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Walmart Supercenter At 111 Yale St.


Walmart at Yale & I-10: For or Against  

160 members have voted

  1. 1. Q1: Regarding the proposed WalMart at Yale and I-10:

    • I live within a 3 mile radius (as the crow flies) and am FOR this Walmart
    • I live within a 3 mile radius (as the crow flies) and am AGAINST this Walmart
    • I live outside a 3 mile radius (as the crow flies) and am FOR this Walmart
    • I live outside a 3 mile radius (as the crow flies) and am AGAINST this Walmart
    • Undecided
  2. 2. Q2: If/when this proposed WalMart is built at Yale & I-10

    • I am FOR this WalMart and will shop at this WalMart
    • I am FOR this WalMart but will not shop at this WalMart
    • I am AGAINST this WalMart but will shop at this WalMart
    • I am AGAINST this WalMart and will not shop at this WalMart
    • Undecided
  3. 3. Q3: WalMart in general

    • I am Pro-Walmart
    • I am Anti-Walmart
    • I don't care either way
    • Undecided

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I'm curious, Leonard. Are you waxing hyperbolic about these 9 trees because you actually thought this section of Yale was attractive? Did you previously bounce along the potholed street, gaze lovingly at your trees and the Dirt Bar and think, "This is why I moved here. The dirt lot next to Dirt Bar, juxtaposed across from these 9 trees is probably the most beautiful spot in Houston." I kinda think you are only complaining about those trees because that's all you got left. You've lost every single argument related to this godforsaken stretch of street, so you're going to piss and moan and wax apoplexic about everything that happens. That is certainly your right. And you must know how much I enjoy picking apart your and s3mh's conspiracies. I just wonder why you subject yourself to it.

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JJxi - at least I found some trees you care less about than the 9 live oaks.

You are wrong. I actually care MORE about the scrub trees, because I would like them to be cut down, and would be mildly pleased if it happened.

Edited by JJxvi
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It's regrettable that some medium sized trees were removed from Yale. I have to admit I really had not noticed them. I had to pull them up on Goggle Street View.

It's sort of ironic. Ainbinder preserved a lot of trees and natural scape at the Montrose HEB. They built the store in a counterintuitive way - at the Alabama end of the lot, facing south. Having gone to the hearings for that project, I see the difference. With the HEB, the 'hood was engaged. With this project, the 'hood has been entrenched. The polarized views on this project have prevented real community involvement. That has empowered any negligence or malfeasance of which this project is accused. I am sad for those who so long to be right, but fail to see the neighborhood for the trees.

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RS, I disagree that I've lost every singe argument about this development and the 380. Even you think the developer should plant trees lining both sides of Yale. The issue is that they are not. The issue is that there will be 75% less tree caliper inches (over 150 caliper inches lost) on Yale and 6 fewer trees.

The Mayor pushed the 380 saying the development would be better, specifically in regard to sidewalks and trees. Clearly, Yale will be worse after the development as to trees.

JJxi - some of the scrub trees can probably be removed with out having to offset the caliper inches. Only certain species/sizes have to be offset.

Porchman - I wasn't aware that Ainbinder was involved in the Montrose HEB. It is interesting how different the 2 developments are, especially since HEB got no 380 money for that store.

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The Mayor pushed the 380 saying the development would be better, specifically in regard to sidewalks and trees. Clearly, Yale will be worse after the development as to trees.

Clearly. Right. Worse than the overgrown, blight lined sidewalk that had a afew decent live oaks. Give me a break. And quick using your recently learned term "tree caliper inches", just say diamater.

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They are removing a total of 19 trees from Yale. They are adding a total of 13 trees to Yale. Net loss: 6 trees. Net loss in tree caliper inches on Yale: 176.5.

The 12 extra caliper inches will not be on Yale, but on the Heights esplanade.

Not saying you're wrong, but how do you know how many trees they will plant along Yale?

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Leonard, do you plan on doing anything with this profound evidence of conspiracy that you have found? Do you plan to file a lawsuit to force the number of tree caliper inches to a constitutionally mandated level? Or do you intend to continue posting your caliper inches on this forum, which clearly has no authority to change anything, and whom the majority of posters either do not care, or are willing to see the finished product before complaining?

If we all acknowledge that you were right all along (I don't remember seeing you until the 380 was a done deal), will you then go complain about something else? I really don't get your point here. You haven't asked us to come protest with you. Parker's re-election is already over. The 380 was signed long ago. What is your point? You already read SilverJK's post. Most of us believe that even a treeless Yale is an improvement over what was there previously.

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H19514 I don't have a link.

RS -This forum is about the Heights Walmart - I'm just trying to share some information with those that are interested. I'm on topic.

I understand that you believe that everyone thinks as you and SilverJK do, that the 380 is worth Yale with less trees (both in number and caliper), even though one of the major points selling the 380 was sidewalks and trees.

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If we all acknowledge that you were right all along (I don't remember seeing you until the 380 was a done deal), will you then go complain about something else? I really don't get your point here. You haven't asked us to come protest with you. Parker's re-election is already over. The 380 was signed long ago. What is your point? You already read SilverJK's post. Most of us believe that even a treeless Yale is an improvement over what was there previously.

No matter what the point, at least Leonard keeps to topic and does not fall to one side or the other of the never ending pissing match....the guy also posts what appear to be facts (crazy around here, right)

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Well, if moping around here makes you feel better, go for it. It just seems to me that you should take your complaints where they might do some good, like to the City. Then you could come back here and brag about your success...and we would applaud your efforts. Instead, our only option is to poke fun at your crying over spilled milk. At least that's the way I see it. Posting here without doing anything about it is simply wasted effort. Even RUDH's misguided effort was an effort of some sort. But, once it was clear that Walmart was coming anyway, they resorted to moping and whining, instead of making lemonade.

Carry on. I enjoy the banter.

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Well, if moping around here makes you feel better, go for it. It just seems to me that you should take your complaints where they might do some good, like to the City. Then you could come back here and brag about your success...and we would applaud your efforts. Instead, our only option is to poke fun at your crying over spilled milk. At least that's the way I see it. Posting here without doing anything about it is simply wasted effort. Even RUDH's misguided effort was an effort of some sort. But, once it was clear that Walmart was coming anyway, they resorted to moping and whining, instead of making lemonade.

Carry on. I enjoy the banter.

Aren't you doing the exact same thing with the historic ordinance? Goose/gander?

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I was actively involved in the efforts to reject the historic ordinance for an entire year. In fact, that involvement is how I know that there was overwhelming opposition to the district. My current activities involve continuing neighborhood awareness, so that once Mayor Parker is out of office, these districts may be dissolved. Reminding neighbors of the hit to property values and the nuisance of getting permission to buy a new door accomplishes that goal.

Walmart, however, is under construction. It IS being built. That fight is forever lost. No amount of complaining will make the store go away. Unlike ordinances, which are only a council vote from disappearing, a Walmart stores remains until Walmart decides to move.

But, again, if Leonard, or you, wish to continue, I am happy to point out your misstatements.

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I would argue the fight isn't over until Walmart opens their doors

I was actively involved in the efforts to reject the historic ordinance for an entire year. In fact, that involvement is how I know that there was overwhelming opposition to the district. My current activities involve continuing neighborhood awareness, so that once Mayor Parker is out of office, these districts may be dissolved. Reminding neighbors of the hit to property values and the nuisance of getting permission to buy a new door accomplishes that goal.

Walmart, however, is under construction. It IS being built. That fight is forever lost. No amount of complaining will make the store go away. Unlike ordinances, which are only a council vote from disappearing, a Walmart stores remains until Walmart decides to move.

But, again, if Leonard, or you, wish to continue, I am happy to point out your misstatements.

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Huh? I haven't talked about trees. Please explain.

Red made a conditional statement, which is preceded by the word if.

If your fight is crying about tree size, then he's probably right but that statement may not apply to you. If you plan to make the Wal-Mart explode (a la King of the Hill, Season 2, Episode 23), then perhaps the fight is not over -- but all bets regarding tree size would be off, that's for sure.

Of course, we don't know what your fight is. You have made no credible or recent statements regarding your fight or an intent to fight. It's entirely possible that Red made a statement that wasn't directed at you.

Edited by TheNiche
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Wow, we're down to nitpicking grammar, huh? I figured his use of the word "your", followed by his quoting MY statement, indicated he was talking to me. But let's let him answer. Not sure why you jumped in, Niche. I wasn't talking to you. Still waiting on Red's response.

And yes, I would LOVE to hear you back up YOUR statement with facts. When have I made non-credible statements about "my fight"? Please provide evidence. You're so good at brushing off others when they don't back up statements with facts. So let's see them. When have I not been credible? (that's directed at you, Niche).

And, for the record, I said "I would argue THE fight isn't over". Not my fight. I never mentioned my fight. So why are you? I was taking issue with Red's logic (again, why am I arguing this with you? Regardless...). He said he fought the historic ordinance for a year. Which I respect. He then said "his current activities", suggesting he was still actively involved in raising awareness, and working towards his goal, even though the ordinance passed. Some would argue the fight was over once it passed. But he is continuing his work. He's still fighting. Good for him.

My point, which some clearly misunderstood, was that although the initial fight to prevent Walmart from entering the neighborhood is over (presumably they've signed a lease by now), there could still be ways to delay/prevent/obstruct the opening. I don't know of any. That doesn't mean there aren't any. Some people are actively looking into it. My point is that any efforts right now, that could prevent/delay the opening would still be considered a 'fight'. Once the doors open, the fight would be over. But until then, I don't see how the battle is lost. Much like how Red is continuing to fight, even though the ordinance passed.


Red made a conditional statement, which is preceded by the word if.

If your fight is crying about tree size, then he's probably right but that statement may not apply to you. If you plan to make the Wal-Mart explode (a la King of the Hill, Season 2, Episode 23), then perhaps the fight is not over -- but all bets regarding tree size would be off, that's for sure.

Of course, we don't know what your fight is. You have made no credible or recent statements regarding your fight or an intent to fight. It's entirely possible that Red made a statement that wasn't directed at you.

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I figured his use of the word "your", followed by his quoting MY statement, indicated he was talking to me.

Jesse, why do walk into a debate and immediately think the debate is all about you? Look a couple of posts above mine to find the answer about tree caliper inches.

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