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Parkside Residences: Multifamily High-Rise At 808 Crawford St.


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The first picture shows a linear park (across from the new convention center garage/hotel) all the way to Minute Maid.  Any chance that could actually happen?  That would be another great addition to the area...


I think the answer is "No."  The block closest to Minute Maid is slated to be a parking garage (with possibly some mixed-use elements and ground-floor retail) to be jointly developed by Houston First and Annunciation Church/Incarnate Word Academy.

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The first picture shows a linear park (across from the new convention center garage/hotel) all the way to Minute Maid. Any chance that could actually happen? That would be another great addition to the area...

Isn't the northern half going to become a parking garage for the church/school? And the southern green block is the one the city was trying to market as a great site for mixed use. So no, I doubt it would happen. Not sure I would want such prime property that's straddled on both sides by new light rail lines to be turned into green space anyways..

I still say take out a lane of traffic on Crawford from Toyota Center to MMP and convert that and the sidewalk along that side into a wide visually appealing green way pedestrian walkway with vegetation, shade, a few seating areas, ect..

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Edit: Earlier comment deleted.





Anyway, to expand upon my thought from the previous page, it appears this has not lost floor count. Most likely still 40 stories.

Edited by Triton
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I'm really looking forward to this area being "done" for the currently under construction/proposed stuff.  The highrise density feel that stopped at Hess will extend nearly all the way to MMP depending on the route that you take. If the Le Meridien goes too, you'll have another net plus with blight being removed.


Not holding out any hope for 6HC at the moment, but that would be something of a finisher for what was, 10 years go, an extremely sketchy art of DT.

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lol why does it matter if there's a skybridge or not? People from both buildings have legs...they can walk down a floor or two and cross the street...

Because that one connection would tie the GRB to the rest of the tunnel system. Conventioners who are staying say, at the Hyatt, would be able to take the tunnels all the way to the GRB when it was pouring buckets outside or, failing that, when it was "too humid" for their northern blood.

That connection has almost nothing to do, IMO, with people "crossing the street" and everything to do with connecting the GRB to the tunnel system for conventioners. That fact is marketable by Houston First as they are attempting to gain more conventions.

Edited by UtterlyUrban
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Idk, the way I see it, Houston is trying to build a "legitimate" downtown, and without starting an another tunnel argument, the one way you do that is by getting people onto the streets, not underground. The tunnels are cool, don't get me wrong, but that's all they should be; a novelty. 


Houstonians need to get use to walking; a lot of us could really use it.

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Idk, the way I see it, Houston is trying to build a "legitimate" downtown, and without starting an another tunnel argument, the one way you do that is by getting people onto the streets, not underground. The tunnels are cool, don't get me wrong, but that's all they should be; a novelty.

Houstonians need to get use to walking; a lot of us could really use it.

Issues of tunnels or street aside, I do believe that you are missing the point of this particular connection. It is not really FOR houstonians. It is FOR folks from out of town. And, frankly, I think that Houston First will have a big marketing opportunity to gain more conventions if they could connect the GRB to the tunnels. And this connection is likely the last remaining "easy" way to do it.

Personally, I live and work downtown. I like the tunnels. I like the streets. I like the optionality that the tunnels give me as a downtown resident.

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I know, I get puzzled when so many people say "it's too hot, too humid ... no one could possible survive the horrible experience of sweating a bit".  As if no one walks during the summer months in New Orleans, or any time of the year in places like Singapore or Jakarta or Acapulco.  How do people survive there?  ;-)

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Issues of tunnels or street aside, I do believe that you are missing the point of this particular connection. It is not really FOR houstonians. It is FOR folks from out of town. And, frankly, I think that Houston First will have a big marketing opportunity to gain more conventions if they could connect the GRB to the tunnels. And this connection is likely the last remaining "easy" way to do it.

Personally, I live and work downtown. I like the tunnels. I like the streets. I like the optionality that the tunnels give me as a downtown resident.

Yeah but, people out of town know how to walk to...walking isn't a Houston-exclusive. If they're here for business they'll be able to walk. I get your point, but if this is a condo/apartment, then it will be FOR Houstonians. 

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It is interesting to me that the new renderings have removed the sky bridge. Why?


Not sure what to make of it but notice that the sky bridge from Marriott Marquis to GRBCC is also missing and that's definitely happening.  



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I'm not sure I understand the importance of this "tunnel connection". The tunnels are more for locals.. Why would out of towners care to learn our somewhat confusing tunnel system when they could take the LIGHT RAIL? And with the addition of the newest hotel on top of the office, Houston First will have 3 hotels directly connected to the GRB. Presumably a 4th hotel would come/be directly connected as part of the 4 block southern expansion. All they ever really wanted were the 4 hotels connected afaik.

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I'm not sure I understand the importance of this "tunnel connection". The tunnels are more for locals.. Why would out of towners care to learn our somewhat confusing tunnel system when they could take the LIGHT RAIL? And with the addition of the newest hotel on top of the office, Houston First will have 3 hotels directly connected to the GRB. Presumably a 4th hotel would come/be directly connected as part of the 4 block southern expansion. All they ever really wanted were the 4 hotels connected afaik.

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I'm not sure I understand the importance of this "tunnel connection". The tunnels are more for locals.. Why would out of towners care to learn our somewhat confusing tunnel system when they could take the LIGHT RAIL? And with the addition of the newest hotel on top of the office, Houston First will have 3 hotels directly connected to the GRB. Presumably a 4th hotel would come/be directly connected as part of the 4 block southern expansion. All they ever really wanted were the 4 hotels connected afaik.

This is a matter, IMO, of marketing the convention center to out of town planners and conventioners.

"Out GRB center has multiple connectivity options: walk, rail, sky ridges and tunnels........" It is one reason why they added a skybridge from the Hilton to the GRB and are doing it again with the Marriott. Conventioners could walk across the street, right? But the bridge is "better" for marketing.

The rail is a good option for some, especially is you are staying at the new JW (which is also tunnel connected BTW and is attracting a lot of my out of town co-workers rather than the Hilton which is not.... They don't want to have to deal with the vagrancy of weather).

But there isn't an easy rail connection for the Hyatt, etc over in the financial district. There, it's the tunnels as an option and with this bridge, they can make it all the way to the GRB. Yes, they will walk twice as far and take 400 rights and lefts. Doesn't matter. It's an option and a good marketing tool.

I know a lot of out of towners (business travelers) who stay at the 4 Seasons and loath having to stay at the Embasy or Hilton. Why? It has zero to do with the hotel and everything to do with "having to walk outside, dripping sweat or poured on" to the office. Some dislike the heat or rain so much that they either take a cab 5 blocks or they use the hotel shuttle. So much for a "walkable" city, right? Seems like many business folks prefer a tunnel connected hotel over one that isn't.

Edited by UtterlyUrban
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Gerbil tubes predominate on that end of downtown, particularly from San Jacinto on east - which is a good thing for visitors, since it's easier to keep one's bearings in them.  Connecting up the convention center hotels to the Park Shops and ultimately, somehow, Green Street seems like it would be helpful for all concerned.  And yes, I know that people walk the streets in NOLA and Oslo, but I don't remember hearing a whole lot of tunnel complaints other than getting lost in them from noobs and (***Nancy Grace voice***) "Whut about the street life" from Urban Design Types - both of which can be helped out by the sort of thing that the Capitol Tower renders show.

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This is a matter, IMO, of marketing the convention center to out of town planners and conventioners.

"Out GRB center has multiple connectivity options: walk, rail, sky ridges and tunnels........" It is one reason why they added a skybridge from the Hilton to the GRB and are doing it again with the Marriott. Conventioners could walk across the street, right? But the bridge is "better" for marketing.

The rail is a good option for some, especially is you are staying at the new JW (which is also tunnel connected BTW and is attracting a lot of my out of town co-workers rather than the Hilton which is not.... They don't want to have to deal with the vagrancy of weather).

But there isn't an easy rail connection for the Hyatt, etc over in the financial district. There, it's the tunnels as an option and with this bridge, they can make it all the way to the GRB. Yes, they will walk twice as far and take 400 rights and lefts. Doesn't matter. It's an option and a good marketing tool.

I know a lot of out of towners (business travelers) who stay at the 4 Seasons and loath having to stay at the Embasy or Hilton. Why? It has zero to do with the hotel and everything to do with "having to walk outside, dripping sweat or poured on" to the office. Some dislike the heat or rain so much that they either take a cab 5 blocks or they use the hotel shuttle. So much for a "walkable" city, right? Seems like many business folks prefer a tunnel connected hotel over one that isn't.

i still dont get why its so important for conventioneers..

is the Hyatt even considered a "convention hotel" sponsored through Houston First or whatever?

no offense but it just doesnt sound like a very beneficial marketing tool for conventioneers. there are literally thousands of rooms about to be directly connected to the GRB. why would they choose to stay at the Hyatt??

youre getting off on a different tangent here now.. are we talking business travelers going to offices in the skyline district, or are we talking conventioneers who will theoretically already be staying in the convention district?

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Lol how the hell do you market a sky bridge? Has there ever been marketing for that?

This is a residential tower filled with residents of Houston who I'm sure will have no trouble walking outside, just like the millions of New Yorkers do without their sky bridges, and it seems to be working out pretty fine over there

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I love the tunnels but walking a block or two to access them isn't going to kill anyone. Well I hope not.

The original plan for this area did show the area connected by skybridges, people movers, the works. But that plan is 40 plus years old. I think houston is going in a new direction.


Cool, but I'm sure that would be super costly and complicated to implement and maintain today especially since the area is no longer uniformly the houston center.

Anyway, back to this building, I think the renders are super sexy. Awesome complement for the MM, both sexy

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I know, I get puzzled when so many people say "it's too hot, too humid ... no one could possible survive the horrible experience of sweating a bit".  As if no one walks during the summer months in New Orleans, or any time of the year in places like Singapore or Jakarta or Acapulco.  How do people survive there?  ;-)


Or Orlando, the number 3 convention city in the US.

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Having been to conventions in other cities with skybridge/tunnel systems for conferences (Atlanta), I probably only knew about the tunnel system or the skybridges because they connected to the hotel I was in.  Of course this was all before Google Maps telling us what lay outside the convention center bubble

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11. Untitled: 40-story, 314-unit building with 12-story garage podium being developed by Dallas-based Trammell Crow Co. Construction should start in the second quarter.


Read that article earlier. I think most of that info is simply from the development map. Biz Journals sometimes just rehashes material from other sites like the Houston Chron.

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