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President Bush


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And how strange indeed, that the party of John Wayne and Arnold and Cowboys and assorted other tough guys is in a near panic to give up all of their civil liberties and rights that made this country unique in the world because they are so terrified of some guys living in a cave, while the wimpy libs say they'd rather die a free man than live a prisoner in his own country.

I said it after the London bombings, and I'll say it again here. If some 2-bit terrorist is going to blow me up, he better be damn lucky figuring out which cafe I'm in...cuz I'm not staying home worrying about it. All of you people falling for the Administrations' fear mongering are pawns. And all of you who use the "We have to do it to beat the terrorists" argument to justify every intrusion on our rights as Americans must know that as the rest of us read your panicked posts, we are thinking to ourselves, "what a bunch of p*ssies."

Which of your rights has been violated ? Name one right of yours that has been personally attacked. What aren't you guys getting right now ? You know he was within the law, but of course if you Libs keep telling yourselves enough times that it must be illegal, it starts to become true in your heads. Oh and Heights, the link I left specifically for the delusional like you was written by one of your own. No bunk there chief. I dare you to read it, cause I know you haven't. ;)

edit) Heights, I take back the delusional comment, I had forgotten that you already agreed that the Pres. acted within the law, you are wrong however, I do worry that another Pres. down the road might abuse a power as great as this, I don't want a Police state anymore than you do. In the same breath though, even if I were slated to be looked at, because of a "software glitch" I still would have nothing to worry about. I say software glitch, cause I don't think I would do anything to actually cause myself to be considered a threat, even by a Dem. Gov. Red, is correct in saying that alot of "right-wingers" do not find the current allegations threatening at all, what happens when you are proven wrong about these allegations Red, will you still be a mule and say, "I still think its illegal", or will you

say "ok, I was wrong."

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Red, is correct in saying that alot of "right-wingers" do not find the current allegations threatening at all, what happens when you are proven wrong about these allegations Red, will you still be a mule and say, "I still think its illegal", or will you

say "ok, I was wrong."

TJ, if it is shown that the prez is constitutionally authorized to conduct warrantless wiretaps, I would admit my incorrect analysis of the Constitution, especially in light of the fact that I am no Constitutional scholar, at least as it pertains to presidential powers. Would I still be concerned about this administration's use of the wiretaps? Absolutely. But, I'd admit my error. Make sure you tab this post for future use. :lol:

In all reality, the fine line involved in this issue, as evidenced by the slew of opinions I've seen just in the last couple of days, suggests to me that there may not be a clear cut answer to the question. One thing I've noticed is that presidential scholars and advisors (such as the Clinton advisor in your Chicago Trib opinion) seem to favor presidential authority, while Constitutional scholars and Congressional supporters seem to fall on the other side of the fence. Notice that I don't mention political affiliation, because those people's opinion is tainted. Next time you are listening to an opinion, look to see if that person's background is presidential or Congressional. It is pretty interesting.

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Red,you bet I'm gonna lock that one up my friend.

The part I find confusing with your take on this is that you are against taking steps to counter terrorist attacks, and feel we should just wait for it to happen, then deal with it. But in the same breath you want us to head Bush off at the pass and instead of waiting for him to actually do something illegal like, infringe on your rights.

I would wager you that the likelyhood of you getting spied on is about the same odds as you getting blown up in a terrorist attack. The problem is we don't have the figures on how many regular people have been spied on in the world, but I bet we can find out how many people in the world have been killed by terrorists. <_<

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No, I wouldn't. And who said I am against taking steps to counter terrorism? Why not use all the laws we have to fight crime and terror that ARE constitutional? Why not use the FISA court that is already in place? Why not demand that the government agents do their jobs? Why is everyone all for accountability until it comes to lazyassed police and federal agents? I had a 96% conviction rate when I was a prosecutor without ever using torture, coerced confessions or ANY wiretaps, much less warrantless ones. Do Republican led governments SUCK so bad that the only way they can get anything done is to do it illegally?

Read the 9/11 Commission report. It happened because the federal agents didn't share info with each other, they ignored suspects that were right under their noses, etc. Intelligence and cooperation between agencies and governments defeats terrorism, not wars and torture and illegal wiretaps. But our morons in charge piss off our allies, don't talk to each other, inflame the enemy by invading other countries, and WORST of all, they do the terrorists job for them by terrorizing American citizens by scaring them into giving up their rights. And Americans fall for it every day. It's disgusting!

I'm doing my part to defeat terrorists by emulating the Israelis, who stare it down every day without cowering. If a few more Americans would grow some balls and do the same, we might make some progress. But, I don't expect that to happen anytime soon.

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You didn't read that article did you, it was written by a Clinton bootlicker.


I tryed to access the article but the Trib is another site I have to sign up for-we just get too much spam from signing onto too many sites, soooooo, if you could cut and paste it or find another way to get it to me, I'll be glad to read it.

BTW, what is the bootlicker's name?


YIKES!!! I think I just opened page #4!!!

Do I get a prize?

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I tryed to access the article but the Trib is another site I have to sign up for-we just get too much spam from signing onto too many sites, soooooo, if you could cut and paste it or find another way to get it to me, I'll be glad to read it.

BTW, what is the bootlicker's name?


YIKES!!! I think I just opened page #4!!!

Do I get a prize?

you don't have to sign up for that site ? the link should take you directly to the story. Wait, I see the site changed on me,I will find a direct link to get us in there, sorry. :wacko:

Red, how many terrorists did you put away in that 96% ? The FISA didn't allow agencies to knock down the walls of bureacracy, The Patriot Act did. So now the info gets shared, The Patriot Act allows agencies to move faster on terror suspects than the outdated and antiquated FISA does, FISA didn't account for scenarios like 9/11. The steps allowed by the Patriot Act now afford Gov. agencies to have the ability to use any means necessary to head off any suspected plots or attacks within hours instead of days.

BTW, I am not knocking your 96% I am very very impressed, I knew you were a damn good lawyer. I' m glad you'll probably never have to prosecute me. :D

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nope, you have to register to have access

i am registered, though, so i'll leave a couple nice snippets:

Every president since FISA's passage has asserted that he retained inherent power to go beyond the act's terms. Under President Clinton, deputy Atty. Gen. Jamie Gorelick testified that "the Department of Justice believes, and the case law supports, that the president has inherent authority to conduct warrantless physical searches for foreign intelligence purposes."
Should we be afraid of this inherent presidential power? Of course. If surveillance is used only for the purpose of preventing another Sept. 11 type of attack or a similar threat, the harm of interfering with the privacy of people in this country is minimal and the benefit is immense. The danger is that surveillance will not be used solely for that narrow and extraordinary purpose.
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Thanks SEV !

John "jacob jingleheimer" Schmidt, nmain

"John Schmidt served under President Clinton from 1994 to 1997 as the associate attorney general of the United States. He is now a partner in the Chicago-based law firm of Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw."

TEE-HEE! I found my link, but you guys would never dare go to where I had to go to find it again. The dreaded Rush Limbaugh site. :o:o:o

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factchecks have caught up and rendered that story bunk.

Actually, I think the story still stands. I haven't seen anything refuting it. If you have, post a link to an authoritative source. The article was quite good and very informative. In fact, I'd be surprised if it was debunked by the time you wrote your message because it had only been published a few hours before.

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Welcome back, did you get that bag of switches Santa left for you ? :)


Santa is a capitalist vehicle tool of the elite money class to extort money from the permanant underclass

who have been trampled into submission by the heroin addicted baby-killing liberal and godless media commies. There IS no "Santa".

On the other hand, I got some really cool gifts and ate lots of great food in NYC! I even had my picture taken in front of the Fox News studios strangling myself! I'l try to post it!

Merry Christmas and don't impeach Bush. Cheney is satin.


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Santa is a capitalist vehicle tool of the elite money class to extort money from the permanant underclass

who have been trampled into submission by the heroin addicted baby-killing liberal and godless media commies. There IS no "Santa".

On the other hand, I got some really cool gifts and ate lots of great food in NYC! I even had my picture taken in front of the Fox News studios strangling myself! I'l try to post it!

Merry Christmas and don't impeach Bush. Cheney is satin.


:huh: You are right, Cheney is pretty smooth ! :lol:

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:huh: You are right, Cheney is pretty smooth ! :lol:

Allright, smart ass-you got me! :angry:


TEE-HEE! I found my link, but you guys would never dare go to where I had to go to find it again. The dreaded Rush Limbaugh site.

I don't blame you, I'd be embarrassed to quote from a mulit-divorced, family values, lying drug shoppers website too. :lol:


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How disturbing that no telephone nor internet providers will comment on their compliance with the current illegal governmental intrusions of the rights that make (made?) me proud to be an American.

I hear that the Earth's rotation is being recalculated, due to unforseen events; I assume part of it comes from the rotation of Our Founding Fathers in their collective graves. <_<

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Allright, smart ass-you got me! :angry:


I don't blame you, I'd be embarrassed to quote from a mulit-divorced, family values, lying drug shoppers website too. :lol:


I guess it would have been ok if I had gotten the link from that Kraut eating Arianna Huffington's site ? :blink:

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What a great month! The government is spying on American citizens, not even bothering to tell a SECRET court that never turns them down.

The nations telecom companies get in on the spying by helpfully routing our phone calls, so the government can spy on us better.

The House has now decided to follow the lead of upstanding nations such as the formmer USSR, by building a wall across the Mexican border. Conservatives rejoice, forgetting Ronald Reagan's most famous speech.

What's next? Renaming the country USSA...The United Soviet States of America?

Kind of has a nice ring to it, don't you think, comrade? I can hear the chants at the Olympics...U-S-S-A! U-S-S-A!

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What a great month! The government is spying on American citizens, not even bothering to tell a SECRET court that never turns them down.

The nations telecom companies get in on the spying by helpfully routing our phone calls, so the government can spy on us better.

The House has now decided to follow the lead of upstanding nations such as the formmer USSR, by building a wall across the Mexican border. Conservatives rejoice, forgetting Ronald Reagan's most famous speech.

What's next? Renaming the country USSA...The United Soviet States of America?

Kind of has a nice ring to it, don't you think, comrade? I can hear the chants at the Olympics...U-S-S-A! U-S-S-A!


You forgot The War on Christmas by the most un-christian people you could find. ie O'Reilly, Coulter, Hannity and the entire cast of News Corporation's Fox News division.

Yes, hypocrisy reigns supreme in the New Republican World Order! Sieg Heil!


OK-there, I've done it. I wonder how my post gets routed to the NSA? Anyone here know?

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