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Everything posted by Twinsanity02

  1. I would also include jermh, who I doubted when first read their post. Thought they were seeing a mirage from the heat.
  2. With construction finally starting on this one, I believe that leaves only two left from the downtown living initiative: Another Camden Conte and a Marquette highrise north of Minute Maid Park. Looking good.
  3. Hope your right Luminare. This project has had so many starts and stops it was feeling like Charlie Brown and Lucy with the football. Too bad about the trees though, but if it goes up it will be a decent addition to the skyline view along I-69.
  4. Maybe the developers have something like Boston's curse of the Bambino or Chicago's curse of the billy goat. The good news, though not an expert on curses or hexes, those two curses had an expiration date. Perhaps this one does also.
  5. Is this a 38 or 39 stories? I saw 13 missing. I know about the superstition surrounding the number 13. Is this common in many buildings. I guess I never paid attention. Nevermind. Just saw the "PH". Can't imagine that refers to hydrogen cation concentration, so it must be "Penthouse".
  6. Spoke yesterday with a lady at the Azalea trail. She is a volunteer at the Botanic Garden. Told me they've had a "soft opening" of the Botanic Garden with the major opening scheduled for the Fall.
  7. Something like the Aquarium of the Americas in New Orleans? Or better. That would be magnificent.
  8. Maybe Austin with it's magical 1.5 miles of subway can rocket from being a gamma global city past Houston's Alpha ranking, to be an Alpha ++ with NYC and London. Then it can walk around with the big boys and big girls.
  9. Isn't there another Campos residential near Toyota center that is part of the DLI? Only one Campos has been built.
  10. From the picture : the lower left hand corner is the remodeled former bank building, the one facing Fannin street will be built where there is a parking garage which will either be torn down or incorporated? into the design, and lastly the tallest building on Main will be built where currently stands a one or two story building. Amazing project. Not an Aggie , but nevertheless Way to Go!
  11. The site I thought was well suited for Amazon were the empty lots downtown west of the Hilton. Very urban environment with the Theater district, Sports venues, rail, hotels, dining etc all nearby. Also quick access tho the airport once the Hardy toll road extension was finished. Alas Bezos thought otherwise. I think he finds NYC and DC more sexy and of course Harvey didn't help.
  12. This is Site for the new the Mann Eye Clinic building correct? I therefore assume the Museo Plaza building is kaput.
  13. Quick question which is off topic. Who owns the land the surface parking lot is on? It seems like an ideal spot for a mixed use high rise.
  14. It is complex. The Houston metro appears to have three large ecosystems: The Northern swath north of Beltway 8 is heavily forested to the point it is jungle like especially in the northeast (where I live). It is an especially thick version of the Southern Pinelands. It has much in common with Southern Louisiana. The western metro appears drier and more prairie like, and the southeast region has a wet coastal environment. There are not to many cities with this variety. It is one of the things (among many) which is fascinating about our area. I think this area is gifted with the ability to grow an enormous variety of plants.
  15. Maybe Iconic is like porn. Tough to define , but you know it when you see it.
  16. I'm sure one can make a list for almost all the President's . FDR ( who I admire) would most certainly make a very long list using current standards.
  17. Politics brings out hysteria at times: I have heard it for years. Here are a few: Kennedy was a secret communist ( you can see the hammer and sickle in the half dollar ( I never could). Reagan was a warmonger ready to start WW III, Obama is really from Kenya, Trump wants to sell Alaska back to Russia, and Russia which has less than half our population, A GDP less than Texas, has NATO within 100 miles of it's second largest city, and couldn't get it's navy out without us smashing it is going to invade us. President's do bend rules and lie (FDR was a master at this). They are not saints. So maybe we should calm down.
  18. Seriously, all joking aside, the scientific literature on the impact early drug use has on psychological development indicates many people develop arrested emotional development. In other words physically mature adults still acting as adolescents. Just thought I'd mention that.
  19. The residence would have a great skyline view, a park, and close access to the Theater district.
  20. I don't understand why these trees were removed. Wouldn't trimming them back have done the job? Anyone know?
  21. It's been approximately 10.5 months since the concrete pouring. Amazing progress.
  22. This is one of the best videos on you tube showing downtown Houston. For those in a hurry check out 7:45 to 8:45. It's from Fritzphoto.
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