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Everything posted by Nole23

  1. Let's not forget that there is an urban CVS two blocks from this site downtown where residents can get all of their toiletry needs
  2. With parking lots disappearing (Woohoo) parking will become scarce and we will need garages. A nicely designed garage with ground floor retail is a slam dunk in my book.
  3. Awesome. I plan on going there this Thursday to watch the first NFL game. Looks bigger on the inside than I would have thought.
  4. I found the PDF for the downtown shopping district that was released two years ago if anyone wants to look at it. http://downtownhouston.org/site_media/uploads/attachments/2013-09-12/Downtown_Retail_Task_Force_Report_Sept_12_2013_ONLINE.pdf
  5. The DT leadership has put together a retail task force, mainly along Dallas St. This is why they are upgrading the streets and encouraging retail development in the area such as redeveloping the Sakowitz building ect. It's not here yet, but the leadership does understand that it is important for our downtown to thrive.
  6. New Orleans is just as hot as Houston and people walk around there every day all day. I was just there not too long ago and no one seemed to care how hot it was. Houston just needs more walkable and pedestrian friendly districts. It's easier to complain about the heat when you are walking by 5 blocks worth of parking lots as compared to stores, shops and cafes. We will get there.
  7. So pumped for Christian's Tailgate downtown. Looks like they are trying to open up in time for football. College Football starts tonight! Woo!
  8. Great pics! This area will look awesome once these are complete along with Catalyst and Alexan.
  9. I absolutely love this project. Affordable housing, mixed use, and right on a new metro rail station. Therefore people who can't afford to live downtown can hop on the rail and enjoy everything our downtown has to offer for entertainment and job opportunities.
  10. Great news. I love these historic buildings being renovated into apartments and hotels.
  11. Sweet! Can't wait to see the renderings.
  12. Alexan Downtown was supposed to start construction in June but haven't heard anything about that project in a while.
  13. I understand their argument, but I feel having a vibrant downtown will benefit the city as a whole and not just the higher income people living in the apartments. Once downtown is more vibrant, it will bring more money to the city via taxes from tourists spending money and property taxes. That will in turn fund other projects in the city. I'm pretty sure my tax payer dollars are used to build roads ill never drive on, schools ill never attend, social programs i'll never benefit from, but that's the point of paying taxes so everyone can benefit even if it's for something you personally might not benefit from. There's affordable housing all over the city.
  14. Thanks for posting. I'm very interested in seeing what will go here and what they will do with the food store.
  15. lol i asked them via facebook on Friday as I am waiting for this location also... here was their response. "we are about a month away from opening. We are waiting on some permits to continue our construction. See you all soon!! We are excited. Please help spread the word!"
  16. Oh okay, yes I could see it moving to the historic district somewhere and being turned into a bar/restaurant or something like that. I just think it should be moved from this particular location with all of the massive developments going on in the convention/ball park district. There used to be two houses here, where did the other one go?
  17. Move it to the other side of downtown to Sam Houston Park where all of the other old historic houses are.
  18. Drove by this really quick and thought I saw a sign on one of the retail spaces for a liquor license. If so, glad they are finally leasing out one of the retail spaces. If not, then carry on....
  19. I wish they would release the incentives from this project and offer to another developer who will build and not hold the remaining units for the DLI hostage.
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