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Now, that hurricanes have gotten everyone's attention, and riding out a storm seems to have lost some of its' cache, Houstonians might want to keep an eye on this one.


With the accuracy of the National Hurricane Center's predictions lately, seeing Houston right in the middle of the NHC Blob is a bit disconcerting, to say the least. I was hoping we would not have to put Katrina's lessons to use so quickly.

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Long-range forecasts showed the system moving into the Gulf of Mexico late in the week as a hurricane, then possibly approaching Mexico or Texas.

But forecasters warned those across the U.S. southern coast that long-term predictions are subject to large errors. That means that areas ravaged by Katrina should be watching the storm.

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All we can hope for is that once into the open waters of the gulf - Rita doesnt increase its strenght into a cat. 4-5 Hurricane.

I'm with you, arche-however the water in the gulf is very warm for this time of year-doesn't bode well for keeping Rita petite.

Let's hope she won't get big-boned on us. :(

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In a cat 4 -5 storm they would have a mandatory evacuation for Galveston and probaly Clear Lake. I think you would be OK in downtown - I live on the in a loft downtown and I would ride it out. I live on the 5th floor so I won't have to worry about flooding, and downtown would most likely be the 1st to restore power.

I believe the Sring area would be the furthest north you need to go in order to evacuate. They will get a lot of wind damage (tree down, roofs torn up), but should escape they brunt force of the storm.

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Having never been through a Hurricane (Im a Michigan transplant)...if a cat 4-5 does hit Houston/Galveston - will there be mandatory evacuations?  I assume Galveston will, but what about downtown area?  How far north do you have to go ?

this is not a particularly good map, but it will give you an idea of whether or not you should plan to leave if the predicted path holds, along with evacuation routes.

hurricane evacuation map

it will be at least late wednesday before they have a better idea, the voluntary evacuation for galveston now is to try and urge those who can leave (retirees) to do so now to ease the mandatory evacuation if they need one.

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What im worried about is - if it does hit Houston - people in Apartments (anywhere for that matter) buying gas powerd generators and then the people who dont know enough about them would somehow cause a fire - or if nothing else asphixiate themselves. Thats a real concern. Not to mention - power. But what can you expect.

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Yeah, I hope it doesnt cause to much trouble, I wonder what the evacuee's are thinking. it would suck if they were evacuated evacuees, ha.

But, I hope noone gets hurt.

It looks like Mother Nature is trying to finish the job. :huh:

Just a joke, but if it hits Houston it will look like the refugees were born under a bad sign and brought their bad voodoo mojo along with them. In that case, we're all screwed.

Really though, I haven't been through one of these so my questions are;

1) When they predict a target in the Gulf 5 or 6 days out, like us, how often are they correct, give or take 100 miles or so?

2) I'm considering buying plywood tonight. I stopped by Home Depot a half hour ago and people are buying it. Premature? Unneccesary this far inland (East End/Gulfgate)? I figure I can always take it back if I never end up installing it.

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