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Hanover Southampton: Multifamily At 5122 Morningside Dr.

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I would like to see much of the Rice Village Area redeveloped like this. nice sidewalks, sidewalk cafes, store fronts and people walikg around. I think much of Rice Village can be upgraded by redoing the streets in a complete streets way and change all parking to parallel and parking garagres.

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That would be a great thing to do. They could build a Discovery Green type park above a parking area so they could

kill two birds with one stone. This area has so much potential. They need a really good master plan to correct some of those problems you allude to. 

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

One and a half floors?

I thought it was going to be 12 floors. If you just count the actual living floors I think they are just now adding the 10th floor floor.

I could be wrong but in the photo the first actual floor of living is where the yellow insulation starts. The ones below are the garage, I thought.

I could be wrong. I'll check with the person who sends me the photos.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

simply outstanding illustrations brijonmang!

Yup, Bobruss feeds me a lot of the images going up of buildings around town.  However, later today I will be uploading quite a few from a trip through downtown today.  


Bonus: I took the quad copter up from Discovery Green and have a video I'm going to upload.  Lots of construction sites appear in the video.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This building can clearly be seen from Rice University. I was surprised how "fat" this building is in the skyline.

Who you calling fat? :)

Actually, driving over out hills (I mean overpasses) I'm shocked at howany of these buildings are popping up over the trees. The Hines building on San Felipe is noticeable from the TCJESTER railroad overpass.

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