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President Biden

Highrise Tower

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5 minutes ago, Highrise Tower said:

I don't like to discuss politics on HAIF, but I wanted to create the official Biden Presidency thread.


Any policy changes you wish over the next 4-years? I'd like to see drug reform.



Prescription, opiod or marijuana reform?

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1 minute ago, Highrise Tower said:


All of the above, but I meant cannabis.


My ex-girlfriend was an alcoholic. She eventually drank herself to death. Marijuana is a lesser drug but it's illegal.


Sorry to hear that. It seems like cannabis is more of a state issue though and already on the way to legalization. As for opioids and prescription drugs, Biden got 3 times the donations from big pharma that Trump did so I'd bet there won't be any meaningful reform coming.

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49 minutes ago, august948 said:

It seems like cannabis is more of a state issue though and already on the way to legalization. 


It's a state issue until you have a Federal executive branch that decides they're no longer going to look the other way when it comes to enforcement. Not that I think there's even a remote chance of that coming to pass under a Biden presidency. What really needs to happen to catalyze legalization on a large scale is cannabis no longer being classified as a Schedule I narcotic by the DEA. 

Edited by mkultra25
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What do I want from a Biden presidency?

  • Repair the relationships with longtime allies that Trump did his best to destroy
  • Appoint competent people to the leadership positions of executive agencies, not incompetent buffoons looking to line their own pockets
  • Return to reasonable regulation instead of just wiping the regulations off the books without consideration of the negative externalities
  • Start the conversation on how to fund healthcare - we need to quit calling it insurance for a start
  • Whack AOC and her minions until they understand the Green New Deal goals can't be accomplished in 10 year, as that's technologically impossible, but start working on a viable plan to decrease emissions. Implementing a carbon tax would be a good start, and probably far more effective than cap and trade.
  • Whack Elizabeth Warren until she understands that taxing unrealized capital gains is one of the stupidest ideas ever
  • Repeal much of the Trump tax bill, leaving in the higher standard deductions, and index the standard deduction


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^^^ end to systemic racism

^^^ develop better means to feed our hungry and poor citizens

^^^ better employment opportunities for all

^^^ faster broadband for all

^^^ better youth and teen empowerment

^^^ much better healthcare for all...

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^^^ reverend raphael g. warnock - senior pastor ebenezer baptist church - atlanta, ga



^^^ jon ossoff - managing director, ceo of london based twi insight - atlanta, ga



^^^ it is absolutely imperative, that BOTH of these fine men from the state of georgia... be elected within each of their respective U.S. SENATE run-off elections this forthcoming january 2021.  should they not be elected, then you shall have to believe that MOSCOW MITCH will perform any and all... to LAME DUCK new president biden's legislative agendas forthcoming...

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  • 1 year later...
On 11/8/2020 at 12:51 PM, BeerNut said:


Lots of good ideas.  I'd also like...

  • Large spending on infrastructure.  There are bridges, dams, subways, etc around the country that are rated deficient.

Well that was quick.  Wish it would have been larger but yeah...

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  • 2 months later...

From Slate's article on the subject...


“Do you think inflation is a political liability in the midterms?” [Doocy to Biden, Jan. 24]

You can’t blame the president for finding this question annoying. Inflation is obviously a political liability for Biden and the Democrats ahead of the midterms, and everyone, including Peter Doocy, knows that Biden knows this. But asking questions to which you already know the answer isn’t necessarily a sign that the questioner is stupid. The question wasn’t designed to elicit useful information, it was designed to elicit a reaction, and at that goal it succeeded wildly. The fact that Biden took Doocy’s bait, and that the fallout subsequently consumed an entire news cycle, is evidence that the Fox reporter is canny, not that he is an idiot. RULING: Not a stupid question.

https://slate.com/business/2022/01/peter-doocy-joe-biden-stupid-son-delicate flower-fact-checked.html


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

One year in and the comparisons to Jimmy Carter are rolling in...


Even a member of his own party is doing a rebuttal to his state of the union address.  That may be a historic first.


I'm not even sure which vp you could compare Kamala Harris against.


The only question now is can Biden get anything at all done before he becomes a lame duck following the coming red tidal wave later this year?  Unless they can pull out of the current nosedive, Democrats have almost assured the next president will be whoever the Republicans nominate.  Could end up being three terms total for Trump if the Carter comparison holds.

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On 3/2/2022 at 12:10 AM, august948 said:

One year in and the comparisons to Jimmy Carter are rolling in...


Even a member of his own party is doing a rebuttal to his state of the union address.  That may be a historic first.


I'm not even sure which vp you could compare Kamala Harris against.


The only question now is can Biden get anything at all done before he becomes a lame duck following the coming red tidal wave later this year?  Unless they can pull out of the current nosedive, Democrats have almost assured the next president will be whoever the Republicans nominate.  Could end up being three terms total for Trump if the Carter comparison holds.

My wish is for Inflation to go down, but I’m not getting my hopes up


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Biden's the WORST President in America with foreign adversaries punking his WEAKLING timid expletive at every turn (see Putin invading Ukraine, Xi, Maduro, KJU & Co.,).


Safe to say he'll be the LAST Dem President we'll ever see in the White House for awhile.

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8 hours ago, Blue Dogs said:

Biden's the WORST President in America with foreign adversaries punking his WEAKLING timid expletive at every turn (see Putin invading Ukraine, Xi, Maduro, KJU & Co.,).


Safe to say he'll be the LAST Dem President we'll ever see in the White House for awhile.

Trump is a miserable human being with no redeeming qualities. Biden is an improvement.

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15 hours ago, Ross said:

Trump is a miserable human being with no redeeming qualities. Biden is an improvement.

Trump is miserable and Biden is senile, Trump is a nazi and Biden is a commie, blah, blah, blah.  What matters is policies and their effects, real or perceived, on voters lives.  Not many people are going to agree that Biden is an improvement when they're looking at inflation, defeat, and recession under his watch.  Still think Jimmy Carter is the best comparison here.  Three more years of this and people will be begging Trump to run.


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1 hour ago, august948 said:

Trump is miserable and Biden is senile, Trump is a nazi and Biden is a commie, blah, blah, blah.  What matters is policies and their effects, real or perceived, on voters lives.  Not many people are going to agree that Biden is an improvement when they're looking at inflation, defeat, and recession under his watch.  Still think Jimmy Carter is the best comparison here.  Three more years of this and people will be begging Trump to run.


I am better off than I was 4 years ago because the worthless piece of racist shit known as Trump isn't President. I never thought I would dislike a politician more than Hillary Clinton. I was wrong. If you look at policies, etc, there is nothing Trump could have done to change anything that's happening now. Trump is an authoritarian, ego driven idiot, who doesn't like to follow laws that stop him from doing whatever he wants, who thinks his gut is smarter than any expert, and who doesn't think through the effects of his actions. Sure, let's put tariffs on Chinese goods before we replace the supply chains built over the last 30 years. Sure, let's piss off our long term allies for no real reason.

As for Ukraine, Trump would be cheering the Russians as they invade. He's not a fan of democracy.

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15 minutes ago, Ross said:

I am better off than I was 4 years ago because the worthless piece of racist shit known as Trump isn't President. I never thought I would dislike a politician more than Hillary Clinton. I was wrong. If you look at policies, etc, there is nothing Trump could have done to change anything that's happening now. Trump is an authoritarian, ego driven idiot, who doesn't like to follow laws that stop him from doing whatever he wants, who thinks his gut is smarter than any expert, and who doesn't think through the effects of his actions. Sure, let's put tariffs on Chinese goods before we replace the supply chains built over the last 30 years. Sure, let's piss off our long term allies for no real reason.

As for Ukraine, Trump would be cheering the Russians as they invade. He's not a fan of democracy.

You might be, but many, many will not be when election time comes.  As you missed above, energy independence was one of Trump's policies. For us and for Europe (see Nord Stream 2).  Biden has very publicly turned his back on that.  Now we're paying for his ineptitude and pandering to the left.  He's having to go hat in hand to Venezuela and to the Saudi's (who aren't taking his phone calls) to beg for more oil.  What an idiot.  Trump also highlighted that our nato allies weren't putting up the amounts they were obligated to towards their own defense.  Surprise, surprise, now they've suddenly seen the light.  And we need not mention that just having him in office lowered illegal crossings at the border and thus, not surprisingly, raised wages and employment for unskilled, mostly minority, labor in this country.

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21 minutes ago, august948 said:

You might be, but many, many will not be when election time comes.  As you missed above, energy independence was one of Trump's policies. For us and for Europe (see Nord Stream 2).  Biden has very publicly turned his back on that.  Now we're paying for his ineptitude and pandering to the left.  He's having to go hat in hand to Venezuela and to the Saudi's (who aren't taking his phone calls) to beg for more oil.  What an idiot.  Trump also highlighted that our nato allies weren't putting up the amounts they were obligated to towards their own defense.  Surprise, surprise, now they've suddenly seen the light.  And we need not mention that just having him in office lowered illegal crossings at the border and thus, not surprisingly, raised wages and employment for unskilled, mostly minority, labor in this country.

Not gonna get into the politics, but this did not happen in Houston. A lot of those people work in the oil industry by the port here in Houston as welders or tool makers or movers or general support at the port and for barges. When oil went down it cost people their jobs, and early to mid 2019 a lot of those people were let go, including some family members. Finding a job that paid what they made when doing their old job was mostly impossible. I'm talking like 18-21 dollars an hour. Then everyone wanted my fam, and their friends, to be handymen for apartments or office buildings but the pay was much lower, 12-14 dollars an hour, and most were part-time, so like 25-30 hours, but wanted them on-call like they were working 50-60 . Their old port jobs just fully came back like 7-8 months ago. 

Some people want to blame unemployment being robust for people staying at home, and quitting during the pandemic. But alot of the people you talked about lost their job here in Houston as late as August/September 2019 and those jobs just did not come back til oil rebounded. Its not in my wheelhouse, but I did help a lot of people appeal TWC decisions during the pandemic and was genuinely surprised by the amount of people who lost their jobs in mid 2019 and they never recovered. 

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55 minutes ago, X.R. said:

Not gonna get into the politics, but this did not happen in Houston. A lot of those people work in the oil industry by the port here in Houston as welders or tool makers or movers or general support at the port and for barges. When oil went down it cost people their jobs, and early to mid 2019 a lot of those people were let go, including some family members. Finding a job that paid what they made when doing their old job was mostly impossible. I'm talking like 18-21 dollars an hour. Then everyone wanted my fam, and their friends, to be handymen for apartments or office buildings but the pay was much lower, 12-14 dollars an hour, and most were part-time, so like 25-30 hours, but wanted them on-call like they were working 50-60 . Their old port jobs just fully came back like 7-8 months ago. 

Some people want to blame unemployment being robust for people staying at home, and quitting during the pandemic. But alot of the people you talked about lost their job here in Houston as late as August/September 2019 and those jobs just did not come back til oil rebounded. Its not in my wheelhouse, but I did help a lot of people appeal TWC decisions during the pandemic and was genuinely surprised by the amount of people who lost their jobs in mid 2019 and they never recovered. 

I think the people you're talking about are skilled labor.  No doubt you are correct about that.  What I'm referring to, though, is unskilled labor.  Most of the people coming up through Mexico aren't going to be skilled, nor particularly well educated, nor have adequate (or any) English speaking skills.  These people take the low-rung jobs that otherwise might go to unskilled Americans and get them going on a path to self sufficiency.  Simple supply and demand economics keeps the wages in this sector low if you have excess workers.  Closing the border or making it more difficult to cross dries up supply and makes wages and working conditions better for those already here.  Yet the Democrats don't seem to really want to make things better.  Trump offered to legalize 1.8M dreamers (twice what the Democrats demanded) and the Democrats turned him down.  Why?  I suspect the reason is that there is a belief that those illegals will eventually turn the nation permanently blue (hello one party state).  That and behind the scenes the wealthy donors to both parties don't want a tight labor market because that increases their costs and decreases their profits.  I think both those reasons are misguided.

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4 hours ago, august948 said:

You might be, but many, many will not be when election time comes.  As you missed above, energy independence was one of Trump's policies. For us and for Europe (see Nord Stream 2).  Biden has very publicly turned his back on that.  Now we're paying for his ineptitude and pandering to the left.  He's having to go hat in hand to Venezuela and to the Saudi's (who aren't taking his phone calls) to beg for more oil.  What an idiot.  Trump also highlighted that our nato allies weren't putting up the amounts they were obligated to towards their own defense.  Surprise, surprise, now they've suddenly seen the light.  And we need not mention that just having him in office lowered illegal crossings at the border and thus, not surprisingly, raised wages and employment for unskilled, mostly minority, labor in this country.

There was no energy independence, that was a myth, and will always be a myth. The increase in production in shale oil was not sustainable, and the marginal barrels produced were not economic. Many of the smaller players went bankrupt, never to return. The big players are not increasing their drilling pace after sustaining large losses.



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1 hour ago, Ross said:

There was no energy independence, that was a myth, and will always be a myth. The increase in production in shale oil was not sustainable, and the marginal barrels produced were not economic. Many of the smaller players went bankrupt, never to return. The big players are not increasing their drilling pace after sustaining large losses.



I'm sure the Saudi's will be glad to hear that.  As you said ...


Sure, let's piss off our long term allies for no real reason.


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On 3/8/2022 at 9:54 AM, Blue Dogs said:

Biden's the WORST President in America with foreign adversaries punking his WEAKLING timid expletive at every turn (see Putin invading Ukraine, Xi, Maduro, KJU & Co.,).


Safe to say he'll be the LAST Dem President we'll ever see in the White House for awhile.

While you state that Biden is the worst president in America, he is also the only president in America, which means he's also the best president in America.  Funny how logic works.

Also, your comment was not exactly thoughtful or productive.  Please try to include some actual content in your future posts.  Especially political ones. 

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