just how popular the trails have suddenly become. I've been using this park for well over a decade and remember times where nobody else was visible on the trails. Now it feels like the running trail at Memorial Park, except with a mix of cyclists and runners doing a fitness circuit. Part of me misses the solitude and peace of the old park, as it feels like an outdoor gym now, only much prettier and with nicer trails.  


I haven't noticed this, but it's strange that they would ride golf carts on the paths. Given how busy the path is during peak times, I'd think they would ride bicycles or even Segways.

I'm in the exact same position, i moved to the area and started biking that area in 2003. I actually liked that it was rustic, there was not great path for road bikes, and it wasn't crowded. But its hard to complain about how much they have done, creating an asset for the city.


For the security, I'm sure cost is a factor. Segways would be tough for that reason. Most rental security (i have come across) are way too lazy for bikes. though i like both of those ideas.

I've seen HPD on horses in the areas closer to downtown on occasion. but that's different of course.

The ones i saw would just stop when I was coming to make sure I can avoid them, and they were on the edge of the path - so they were as courteous as possible. But they did take up most of the path and cause traffic jams a few times.

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Here are two images that I took today with Ipad sorry for quality.

I'm sorry but I looked and couldn't find the thread for the coffee bldg. at Allens Landing but this is from today. I didn't realize they were going to strip it completely to the floors.


The second is a somewhat discouraging looking Welcome to Houston entry right on the bayou coming in from I-10.

To me this is one ugly uninviting welcome matt. I think the city needs to have a competition and create a new more inviting welcome . Since this is right in front of the bayou which runs below. post-7092-0-92860000-1400704191_thumb.jppost-7092-0-88868400-1400704163_thumb.jp




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It cut off the rest of my message, but what I was suggesting is some kind of tall water feature shooting up out of the bayou that would be lit and have different heights and shapes of water. Whatever i think we ought to at least get rid of the ugly wall.

Besides you cant even read the Welcome To Houston on top and it just looks weak.

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Here are two images that I took today with Ipad sorry for quality.

I'm sorry but I looked and couldn't find the thread for the coffee bldg. at Allens Landing but this is from today. I didn't realize they were going to strip it completely to the floors.


The second is a somewhat discouraging looking Welcome to Houston entry right on the bayou coming in from I-10.

To me this is one ugly uninviting welcome matt. I think the city needs to have a competition and create a new more inviting welcome . Since this is right in front of the bayou which runs below. [attachment=4926:stripped coffee bldg..I think there should be some kind of very tall water feature i.e. a fountain or something that is a little more creative than a concrete window wall. It is just down right ugly.


attachicon.gifstripped coffee bldg..JPGattachicon.gifstripped coffee bldg..JPGattachicon.gifwelcome Houston.JPG



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Here are two images that I took today with Ipad sorry for quality.

I'm sorry but I looked and couldn't find the thread for the coffee bldg. at Allens Landing but this is from today. I didn't realize they were going to strip it completely to the floors.


The second is a somewhat discouraging looking Welcome to Houston entry right on the bayou coming in from I-10.

To me this is one ugly uninviting welcome matt. I think the city needs to have a competition and create a new more inviting welcome . Since this is right in front of the bayou which runs below. [attachment=4926:stripped coffee bldg..I think there should be some kind of very tall water feature i.e. a fountain or something that is a little more creative than a concrete window wall. It is just down right ugly.


attachicon.gifstripped coffee bldg..JPGattachicon.gifstripped coffee bldg..JPGattachicon.gifwelcome Houston.JPG


Yeah, I would agree that the "Welcome to Houston" sign hasn't aged well.  Time for a new idea.

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Here are two images that I took today with Ipad sorry for quality.

I'm sorry but I looked and couldn't find the thread for the coffee bldg. at Allens Landing but this is from today. I didn't realize they were going to strip it completely to the floors.


The second is a somewhat discouraging looking Welcome to Houston entry right on the bayou coming in from I-10.

To me this is one ugly uninviting welcome matt. I think the city needs to have a competition and create a new more inviting welcome . Since this is right in front of the bayou which runs below. [attachment=4926:stripped coffee bldg..I think there should be some kind of very tall water feature i.e. a fountain or something that is a little more creative than a concrete window wall. It is just down right ugly.


attachicon.gifstripped coffee bldg..JPGattachicon.gifstripped coffee bldg..JPGattachicon.gifwelcome Houston.JPG

There are letters on the sign in the last pic?!

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The sign says welcome to Houston, but its almost impossible to read. It looks like part of the bridge superstructure, Like a last second thought.

I think they ought to take it down and rethink the entry to the city. At least the entry at Bush is colorful and I think pretty nice.Especially at night when lit. I know in the larger realm of things this isn't very high on the list but come on we can do better than this.

I vote for some kind of water feature like the artist Olafur Eliasson created in the Hudson River or something along those lines. Something that brings attention to the bayou downtown to link the city to the bayou. Not only would it be attractive but it would generate more interest in people coming down and touring this urban stretch of the bayou on over to Allens Landing.

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The sign says welcome to Houston, but its almost impossible to read. It looks like part of the bridge superstructure, Like a last second thought.

I think they ought to take it down and rethink the entry to the city. At least the entry at Bush is colorful and I think pretty nice.Especially at night when lit. I know in the larger realm of things this isn't very high on the list but come on we can do better than this.

I vote for some kind of water feature like the artist Olafur Eliasson created in the Hudson River or something along those lines. Something that brings attention to the bayou downtown to link the city to the bayou. Not only would it be attractive but it would generate more interest in people coming down and touring this urban stretch of the bayou on over to Allens Landing.

There is no official entrance to Downtown, other than this weathered concrete structure. I think most of the people exiting off I-10/45 HOV that see this sign are commuters. It's a ugly intersection as the roads completely cover/block out the sun on the Bayou. Things might change when we see more people living Downtown.

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Rent-a-fence for FPSF was being put up yesterday, just east of the Fed (same entrance as always). They were building a huge stage in front of that new structure, i'll post pics later.

also saw 100+ planters with plants and small trees just east of the tolerance sculptures that should be going in. Dog park is moving along nicely as well, they have put in a few structures there.

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2014-07-19 15.30.55 by marclongoria, on Flickr



2014-07-19 15.30.49 by marclongoria, on Flickr



2014-07-19 15.31.27 by marclongoria, on Flickr


New parking lot over the existing spots


2014-07-19 15.31.57 by marclongoria, on Flickr



2014-07-19 15.32.43 by marclongoria, on Flickr



2014-07-19 15.33.04 by marclongoria, on Flickr

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We absolutely need some who has a good dusk/night vision camera to take photos of this area. I know urbannizer has to know someone on Flickr that has some.  :P


Again, I know these are terrible dusk photos but it gives you somewhat of an idea on how much it is changed. You can now walk this anytime of the night.



2014-07-24 20.43.46 by marclongoria, on Flickr



2014-07-24 20.36.20 by marclongoria, on Flickr



2014-07-24 20.40.34 by marclongoria, on Flickr



2014-07-24 20.40.27 by marclongoria, on Flickr



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Very nice.


Once upon a time that was most assuredly not a good place for an evening stroll.  I'm pretty thick skinned about places others might think are sketchy, but the Bayou at night was too skeevy even for me unless there was some sort of event going on.

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Someone, someday will have to explain to me just how the "moon phase" lighting effect is supposed to work.  Does the lighting change with the changing phases of the moon?  If so, how?  Or, does the white and blue light effects represent the light and dark sides of the moon?  I just can't figure it out. 

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The white primary lights on the poles are always on at night.  Depending on the phase of the moon, a decorational blue light on the top of the poles may also light up.  Where the path goes under Memorial just west of the bend in the bayou, the lighting attached to the bridge is either white or blue depending on the moon phase.

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Someone, someday will have to explain to me just how the "moon phase" lighting effect is supposed to work. Does the lighting change with the changing phases of the moon? If so, how? Or, does the white and blue light effects represent the light and dark sides of the moon? I just can't figure it out. [/qiuote]


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