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Day 18 of Government shut down


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Trying to use "the powers afforded to me" isn't the same as getting to use "the powers afforded to me".


Again, I can't wait to see what happens when he tries to bypass congress. Good luck convincing the courts (before he is impeached or voted out of office) that their is a legitimate 'emergency' that justifies anything like the 'big beautiful 90-foot' wall he promised his sheep. It could take a very long time before it clears the courts (if ever). Trump has already said once that "we could lose in the courts", and he finally got one right. 


Anyway, if there was an 'emergency' why didn't he do it last year before the 'evil caravan invaded America'? Look out the window. It isn't exactly like a German Blitzkrieg on the streets today. He's already backing away from the great wall he promised. On the campaign trail it was supposed to be "a great wall of concrete and steel stretching from sea to shining sea". Yesterday, it was "a metal barrier (shown below) only to be built in necessary in strategic locations".




BREAKING NEWS! We already got that! Double OOPS!





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It ain't a secret any more. Roger that?


What did Mitch know and when did he know it? Mueller is about to blow a hole in many on the Right. Roger is just another piece of the Russian puzzle. Mitch has ties to dirty NRA money that may or may not have been laundered from Russians. Is that maybe why he's an obstructionist?



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17 hours ago, West Timer said:

Trying to use "the powers afforded to me" isn't the same as getting to use "the powers afforded to me".


Again, I can't wait to see what happens when he tries to bypass congress. Good luck convincing the courts (before he is impeached or voted out of office) that their is a legitimate 'emergency' that justifies anything like the 'big beautiful 90-foot' wall he promised his sheep. It could take a very long time before it clears the courts (if ever). Trump has already said once that "we could lose in the courts", and he finally got one right. 


Anyway, if there was an 'emergency' why didn't he do it last year before the 'evil caravan invaded America'? Look out the window. It isn't exactly like a German Blitzkrieg on the streets today. He's already backing away from the great wall he promised. On the campaign trail it was supposed to be "a great wall of concrete and steel stretching from sea to shining sea". Yesterday, it was "a metal barrier (shown below) only to be built in necessary in strategic locations".




BREAKING NEWS! We already got that! Double OOPS!






Indeed trying to isn't the same as getting to, but the rub is that Congress delegated this option to the President under the National Emergencies Act of 1976 and outlined a very specific role for Congress in maintaining and ending the declared emergency.  Thus Congress has taken on itself the role of deciding if the emergency is real and when to end it.  Now do you think the current Senate and House are going to agree on a reversal of the emergency?  They can and will take it to the courts, where i'm sure the 9th circuit will place an injunction on it, but if it gets fast tracked to the Supreme Court, how do you suppose they'll vote?


It will be interesting to watch this play out, especially if it turns out the Democrats have shot themselves in the foot once again.  One good thing about going this route, though, is they can go ahead and fund the government and avoid the pain that causes.



3 hours ago, KinkaidAlum said:

It ain't a secret any more. Roger that?


What did Mitch know and when did he know it? Mueller is about to blow a hole in many on the Right. Roger is just another piece of the Russian puzzle. Mitch has ties to dirty NRA money that may or may not have been laundered from Russians. Is that maybe why he's an obstructionist?




Just can't wait for a President Pence, or do you suppose Mueller will get him too?

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I don't think even a conservative Supreme Court will be able to justify this as an 'emergency'. It wasn't an 'emergency' 10 years ago when there were 10 times as many illegal border crossings. It wasn't an 'emergency' last year, before the Democrats took back the house. And now it is? No way. I'm not denying that trump can't try to declare an emergency, but it won't be as easy or as fast as his supporters are hoping it will. It certainly won't be through the courts before 2020.


One more thing -

If chump gets his border wall because of a ruling by the Supreme Court, the republicans will live to regret it, because that will mean the next Democrat President will use that same authority to declare emergency powers for climate change laws, transgender bathrooms, voter suppression laws,  land grabs (oh wait, republicans don't seem to mind that one anymore) and whatever else they want.


Bring on the fight! The wall is unpopular with everyone outside trump's base (you know, the other 2/3 of America). And even if it is eventually built, it will allow the next Democratic president to make some new laws that REALLY COUNT!


- - - - - - - - -


BTW, Pence is a misguided idiot, but far less corrupt than the p*ssy grabbing, Putin loving, tax evading, white nationalist Führer we currently have. And I wouldn't be surprised at all to see him under some kind of investigation one day.



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I suspect the Supreme Court won't need to justify anything.  Congress clearly defined how the process works in the National Emergencies Act of 1976.  They will probably rule that Congress should take action if it deems it necessary.   Thus it goes back to Congress where the defined process is a veto-proof majority in both houses to shut it down.  Think that will happen in the current climate?


As for the timeline, it only took six months for the travel ban to get to the Supreme Court, where the Court allowed part of the ban to go through while they reviewed the rest.  The full ruling came 1.5 years after the initial ban was announced.  That puts us in the summer of 2020 at best, but if the Court fast tracks this one due to the stated emergency the whole process may well be done much quicker.  We'll see...should be interesting...get your popcorn popped and ready.


Really, though, the best solution would be laws that make it impossible for anyone not authorized to work in the US to get work, particularly heavy fines or jail time for employers who knowingly hire illegals.  The problem with that is those employers pay lobbyists big money to continue the current system and will be constantly working to undermine any restrictions on the way they abuse workers, legal and illegal.  Physical structures that help the border patrol stem the tide aren't as easy to dismantle.

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23 hours ago, West Timer said:

use that same authority to declare emergency powers for climate change laws, transgender bathrooms, voter suppression laws,  land grabs


Don't forget a national emergency on gun control.

my vote would be environmental laws as that is a world emergency.

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19 minutes ago, skwatra said:


Don't forget a national emergency on gun control.

my vote would be environmental laws as that is a world emergency.


Gun control would probably be a non-starter under this since gun rights are enshrined in the Bill of Rights.  For environmental laws/regulations the President already has broad powers and wouldn't need to declare an emergency.

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1 hour ago, West Timer said:


From that article...

"While the design currently being constructed was informed by what we learned in the prototypes, it does not replicate those designs," said Waldman. "The steel bollard design is internally reinforced with materials that require time and multiple industrial tools to breach, thereby providing U.S. Border Patrol agents additional response time to affect a successful law enforcement resolution. In the event that one of the steel bollards becomes damaged, it is quick and cost-effective to repair.

"The professionals on the border know that a wall system is intended not only to prevent entry, it is intended to defer and to increase the amount of time and effort it takes for one to enter so that we can respond with limited border patrol agents. Even a wall that is being breached is a valuable tool in that it allows us to respond to the attempted illegal entry."

In response to KPBS, CBP spokesman Ralph DeSio said the prototypes "were not and cannot be designed to be indestructible," but were designed to "impede or deny efforts to scale, breach, or dig under such a barrier, giving agents time to respond."


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35 minutes ago, august948 said:

would probably be a non-starter

what's your point? many in Congress including Republicans think a national emergency at the southern border today is a non-starter. the point is, if the precedent is set to attempt to use the National Emergencies Act of 1976 to push campaign promises, lots of issues could be declared 'emergencies' in the future by various administrations.

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1 hour ago, skwatra said:

what's your point? many in Congress including Republicans think a national emergency at the southern border today is a non-starter. the point is, if the precedent is set to attempt to use the National Emergencies Act of 1976 to push campaign promises, lots of issues could be declared 'emergencies' in the future by various administrations.


My point is that litigating these things seems to be the way it goes these days.  If some gun control measure is declared an emergency and challenged in the courts, it's a likely loss at the Supreme Court due to the Second Amendment.  It doesn't really matter what Congress thinks unless they can come up with a veto-proof majority in both chambers.


No doubt going this way opens a pandora's box.  But, it'll be up to Congress to fix the problem itself created with the Act of 1976 unless someone successfully challenges the Act as an unconstitutional delegation of power from one branch to another. 

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Hate to break it to you but all your 'ifs', 'likelys' and 'no doubts' are not very convincing. 


Show me a 10-foot wall, I'll show you an 12-foot ladder.  Trump promised his suckers something a little more than a "Mexican speed bump" when he was out promising "great walls". No wonder the trumpers are all looking so butthurt these days.




From the article -

Trump, in his many public statements on immigration and border security, has said an “impenetrable” wall would “stop dangerous drugs and criminals from pouring into our country.”




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4 minutes ago, West Timer said:

Show me a 10 foot wall, I'll show you an 12 foot ladder.  Trump promised his suckers something a little more than a "Mexican speed bump" when he was out promising "great walls". No wonder the trumpanzees are all looking so butthurt these days.




From the article -

Trump, in his many public statements on immigration and border security, has said an “impenetrable” wall would “stop dangerous drugs and criminals from pouring into our country.”



I'm not buying anything in this world of  'if', 'likely' and  'no doubt'. It all comes off sounding like a 3rd rate civic class at Trump University and self-consolation.



Lol...If you've been around long enough, you'll have seen that things promised don't always work out for a variety of reasons.  Yet presidents still get re-elected.   Obama promised his flock that he would close Guantanamo, before he decided not to. 


As for butthurt, I don't think I've ever seen more butthurt than this...




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Presidents still get impeached too, especially when they are under 17 known investigations.






I'm sure that lady is feeling a lot better since the midterms. Speaking of butthurt, Trump looks like he just took it up the butt and liked it in this photo. 



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1 hour ago, West Timer said:

No photoshop.  Tust trump doing what he does best - kissing putin's ass.

This flop sweat guy didn't look very good today either. It looks like he just got a briefing he didn't like. Hm, wonder what it could be?




Lol...grasp at those straws....grasp at em! 




Buzzfeed much?


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I call 'em as I see 'em. Baldy looks petrified. And you sound nervous. Good! It shows you're still spry.


Speaking of grasping, tell me again how Bozo the Prez didn't cave the other day when he re-opened the gov without getting any money for the "Great impenetrable wall that Mexico is paying for".


Subject change much?

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1 hour ago, West Timer said:

I call 'em as I see 'em. Baldy looks petrified. And you sound nervous. Good! It shows you're still spry.


Speaking of grasping, tell me again how Bozo the Prez didn't cave the other day when he re-opened the gov without getting any money for the "Great impenetrable wall that Mexico is paying for".


Subject change much?


Perhaps you need less rose-colored glasses?  I'm constitutionally unable to be nervous.  I am quite amused, though.  That and my hot asian wife keep me spry.


I'd put it simpler for you if I could, but the best I can do is remind you (once again) that this is a chess game.  The Prez wasn't getting anywhere with the House, so he flipped it back on Nancy since she said she would work on it after the govt reopens.  He's calling her bluff.  Gave her a short timeline to get something done.  We'll see how that works out.  If not, he's already outlined the next step.


Here's what's really making everyone nervous today...




2020 is going to be even more fun than 2016.  Ever heard of a guy named Perot?  Go Howard!

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2 weeks doesn’t seem to be enough time for 800,000 fed gov employees to regroup and prepare for another likely shut down.

I’m still worried over the number of families who probably maxed out their credit cards and put up dozens of IOU’s not to mention using up all their “safety “

why are these employees pawns?

The work these employees do seems valuable and important—- why the mistreatment? How much preparation are these families likely to be able to accomplish in 2 weeks? Who in Government will be advocating for them?

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Infowars much?


Now who's reaching? Nancy checkmated trumpo on the longest Govt shutdown in history that he was 'so proud to own'. His shutdown produced nothing for his cause and I'm sure McConnell can't wait for another one and another 8 point drop in the polls. The only way trump gets peaches is if Judge Roberts allows it next year.  Nancy may allow Dumbo to build a few miles of 'discount' barrier in 'strategic' locations if he keeps on downsizing. But there will never be the Great Wall that President D-bag and his army of nazi zombies were screaming for 2 years ago, because even HE doesn't want it now. Checkmate! 


This is not even about a wall anymore. It just about the orange slug (and you) trying to save face. 


BTW, I think the only thing that keeps you spry is the internet, your hand and your wacko imagination.




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2 hours ago, trymahjong said:

2 weeks doesn’t seem to be enough time for 800,000 fed gov employees to regroup and prepare for another likely shut down.

I’m still worried over the number of families who probably maxed out their credit cards and put up dozens of IOU’s not to mention using up all their “safety “

why are these employees pawns?

The work these employees do seems valuable and important—- why the mistreatment? How much preparation are these families likely to be able to accomplish in 2 weeks? Who in Government will be advocating for them?


It's not, but I'd be surprised if they go through a shutdown again.  If nothing gets worked out by Feb 15th, I think he'll test the national emergency route.

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4 hours ago, West Timer said:



Infowars much?


Now who's reaching? Nancy checkmated trumpo on the longest Govt shutdown in history that he was 'so proud to own'. His shutdown produced nothing for his cause and I'm sure McConnell can't wait for another one and another 8 point drop in the polls. The only way trump gets peaches is if Judge Roberts allows it next year.  Nancy may allow Dumbo to build a few miles of 'discount' barrier in 'strategic' locations if he keeps on downsizing. But there will never be the Great Wall that President D-bag and his army of nazi zombies were screaming for 2 years ago, because even HE doesn't want it now. Checkmate! 


This is not even about a wall anymore. It just about the orange slug (and you) trying to save face. 


BTW, I think the only thing that keeps you spry is the internet, your hand and your wacko imagination.





Roflmao...you know you've won the argument when someone has to resort to implying you're a nazi.



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On 1/29/2019 at 12:47 PM, august948 said:


Roflmao...you know you've won the argument when someone has to resort to implying you're a nazi.



...or you 'know you've won' because you stayed up too late the night before huffing silly string. But no, it's best that you just keep telling yourself that you 'won' so at least the nurse can put you down tonight.


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NASA federal employees got back pay (partial checks) yesterday and today. Had one good young engineer paying student loans and a car payment who was 2 days away from being evicted... was surprised how quickly they cut these checks but was glad to see it.


Long term impacts: he has friends graduating in May who now have no interest to work for NASA or any other government agency now and have turned their eyes to the private sector.

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I guess I will now be using that emoji with hearts in its eyes when I speak about Dan Crenshaw. There was a picture of him online under the headline

”Proposal to withhold pay from Congress, President during Government shut downs.” I would add flying fireworks to that emoji but so many in Congress seem to become millionaires after being elected.


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On 1/28/2019 at 8:21 PM, West Timer said:

No photoshop.  Just trump doing what he does best - kissing putin's ass.

This flop sweat guy didn't look very good today either. It looks like he just got a briefing he didn't like. Hm, wonder what it could be?





I don't usually watch the circus that is a House hearing, but today's was pretty good.  Whitaker took them to task time and time again.



To bad he has to return to his regular job...



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On 1/31/2019 at 2:32 PM, skwatra said:

NASA federal employees got back pay (partial checks) yesterday and today. Had one good young engineer paying student loans and a car payment who was 2 days away from being evicted... was surprised how quickly they cut these checks but was glad to see it.


Long term impacts: he has friends graduating in May who now have no interest to work for NASA or any other government agency now and have turned their eyes to the private sector.


That really doesn’t make a lot of sense. People in the private sector get laid off all the time and no one gives a crap. Government employees have much better job security. These government employees didn’t even lose any money. Their pay was just delayed. I think this shutdown lasted 35 days, right? If you are going to get evicted that quickly you must not fear being laid off much. In the private sector you better be ready with some savings because no one cares about you being evicted. Many private sector jobs in Houston have politicians and government agencies who are actively trying to destroy our jobs. It’s too bad for the little people who get caught up in this but welcome to the real world. You never know if that next paycheck will come.

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