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Everything posted by phillip_white

  1. Just to be clear, tearing down a building just for the sake of creating a vacant lot in order to lower taxable valuation is not exciting. Tearing down a building when we have renderings, plats, and other information that gives medium to high probability that something better will take its place is definitely exciting. Especially in such an up-and-coming part of Midtown.
  2. Looks like this is being built in the lot next to Rich's, fronting San Jacinto.
  3. Rendering and reasoning behind lack of GFR. 1403 McGowen_McGowen Project Option 2.pdf Market Review Prepared by Minich Strategic Services.pdf edit: forgot to mention that planning meeting has been delayed again to September 1st.
  4. More information from an additional mailer: The developers are hoping to get 0 ft setback as well as no visibility triangles. Planning Office said they would support these variances if ground floor commercial or residential units were included. Developer apparently did a market review that determined neither would not be supported by the current neighborhood makeup. (BOO!) Green screens for the parking garage are being proposed instead. Three levels of parking. Five levels of residential. Parking garage entrance on Austin St. Renderings are referenced in the documents, but were not included. I have requested them via e-mail from the developer.
  5. What we know from the mailer: Planning Meeting is 8/18 at 2:30 PM Applicant is Knudson, LP Planned off-street parking spaces: 142 (more than the 110 required by the City) Approximate lot size: 100ft x 250ft Proposed structure: 81,773 sq ft 71 individually owned units Ground floor appears to be parking and storage. Their intention is to keep all existing mature trees bordering the property. (If loading dock requirement is not waived, two large trees will be removed.) Any guesses on floor count? I'm thinking 6 (including the garage). edit: Urbannizer already noted 8 floors above.
  6. Any updates on this? I pulled up the Planning web recording from the 4th, but they didn't address these variances. Was this postponed again?
  7. Lots of orange work stuff on Main Street near Alabama. They covered up most of the trees with wood, so it appears something big is about happen. I'd guess that this is finally underway.
  8. How am I supposed to drink alone in Nouveau bar with two high rises next door? Gentrification at its worst.
  9. That's somehow a relief, yet disappointing at the same time. Wonder why they would use another firms rendering on their website?
  10. This is a geographically incorrect rendering from their site that they associate with this project...
  11. They've started pouring columns for what I presume is the MRA-funded plaza on the northwest corner of the block.
  12. I noticed that they've opened Louisiana Fried Chicken and Seafood across the street from the McDonald's at Fannin/Gray. Looks like fast food, but it adds some diversity to the dining options currently available on that side of the rail.
  13. Yeah man, I definitely agree. The bar isn't too far from the rail stop, but the perceived safety at the rail stop itself will be the determining factor to get people walking around this area. Hopefully that will change as the shuttered storefronts get some businesses. The difficulty I was referring to has to do with the tiny stairway (kinda hard to maneuver with both up/down traffic.. even when sober and only 20-30 people there) and the low head clearance on the stairs up to the deck (maybe I'm just too tall).
  14. Went to check out The Raven Tower today. Not a hot spot as of yet, but definitely potential. Sucks that the tower is somewhat difficult to access. Seems like it will be restricted to VIPs after it becomes popular. Nice view nonetheless.
  15. My best guess would be that they're planning to hide them behind the railing screens. If you look closely, the balcony is divided into the usable part and a tiny sliver about the size of the compressor unit. https://scontent-dfw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpl1/v/t1.0-9/12509109_743751085757007_6077075368207744219_n.jpg?oh=13b12d2816298bd7056a691cc6853102&oe=57492F8C https://scontent-dfw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/v/t1.0-9/12509089_743751115757004_7891471367653622488_n.jpg?oh=0cc8e62198d1cb40879344561124874b&oe=571137B4
  16. I was wondering the same thing. The ones I have seen on high rises in other countries are bolted onto the building right outside the unit. My guess is that these will be on the balconies, but that wouldn't seem logical given they are trying to efficiently use every square inch of space.
  17. So this is going to be single family? Or has the variance been changed? https://www.google.com/maps/@29.7361271,-95.3731965,3a,37.5y,282.06h,70.6t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1slcHKjjwhl5fO8KG2b9fhGg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1
  18. From the quote you provided it would seem that they could start whenever as long the property is habitable within 3 years of them receiving tax credit approval. Obviously Block 334 wouldn't be able to break ground 2.5 years out and still meet the deadline, but SkyHouse definitely could.
  19. I wasn't sure what they were doing in the picture so I Googled "Badger truck Houston". Apparently they are a hydrovac excavation company. I guess there are some lines running under the street that need to be capped before it can be abandoned. http://badgerinc.com/corporate-profile/
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