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Day 18 of Government shut down


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On 1/21/2019 at 10:20 AM, HoustonMidtown said:

I am afraid you are wasting your time writing or emailing anyone in Government - you are only going to get auto-response form letters (if anything) in response - especially now when they are all getting tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of letters/emails.


Isn't that the whole point of democracy? maybe they need to get millions of letters. Either way the people can't stop voicing their concerns even if it feels pointless, otherwise we're doomed.

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On 1/21/2019 at 8:52 AM, trymahjong said:

I wrote him earlier today to explain that after 4 weeks my furloughed kid from NASA was having to dip into savings. Now my worry is for the other 8000,000 that might not have savings to dip into......


This was the response:

That's not a response. That's an insult.

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Oh my......I received a response from Dan crenshaw with my name on it! 

and I should correct myself- there are 800,000 not 8000,000 furloughed fed gov employees-


Thank you for contacting me regarding the partial government shutdown. I welcome and appreciate your concerns and this opportunity to respond.

I believe that we must both strengthen border security and reopen federal agencies.  When I arrived in D.C. on January 3, the federal government was already in a partial shutdown, with approximately 25% of the government unfunded.  To reopen the government, both sides must negotiate and come to an agreement.  I voted for a bipartisan bill to ensure that federal workers are rightfully paid for their work, and I've also requested that my congressional pay be withheld until the government reopens.

I also made a pledge to the people of Texas to protect our country. National security includes a secure border, and the rule of law should not be a partisan issue. I believe we should enforce the law and keep our country safe.  The trip across the southern border is dangerous, and yet thousands decide to make this perilous journey, putting themselves and their children at risk. Border security ensures not only the best interests of American citizens but also of the migrants themselves. 

As we continue our work in Congress, please do not hesitate to contact my team in Washington, DC at (202) 225-6565 or visit https://crenshaw.house.gov to share your thoughts on legislation or issues of importance to you. In addition, I encourage you to sign up for my weekly e-newsletter to stay up-to-date on what I'm working on each week in Congress.

It is a privilege to serve you in Congress, and I look forward to your continued input throughout my term.
Never Forget, 
Dan Crenshaw
Dan Crenshaw
Member of Congress
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Our nations is F'ed. Checks and balances are not working. Things are going to get dire quickly for millions of people. For the people at the very bottom who rely on essential services, things already are. 


Call Mitch. This is on him IMHO. He took an oath and he's violating it. The question is, why? I think it isn't just for the conservative judges he's ramming through. There's a dirty secret that might be exposed soon and he's not just protecting Trump, he's protecting the GOP and potentially himself from exposure. This hostage situation (that's what it is) is on him.



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17 hours ago, KinkaidAlum said:

Our nations is F'ed. Checks and balances are not working. Things are going to get dire quickly for millions of people. For the people at the very bottom who rely on essential services, things already are. 


Call Mitch. This is on him IMHO. He took an oath and he's violating it. The question is, why? I think it isn't just for the conservative judges he's ramming through. There's a dirty secret that might be exposed soon and he's not just protecting Trump, he's protecting the GOP and potentially himself from exposure. This hostage situation (that's what it is) is on him.




Lol...so what's the dirty secret...all Republicans are really Nazi zombies resurrected by none other than Dr Mengele himself?  I think I might have heard that one on MSNBC already.

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Roflmao...ok...so if a Nazi scumbag shows up at an event to try to sell Nazi and Trump flags, all Trump supporters must therefore be Nazis?  Likewise, if a Communist shows up at a Democratic party event, all Democrats must therefore be Communists, right?  You've been watching too much cable news punditry, my friend.  I see this every day, pick one lunatic on either fringe and paint everyone with the same brush.  Both sides do it and too many fall for it.

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That picture is obvious an extreme example, but what this president has brought out is the worst in people. both sides. There is data that supports that, and I have felt it.


I don't think its a coincidence that I have gotten the "get out of my country" type hate in various cities in the US several times between September 2001-2002, and 2017-2018. NOT ONCE in the 15 years between.

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Back to the shut down and impacts, several of the smaller JSC contracts have furloughed high percentages of their employees, one furloughed 80% starting this week. And unlike civil servants, they have no guarantee of back pay. The bigger contracts (Boeing, Jacobs) are covered through late February. Office of Personal Mgmt also sent out a second furlough letter to federal employees which is required every 30 days...

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@ Auggie

I never said all dumb donald's supporters are nazis. Most of them probably don't even know or care enough about history to know what a nazi is.


You are the only one attributing "ALL" supporters with the actions of a few. But, racists and separatists idolize trump for a reason. The racist dog whistles trump blows serves his purposes and he knows he can't afford to lose his racists supporters. We all know why trump's shrinking base wants a border wall and it has nothing to do with crime or drugs or jobs or the economy or whatever garbage your racist-friendly friends at Fox are shoveling into your ears.


Here's another example of trump's support. This shit is everywhere. 








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Do you have reading comprehension issues? Where did I call EVERYONE I disagree with a racist or a nazi? Again, You are the only one attributing "ALL" supporters with the actions of a few.  Go back and re-read.




And sorry, but racists and nazis do exist and those words still have meaning, especially when one of them is plowing their car through a crowd of people. 


And before you poo yourself laughing at this photo, I want you to know that I don't believe everyone who voted for Dumb Donald is a hit and run driver. I've actually met a few trumpanzees who were not murderers. 






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I think Dan Crenshaw’s letter might have been about his confusion concerning  the vote but low and behold  it actually passed today. I might bypass my letter writing and give him a call!




H.J.Res.28-116 th Congress (2019-2020): Futher Additional Continuing Appropriations Act 2019

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3 hours ago, august948 said:

Lol...your implications have been quite clear since your first post and with every subsequent picture and commentary you put up.


I don't recall asserting that Nazis and racists don't exist.   https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reading_comprehension



I never implied that all trumpanzees are nazis. You did. 


I'm only saying that trump has the support of more nazis and racists than any president in the last 80 years. And that the border wall would be a gift to them.


Also, I never said that you are asserting that nazis and racists don't exist, I was telling you that as long as they exist "those words" will never become "meaningless". 




Edited by West Timer
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I read that JSC requested furloughed employees do janitorial duties......no mention of additional monies  for addition work after the shutdown ends.


At the NASA’s Goddard Institute of Space Studies and Climate research it was simply asking everyone to leave their desks and locking up the building.  I hope there were no unflushed toilets after all this time......it would be a horrible welcome for returning furloughed  employees and all of their hardships.     Sigh

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Meanwhile, LGA in New York had to have a groundstop - no flights because air traffic controllers can't come to work anymore


How long will this go on?  When will IAH not have a tower anymore?  When will Houston Center not be able to coordinate traffic through Southeast Texas?  There are thousands of people doing invisible work all the time to keep planes moving quickly and safely, and they are all overworked, stressed out about money, and probably tired from driving Uber to afford gas to get to their job.


I'm glad that LGA had a groundstop instead of there being a crash.  I'm afraid that it's not over yet though

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1 hour ago, cspwal said:

Meanwhile, LGA in New York had to have a groundstop - no flights because air traffic controllers can't come to work anymore


How long will this go on?  When will IAH not have a tower anymore?  When will Houston Center not be able to coordinate traffic through Southeast Texas?  There are thousands of people doing invisible work all the time to keep planes moving quickly and safely, and they are all overworked, stressed out about money, and probably tired from driving Uber to afford gas to get to their job.


I'm glad that LGA had a groundstop instead of there being a crash.  I'm afraid that it's not over yet though

Think the shutdown won't end until most major airports start having major issues... as they are in NYC already.

Also, no more personal attacks or I'm locking this thread permanently.

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I flew out of LGA a week or so— it was tense.

IMO no one who works at LGA lives close- outlaying money to get to work adds up.  And I don’t think any of LGA furloughed employees will be taking out a loan to pay for transportation costs.

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2 hours ago, West Timer said:



Not exactly...just another move in the chess game.  Pelosi and  Schumer said they wanted to discuss border security separately from the shutdown, so Trump is giving them three weeks to make good on that.  After that he says he's going to go the national emergency route.  Will be interesting to see that play out.  The Democrats may have inadvertently opened up an expansion of Presidential power if it holds up at the Supreme Court.  And if Trump can go this way, then they've lost some leverage with him going forward.

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What Fox nazi did you steal that from?  Trump and the republiCAN'Ts just got buttf****ed on the world stage, I mean everywhere except maybe the Fox bubble. President Buffoon has no leverage now. Nancy knows now where he'll cave and what is pain points are. Can't wait for him to try to exercise his dictatorial powers in court. If he thought he could get a wall built by bypassing congress he would have done it already. But the threat of pulling a Putin-style maneuver allows him to squirm out his speeches without looking like the total dickless wimp that he is. It also keeps his flock of sheep in the pen a little longer. TRUTH HURTS!   




Ann Coulter just posted her self portrait on facebook.



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1 hour ago, West Timer said:

What Fox nazi did you steal that from?  Trump and the republiCAN'Ts just got buttf****ed on the world stage, I mean everywhere except maybe the Fox bubble. President Buffoon has no leverage now. Nancy knows now where he'll cave and what is pain points are. Can't wait for him to try to exercise his dictatorial powers in court. If he thought he could get a wall built by bypassing congress he would have done it already. But the threat of pulling a Putin-style maneuver allows him to squirm out his speeches without looking like the total dickless wimp that he is. It also keeps his flock of sheep in the pen a little longer. TRUTH HURTS!   




Ann Coulter just posted her self portrait on facebook.




That would be the Fox nazi's at someplace called CNN...


In his Rose Garden remarks, Trump did not appear conciliatory nor did he concede defeat; instead, he continued to paint the matter as a national security crisis and said another shutdown is possible if lawmakers cannot agree to new border wall funding.
"As everyone knows I have a very powerful alternative but I'm not going to use it at this time," Trump said after declaring he'd struck a deal to reopen government. CNN reported exclusively on Thursday that a national emergency proclamation had been drafted that would allow for potentially billions of federal dollars to be put toward wall construction.
"If we don't get a fair deal from Congress, the government will either shut down on February 15 again, or I will use the powers afforded to me under the laws and the Constitution of the United States to address this emergency," Trump said. "We will have great security."





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