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Everything posted by Twinsanity02

  1. I thought it was customary in "groundbreakings" to have several well dressed people holding shovels who look as if they haven't actually used a shovel for work in years ( if not decades). When did that happen?
  2. The majority of people prior to the 1960's lived in the northern parts of the US where wearing suits is fine. Here in Houston prior to AC I can't imagine how people survived in suits during our 6 month summers. With AC its no big problem anymore as long as your indoors.
  3. Does anyone know if there is anything similar to the TMC3 design? If not this may become Houston's iconic structure.
  4. With this and High Street residential (block 98) the views from the park, sidewalks, and hotels are going to be greatly enhanced. Now if only blocks 252,275, and 292 would go from surface lots to several highrises of the 50+ storey height. Icing on the cake.
  5. I'm referring to a colloquial classification ( if one exists) for mixed use buildings. I suspect there isn't one but seeing if anyone knows for certain. As for parking requirements, didn't mention that.
  6. Any idea when groundbreaking is scheduled? One other question of a trivial nature. When a building is mixed use which I understand means residential/office/ and commercial I suppose it cannot be classified as residential or office. Is the classification based on the percentage use?
  7. You guys win the Adrian Monk/Sherlock Holmes/ Nero Wolfe award. I missed it.
  8. Are the Tennison Lofts adjacent to this building open? Seems like that is one choice piece of real estate: excellent views of the downtown, nearby park and bayou, theater district and restaurants within walking distance, and now this development.
  9. I don't fully understand what "workforce housing" exactly is. Sound like a euphemism for lower income folks. Nevertheless, the skyline views are going to be great and as long as the bayou doesn't go crazy, there is fishing and boating oppurtunity. Sounds enjoyable. I live along a waterway on Lake Houston and love it. They could use a few more trees along the bayou
  10. I think Austin's "weirdness" is contrived and predictable. I find Houston more varied and to some degree eccentric. How many metro area have three ecological zones ( the piney woods big thicket, the marshy southeast, and the prairie like western suburbs), several clusters of large downtown like areas, huge international presence both in population and with 92 consulates, the space center,the largest med center in the world, one of the largest ports in the Americas, and the largest rodeo. Try to give that a simple label.
  11. Realizing quantity is not the same as quality the MFAH at 300,000 ft2 has surpassed the Art Institute of Chicago to become the second largest art museum in the U.S. and I believe the 8th largest world wide. No mean feat.
  12. With all these high rises plus the ones planned for the River Oaks shopping center the population density is certain to dramatically increase. I imagine some serious water main and sewer line works are on the agenda.
  13. The beauty and the ugliness of Houston has to do with the power of money and vision for the future. Here in Houston, old families or aristocracies do not count for much except in cocktail party conversation. There is more freedom and less restraint. Hence the destruction of many old architectural gems, but the fascinating growth and change of our city. I have a cousin in Europe who is a duke, a member of the high nobility. He and the other Grandees are used to a certain deference regardless of financial net worth. He finds Houston to be a fascinating yet puzzling city. We pay little attention to things of the past as they do in Europe. Houston is almost the personification of money talks, bull**** walks.
  14. The new open parking garage certainly is an ugly pimple in an otherwise splendid area. Still better than the pustulant canker sore that was the chronicle garage.
  15. No problem. Hopefully we are not into groupthink on HAIF. Just curious, why don't you?
  16. Let me understand this. There are 33 ft of clay followed by 37 feet of sand? Which is then followed by 25 feet of clay, 25 feet of sand, and finally 30 feet of clay. Amazing. Here in Houston I thought it was clay to the Earth's core.
  17. Doesn't happen often, but sometimes glass shatters especially when exposed to temperature extremes or some type of vibration.
  18. My uncle and aunt worked at Menningers back in the 60's and early 70's. The west campus with the tower was beautiful. It's all boarded up now. Hope it will be preserved.
  19. According Tropical Tidbits its beginning to look as if Laura is going to be a problem for us, Marco may get clipped by wind shear.
  20. I love La Defense. It is visually pleasing. Glad its where it is. Just wish tour Montpanasse was here instead of it sticking out in the older parts of the city. Paris is a gem of a city. An expensive gem at that.
  21. All my children were in orphanages in Siberia. Our twin daughters were in a pre-WW I building. It was nasty and has been replaced with a new one. Our son from a newer orphange. I don't know what life is like for Americans after they leave the orphanage, but it isn't too bright in Russia. It's a tough country to grow up in. Their GDP is smaller than Texas.
  22. I would have put "Johnny on the Job edifice" for #12 and parking lot as #13, but your list is spot on.
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