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Homophobic Landscapers?


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Another agent I know forwarded an e-mail to me. It is a response a landscaper gave to an inquiry from a potential client. There are a lot of issues that could be discussed surrounding this response. People are certainly entitled to their own belief systems, but if nothing else it serves as a strong reminder for myself, to be careful of who I give my money to.

Subject: Cancel Appt -Garden Guy

Dear Mr. Lord,

I am appreciative of your time on the phone today and glad you contacted us. I need to tell you that we cannot meet with you because we choose not to work for homosexuals.

Best of luck in finding someone else to fill your landscaping needs.

All my best,


Todd and Sabrina Farber

Owners, Garden Guy, Inc.

visit us at: www.garden-guy.com <http://www.garden-guy.com/>

Member of the Association of Professional Landscape Designers

www.apld.com <http://www.apld.com/>

Creating beautiful landscaping for Houston homeowners since 1991!

Phone 281-208-4400

Fax 1+801-365-9353

email: sabrina@garden-guy.com <java script:parent.ComposeTo('sabrina@garden-guy.com',%20'');>

email: todd@garden-guy.com <java script:parent.ComposeTo('todd@garden-guy.com',%20'');>

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This guy is a complete moron... the number one priority of a business is to make money!

He's not only alienating potential clients, but he's alienating investors and other people in this area.

Another agent I know forwarded an e-mail to me. It is a response a landscaper gave to an inquiry from a potential client. There are a lot of issues that could be discussed surrounding this response. People are certainly entitled to their own belief systems, but if nothing else it serves as a strong reminder for myself, to be careful of who I give my money to.

Subject: Cancel Appt -Garden Guy

Dear Mr. Lord,

I am appreciative of your time on the phone today and glad you contacted us. I need to tell you that we cannot meet with you because we choose not to work for homosexuals.

Best of luck in finding someone else to fill your landscaping needs.

All my best,


Todd and Sabrina Farber

Owners, Garden Guy, Inc.

visit us at: www.garden-guy.com <http://www.garden-guy.com/>

Member of the Association of Professional Landscape Designers

www.apld.com <http://www.apld.com/>

Creating beautiful landscaping for Houston homeowners since 1991!

Phone 281-208-4400

Fax 1+801-365-9353

email: sabrina@garden-guy.com <java script:parent.ComposeTo('sabrina@garden-guy.com',%20'');>

email: todd@garden-guy.com <java script:parent.ComposeTo('todd@garden-guy.com',%20'');>

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I wonder if the Association of Professional Landscape Designers condones this type of discrimination.

Agree or disagree with the guy's beliefs, I support his right to choose his clients as he desires. I personally wouldn't care if someone refused to do my yard, or whatever, because I'm white. I think the law protects housing and essential services like medical care but not something like this.

Lawsuit perhaps. And how would a lawyer approach this one? Maybe by saying his client felt degraded, like the blacks who felt that Denny's took too long to serve them. Now if he were to fire someone because he found out they were gay, then he might have a problem on his hands.

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Lawsuit perhaps. And how would a lawyer approach this one? Maybe by saying his client felt degraded, like the blacks who felt that Denny's took too long to serve them. Now if he were to fire someone because he found out they were gay, then he might have a problem on his hands.

Well this wouldn't be a "gut feeling", but an actual refusal because of their sexual prefrence. I just can't believe this type of stuff still goes on.

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What's illegal about this? Also, where's the hatred? Sure, it's moronic from a business standpoint to broadcast your reason, but I didn't see any hatred in what was written -- just narrowmindedness.

I don't agree with this guy's stance, but you guys are the ones who sound like whackos, interpreting any of this as hatred. the guy just politely declined the business. I do it all the time in my line of work, for different reasons. It's never because of sexual orientation, but it could be, if I wanted it to be. So what?

BTW -- correct me if I'm wrong, but the rights of black or Hispanic citizens are protected by law. Rights of homosexuals are not. Now, if the homosexuals in question where black, then you might have a lawsuit. In real estate I remember, it was actually discussed that there were no laws against "steering" homosexuals into or out of certain neighborhoods.

Edited by dalparadise
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No where on their site do they claim to be a member of the Association of Professional Landscape Designers.

This is what was posted on the Garden Guys own forum by this just a fact person

I am appreciative of your time on the phone today and glad you contacted us.

I need to tell you that we cannot meet with you because we choose not to

work for homosexuals.

Best of luck in finding someone else to fill your landscaping needs.

All my best,


Todd and Sabrina Farber

Owners, Garden Guy, Inc.

visit us at: www.garden-guy.com

Member of the Association of Professional Landscape Designers


Creating beautiful landscaping for Houston homeowners since 1991!

Phone 281-208-4400

Fax 1+801-365-9353

email: sabrina@garden-guy.com

email: todd@garden-guy.com

Looks like the same email and this is the only place I see claim of membership. And they are not listed as members on the Association of Professional Landscape Designers website.

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Wonder how Mr. Garden Guy would feel if he couldn't go buy a Gatorade, after mowing 4 or 5 yards, at the local Stop-N-Rob, because he may possibly be a white heterosexual male ? Where does he come off making assumptions ? How did he know the possible client was gay ? Did he ask? Doubtful. Think the Garden Guy would say to the store clerk, "Well, that's ok, I understand, you have every right not to serve homophobic heterosexual white males, in your place of business. There are plenty of other stores around."

Dal, would it be ok if he didn't cut your lawn because he felt you always make idiotic comments on this forum ? <_<

Edited by TJones
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I didn't see any hatred in what was written

Then you are naive at best.

I don't agree with this guy's stance, but you guys are the ones who sound like whackos, interpreting any of this as hatred. the guy just politely declined the business.

And I'm sure they were polite when they asked Rosa to sit at the back of the bus too...

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Why are we giving this guy free publicity? That's probably what he's going for, you know. The more controversy that he can drum up with this seemingly-irrational business policy, the more people will know that he even exists. Eventually the local media are likely to start talking about him if he gets too controversial...folks like Pat Gray and Michael Berry would probably be the early adopters of the story, and even if they're completely against it, their audience may not always agree. And even if only a tiny tiny portion of those people that would then know of his existence sympathize with his cause, that may still be able to induce a flood of new business. Guerilla marketing aimed at a niche consumer. And since these are the kinds of folks that are willing to buy goods and services on principle, you can bet that he'll raise his prices to the level that people are willing to pay. And I'd guess that he may be the type that sees public outcry against him as a mild form of martyrdom--something in which he can take pride.

So, if you want to punish him, IGNORE the urge to denegrate. And don't pass this along. It is nothing. He is nothing. His pathetic little firm is nothing. In fact, I'd only very rarely request that a thread be deleted (and am not requesting that now), but I do have a request to all that have posted on this one: delete your posts. All of them. The most harm that you can do is to provide him publicity or recognition.

Edited by TheNiche
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Beside Niche's plan of action, which is a very very good one btw, I happen to think that a more FUN approach, would be to schedule a few landscaping appointments at locations that just don't exist, or where you could call back a couple of hours later and cancel. Just have some fun with the little homophobic turd.

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What's illegal about this? Also, where's the hatred? Sure, it's moronic from a business standpoint to broadcast your reason, but I didn't see any hatred in what was written -- just narrowmindedness.

I don't agree with this guy's stance, but you guys are the ones who sound like whackos, interpreting any of this as hatred. the guy just politely declined the business. I do it all the time in my line of work, for different reasons. It's never because of sexual orientation, but it could be, if I wanted it to be. So what?

BTW -- correct me if I'm wrong, but the rights of black or Hispanic citizens are protected by law. Rights of homosexuals are not. Now, if the homosexuals in question where black, then you might have a lawsuit. In real estate I remember, it was actually discussed that there were no laws against "steering" homosexuals into or out of certain neighborhoods.

No... I want a lawsuit and lots of money. Redscare, you in on it? (sarcasm)

I simply asked about the legality of it, out of curiousity. I hope someone wouldn't sue for this. I used the term "hatred" lightly. I didn't say they were the Westbury Baptist Church. I only voice for concern, because what they did was bull____. Grade A bull____.

"So what?" Refusing someone's business (or whatever) just because they're gay? Should you refuse someone because of their religious believes as well? How about the way they comb their hair?

Well Dal, it is your right to hold your narrowminded views, your right to refuse business in your line of work for whatever reason, and 100% your right to think that you are right.

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I happen to think that a more FUN approach, would be to schedule a few landscaping appointments at locations that just don't exist, or where you could call back a couple of hours later and cancel. Just have some fun with the little homophobic turd.

E X C E L L E N T ! ! !


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I wonder why he doesn't have the balls to discriminate against Blacks and Hispanics, as well?

Why would he? Did I miss the chapter in the bible that covers God telling his Christians to not approve of Blacks & Hispanics? Are you assuming because he claimed to be a Christian that he also by default had to be a racist?

And I'm sure they were polite when they asked Rosa to sit at the back of the bus too...

You're kidding right? All of you are kidding right?

The landscaper politely told someone he wouldn't cut their grass because they're gay. Even if they weren't gay, the landscaper obviously felt uncomfortable taking the job. Whether you agree with it or not, its HIS choice. His to choose who's grass he cuts & HIS to choose whether he tells potenial clients why he will or will not cut their grass.

This has nothing to do with civil rights. It has everything to do with free-enterprise & captialism.

Dal, would it be ok if he didn't cut your lawn because he felt you always make idiotic comments on this forum ? <_<

Ummm, yeah. Kettle calling the Pot black? Especially considering your current quote:


What exactly are you advertising here? Are you advocating US soldiers killing innocent South Vietnamese citizens? This is exactly what the chopper-gunner is doing as he says this in the movie. Why don't you just go in for the kill and quote Jimmy from Pulp Fiction when Jules trys to stash Marvin at Jimmy's house.

Edited by Jeebus
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i think this would be a good time for folks to post good landscaper alternatives, so that when people read about this obviously troubled person, they will have other options (and of recommended places).


okay, i checked out the gallery and before/after shots - sophomoric at best, and like something anyone could do with fifty bucks and a free afternoon...:unsure:

Edited by sevfiv
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Why would he? Did I miss the chapter in the bible that covers God telling his Christians to not approve of Blacks & Hispanics? It was right after the Book of We Ain't Doin' No Stinkin Fag's Yard

The landscaper politely told someone he wouldn't cut their grass because they're gay. "Oh I'm sorry if you didn't know I don't do no stinkin fag's yard. Have a nice day!!!"

Even if they weren't gay, the landscaper obviously felt uncomfortable taking the job. Whether you agree with it or not, its HIS choice. His to choose who's grass he cuts & HIS to choose whether he tells potenial clients why he will or will not cut their grass.

Absolutly!!! Later today we will be making an appointment with him! It's our choice to have my buddy from the Houston Press be in attendance when my partner plants a big wet one on me while the Homophobic Gardener rejects us cuz we're Nancy Boys. Ain't freedom great, Jeeby?

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This enforces my inclination to stay away from businesses that choose to advertise with the Christian fish symbol.

that is a mess.

didn't rosie o'donnell recently say something along the lines of 'extreme christianity is just as bad as extreme islam...."

i am with you on the whole fish symbol. i think a lot of so-called christians never ask THEMSELVES "how would jesus treat someone ... what would jesus do" ... they just make up their minds that jesus would be an a** ...

i am pretty sure that My Lord, would work with anyone.



and we all know the bible was used as JUSTIFICATION and SUPPORT for everything from slavery to slaughter through the ages of people that didn't agree with a viewpoint.

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This guy is just using this issue to drum up more publicity for his business or it seems for himself. He can not be claiming to be doing this in the name of Jesus. Jesus ate with the tax collectors(biggest sinners ever!) hung out with prostitutes when no one else would save them. What is he afraid of. I don't see any conflict a client with a different sexual orientation would cause in his line of business. So that tells me he is just a press loving bigot.

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