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Everything posted by Highway6

  1. This thread made me curious about what all beers were owned by Anheuser Busch. I didn't know that Michelob, Busch, Natty, Rolling Rock... all just cousins of Budweiser. The biggest surprise though for me was Ziegen Bock.. had no idea. It's almost identical to their Michelob Amber Bock, but is sold exclusively in Texas to compete against Shiner Bock. Lord, I hate marketing. I always though Ziegen and the Mich Amber Bock tasted similar... but i just assumed it was the "Bock" thing... now I know.
  2. It's hard to take this seriously when it looks like no regard was given for existing streets and buildings. Rosalie St has apparently been greened over .. with one of their squiggly buildings actually in the street. But i guess Rosalie access won't matter anymore since they've determined my buddies town home complex wasn't worth keeping. Props for the beautiful renderings though.
  3. I'm still waiting for hcbu to explain how he thinks the AAC is progressive design.
  4. Highway6


    Unfortunately for you.. i think you're just going to have to put in the research time. Of the basic criteria you set forth in your opening post.. you're really only going by price. You need to determine what other criteria are important to you. As you read all the reviews head to toe.. you'll do that. HDR photography.. will that be important to you? IF so.. you need to go with a camera that does auto bracketing at +-7 or 5.. and surely skip those that only go +- 2 Timelapse... some cameras have built in intervelometers.. most don't. But you can get cheap and reliable remotes on ebay. Video.. I assumed most high end dslrs didn't have video until i read kylejack's comment. That may or may not be important to you. Operation/menus - One thing i didn't like about the Xsi that my panasonic has... dedicated scroll wheel each for aperture and exposure while in full manual... that may or may not be important to you. Night ability.. in the reviews, look at the sections labeled Noise and Noise reduction. Just because a camera advertises it goes up to ISO 6400 doesn't mean that it is actually usable that high. .. e.g. the EOS1100 review says the in-camera noise reduction kicks in and is noticeable starting at 1600.. which would make ISO 3200 and 6400 pretty pointless. Most important.. photo quality. combination of megapixels, sensor size, and the in-camera processing.. you just don't wanna spend $900 on a camera then read that your model is a little softer than or has a little more purple fringing compared to another model.
  5. Take away Dallas' compensating big screen and sliding wall.. you have a bland stadium with some bad seating.
  6. Reliant was the first ever football stadium with a retractable roof. Conservatism ? I think you misspelled "cutting edge' there amigo. NBA stadiums.. of all professional stadiums, they are the smallest and have to be fully enclosed. Usually the only defining factor for new arenas is how much glass do they have on their front facade. Compared to MLB and NFL stadiums.. all NBA arenas are conservative and very few stand out. AAC went retro with the bricks and arches and detailing.... the whole concept of going retro in sports arenas is now 20 yrs old, since the opening of Camden Yards.. so they aren't even original in their style copying and attempt to appear American classic. More progressive than Houston.. I think not.
  7. Highway6


    DPreview - has a massive database of very in-depth camera reviews. - including specs, sample shots, and in some cases directly comparing them to previous models ( which seems like it might help in your case ) Here's the review for the first camera on your list. I've borrowed an Xsi several times and loved it. One thing i did wish the higher end dslrs had.. and it seems none do.. a swivel screen. That's one of the, increasingly few, things I love about my Panasonic - the ability to shoot over the top of crowds and still be able to frame shots.. and the ability to frame shots down low along the ground without having to lie down myself. Let us know what ya end up with.
  8. What were your upfront costs - buy or lease modem ? Do you have to get the more expensive home modem with wifi built in or can any old wireless router hook up to it ?
  9. Maybe she knows something we don't... I certainly wouldn't mind if somehow the city could go about it's demo responsibilities without using taxpayer dollars.
  10. I was mostly just referring to the rain we got last week plus added in 1 in case I was forgetful or other parts of the city got rain I didn't know about. Along with dark clouds and such, maybe it only felt like a significant rain last week after such a lousy few months. I'm sure as a homeowner, my fear of the occasional flooding will reign in my desire as well... but until then..... Bring on the summer thunderstorms, Pronto !! You're never too old to go running in the rain or to lie down in the grass during a storm.
  11. Sciguy reminds us that this June is the 10th anniversary of TS Allison. That storm notwithstanding, I love Hurricane Season and always have. Especially in a year such as this where we've had 1-2 major rainfalls for the past 4 months, I always find myself looking forward to hurricane season. Generally speaking, I've always loved summer thunderstorms, so the occasional hurricane is just icing on the cake. We're lucky down here in the natural disaster dept. None of the instantaneous ones, we can see our "disasters" coming from 500 miles away and flee if necessary, which it almost never is. Hurricane Season 2011, you can't come soon enough. Bring it on.
  12. We should also buy him a parking spot up front for a year... I'm sure they do that.
  13. More interesting is page 2 of this recently released Metro document from the opening post. They are showing future rail expansion beyond current Phase II development. They are showing future rail ( not distinguished between LRT or CRT ) from the Phase III plan according to CTC - Sunnyland, East End and Southeast en line extensions to Hobby.. But the biggie.. they are also showing a brand new line - prolly CRT - that leaves the downtown intermodal station, goes out Dowling past the new soccer stadium and out of town along 288. This was not one of the possibilities last we heard from Metro concerning CRT.
  14. 30+ pages of s3mh vs the world. Why the hell is this b!tchfest of a thread even still open ?
  15. I know he's said "No No Hell No" a few times... but I probably shouldn't have forgotten Gov Christie off the poll.
  16. Well, maybe that's a problem for some people...... *drum riff* Thanks folks, I'll be here all night.
  17. So is march madness and that doesnt stop people. I think Ron Paul will at least make the Elite 8.
  18. I think the fun is picking now.. not 9 months from now when there may only be 4-5 serious names. And There is the "Other" slot... so for example if someone think Gov Christie is bluffing and will in fact throw his hat in the ring.. Be bold, Pick other, the Post who your "Other" pick is. There doesn't have to be a winner here.. a year from now might find us with a Dan Quale/Jon Voight ticket and all of us will have been proven to not be psychic... and that's Ok.
  19. Not a bad idea.. I'll add a poll question for VP candidate as well. No deadline.. Not sure if I'm able to close the poll.
  20. Does the city even care one way or the other about Greyhound being in Midtown ? Just seems like to me, Midtown (the mgmt group and the residents) will get a lot more out of it if Greyhound decides to move than the City does.... and since the city is going to have to be the one to fork over the incentives..... does the city win?
  21. Figure it's never too early to guess. The Poll Question is " Who will the nominee be " The question is not " Who do you want the nominee to be". It is not "Who do I think has the best chance of beating Obama" for you right-leaners. It is not "Who do I think has the least chance of beating Obama" for you left-leaners. I'm envisioning this more like our NCAA pick'em contests .. just a friendly competition to see if anyone is brave enough to pick an underdog or if a favorite wins... To see who can properly guess the front runner a year in advance. The poll is public.. your screen name will be seen. For more information on the potential candidates - http://2012.republican-candidates.org/
  22. I don't see the point of this game. It would cost the city and the tax payers in order to buy off Greyhound with enough incentives to move. BUT.. since this game is already being played..... I think access to the rail network and a Metro TC is much more important than freeway access. If your typical Greyhound user had a car, he wouldn't be needing a bus in the first place. Freeways are mostly used for express busses to bypass the local streets, if you look at the system map, you have essentially one bus crossing 10 at almost every major exit and no local buses running parallel. For any given site on 10, you'd only have access to 1 bus line. I think the idea of incorporating Greyhound into a Metro rail/bus Intermodal facility is the right way to go. I just wish people would stop talking about Greyhound like an object to be moved as if we the people or the city has that control. Greyhound would have to be presented with a plan, better (partially Metro funded) facilities, and financial incentives because they have all the power in this situation. I'm sure they are perfectly happy with where they are. Also.. where's the incentive for the city here? Wherever Greyhound moves, there will still be increased crime. They'd just be moving responsibility for monitoring it from one police district to another. Midtown ( the mgmt group and the residents ) and the City are two different groups. Would it be financially worth it to the city to appease one group by moving a problem elsewhere ?
  23. One of the guns in this guy's procession was stolen property from a Houston resident, and this guy has been on the run since October from a shooting incident in SF.... and You blame the cops for not letting him be ???? There are ways to legally carry handguns. Without a license is not one of them. On public transportation is not one of them. Loaded in a duffle bag is not one of them. The cops acted responsibly and one less menace to society is gone..... and gone by his own choice, his own hand, may I add.
  24. ..but shadows love light. They couldn't exist without it.
  25. Problem is.. Grayhound is a private entity. Greyhound relocation isn't up to the City, isn't up to the midtown mgmt district, and isn't up to all their neighbors that don't want them there. From Greyhound's perspective.. why would they want to move ?? It's not like they would escape the several square blocks of crime that they help generate. Do you think they have an iota of civic pride in them and see it as their duty to constantly move to blighted parts of town as to not halt the forward progress of upcoming parts of every city in which they do business... of course not. For their customers, They are ideally located next to a major metro transit stations and rail line. Seems like the only way they're ever going to move is if they are offered major incentives by the city either with a land swap, tax break, piles of money, etc. But again.. that would be an offer, not a command. It's up to Grayhound if they want to move.
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