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Everything posted by Montrose1100

  1. Green Street shouldn't have be designed the way it was. The Street sides were nearly neglected and everything faced this inner alley that was really kind of strange. I get they wanted people to feel comfortable on private property to shoo away the unmentionables, but the design didn't do that. To get from A-B is awkward. The Escalator and Elevator placement is weird and it doesn't flow. As Texasota mentioned, there's no residential. Montrose is an established neighborhood. River Oaks District, is in an established neighborhood. Blvd. Place, again, established. Downtown still has a long way to go. If they didn't build enough residential, they certainly didn't build enough offices.
  2. It's like D&W and Boheme had a love child. Thanks for all the pics. Going to check this out this summer.
  3. It'll probably be Clear Lake and/or Galveston. They're already tourist destinations with a billionaire casino owner who also owns majority of the attractions. Would hate for it to be Downtown or Uptown. Gulf Coast casinos and their hotel buildings are usually awful looking. Doubt we'd see something cool like the Cosmopolitan or Aria in LV. Although the kitschy building might fit in with a few condo buildings around lol. Randall Davis & Tillman collab? Imagine how gorgeous.
  4. Absolutely, we need proper rail transit in this city.
  5. The real problem with this structure is that the fins should be angled higher and the overall height should be tripled.
  6. "Phase 1 includes 2 of 3 city blocks under development, with phase 2 residential tower coming shortly"
  7. 45 really goes from 4 lanes to 2. I use the Scott Entrance when the train is blocking Cullen. Good to floor the pedal every once and a while to move over 3 lanes.
  8. I can see this area becoming what we'd hope would happen with the Hardy Yards. Unfortunately, at the expense of why it's called the Warehouse District.
  9. Response, you're not wrong, but anyone can critique developments. That's the point of the forum. And you will never take the crown of Houston's #1 hater from me. Play nicely and accept the opinions of others.
  10. I saw the Houston Skyline, specifically one of the Downtown Skyhouses, in my compliance training. The third party company is based in the UK. @hindesky, it's really a Houston visibility thread outside of say the local news cast, or your pictures on HAIF. Not that I don't like cars or anything.
  11. It's very active POH property. Those docks make great layberths for Chemical Tankers. :P
  12. It has the potential to be a night time destination as well. Right now after the sun sets, it's a waiting area for Ninfas.
  13. For Containers, I have no doubt NYC & LA blow Houston out of the water. Often LA and Long Beach are lumped together, NYC with Port Elizabeth, NJ. Same for Houston, since some of the Terminals are in Baytown, Deer Park, Pasadena, La Porte, Texas City. We export and import a hell of a lot more Chemicals (Petrochemicals), than anything. I've also heard the Mississippi River is the "busiest" port in the World, so I'm sure it's however you can skew or pick the data to benefit the claim.
  14. The Potholes probably do the same. Commerce & Canal are warzones.
  15. The trains have been blaring all night long for decades. At least that's what long time residences say when people complain on NextDoor.
  16. Forget the freeway, have you heard the trains horns all night long?
  17. Phew. We've waited so long... for this? A beautiful garden & plaza with the most underwhelming worship center. La Luz Del Mundo or even the Chong Hua Sheng Mu Holy Palace would look better here.
  18. Great news for the neighborhood, which I hope retains it's edge in the future. I drove down Westheimer to Sweetgreen from Highland Village. Even though Montrose "aint what it use to be", it's still certainly Montrose. It's eclectic, buzzy, weird, artsy-fartsy, and very much still LGBT. It's just a different experience now. I'm sure the same will remain for the East End. Very curious of what a culturally insensitive development would be? I searched on google but didn't find anything.
  19. Urb, why have you stopped updating the Houston city thread on SSP? I always enjoy the responses from out of towners. Particularly those comparing our suburban Hotels to the Montmarte in Paris.
  20. It's a beautiful garden, but the structure is huge disappointment.
  21. It's going up in every major city (Robbery & Gun Violence).. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2021/02/america-saw-a-historic-rise-in-murders-in-2020-why.html https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/fbi-report-crime-shows-decline-violent-crime-rate-third-consecutive-year https://www.npr.org/2021/01/06/953254623/massive-1-year-rise-in-homicide-rates-collided-with-the-pandemic-in-2020 And According to this, the Chief of Police said they were hesitant to arrest lower level crimes due to COVID-19, not because of the "weak-kneed progressives". https://www.khou.com/article/news/crime/houston-cracking-down-on-crime-after-city-already-surpasses-40-homicides-this-year/285-9e431a2d-d607-4be6-ba76-ed096860e308 - https://www.houstonpublicmedia.org/articles/news/criminal-justice/2021/03/16/393606/houston-leaders-grapple-with-continued-rise-in-violent-crime/ In fact, the City has diverted funds to homicide detectives and extra patrols in Hot Spots. So if you can find me a non-politically driven information about the bond reform, I'm all ears.
  22. I agree - just hope there is no weeping over the closing of the temporary use from the neighborhood. The cries about the strip center on Westheimer are getting to me.
  23. There was really an opportunity to create an entrance to the bayou and walkway, even minimalistic like this with some simple landscaping.
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