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Midtown On The Rail: Multifamily At 2310 Main St.


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  • 1 month later...

you know - this is one of the cooler art deco designs we are seeing... other midtown/ inner loop apartment buildings (in my mind) are falling into the cheap - modern inspired - construction category.


This one however meets the eye test. Hope the brick work and art deco features do not disappoint!

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It is really good to see these projects going up in the rougher areas of Midtown and the average height seems to be increasing as well.


Completely agree. It will be interesting to see any projects that pop up next to Greyhound.


...Many people on this forum that don't live near the city would be shocked by the amount of growth occurring on the very western edge of Third Ward. There is townhome after townhome being built. I'll be sure to take pictures of it when I drive through there next time.

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It is really good to see these projects going up in the rougher areas of Midtown and the average height seems to be increasing as well.

My dad used to work on W Dallas up until a few years ago. I remember we saw a young whitel girl running at night right before he retired and he said a few years before that you never would have seen that and thought she was crazy.

95% of the people that now live there probably have no clue what these areas around downtown used to be like as far as crime and drugs.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 2 weeks later...

I can always count on Larry to provide a great distraction while I procrastinate my school work. 

Also to stay on topic, this is going up pretty quick. Any ideas what's gonna happen with that beautiful piece of land a few blocks up, as per Larry's pics?

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Hmm while Randall Davis buildings do come off a bit tacky for some reason I actually like this one. It has a nice blend of Art Deco and Art Moderne. I'll admit that I'm a huge sucker for Art Deco and while recently some Art Deco projects have felt a little forced in how they were implemented. I would love to see a revival of Art Deco in general. Maybe a Neo-Deco. I just think that the aesthetic fits with Houston so well. 

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