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Open Carry of Handguns Starts January 1, 2016

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I wonder how long we're going to have to wait for this:  http://koin.com/2014/10/07/man-practicing-open-carry-law-robbed-of-gun/


Again, I'm not anti gun, just familiar with the inevitability of Murphy's Law.


I guess you better carry one concealed if you're going to carry one open.  And be wary of someone asking for cigarette if you're out on the street at 2am.

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I wonder how long we're going to have to wait for this:  http://koin.com/2014/10/07/man-practicing-open-carry-law-robbed-of-gun/


Again, I'm not anti gun, just familiar with the inevitability of Murphy's Law.


That is one awfully written news story. And, the line that the thief's weapon was "possibility a semiautomatic" is bizarre. Revolvers and semiautos do not look much alike.


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I wonder how long we're going to have to wait for this: http://koin.com/2014/10/07/man-practicing-open-carry-law-robbed-of-gun/

Again, I'm not anti gun, just familiar with the inevitability of Murphy's Law.

And now there is yet another illegal gun on the market in the hands of yet another criminal who will now likely use it in even more crime.


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2015 and presumably into 2016 has been an odd year for Republican politics...seems to me that we're seeing a shift further right for the party. It's as if the "King Obummer" fears have manifested into reality. The Cliven Bundy issue has boomed with the recent takeover of an Oregon Wildlife Refuge (technically a federal building) by Bundy supporters and three of his sons.

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Wow. Bunch of misinformed pansies in the thread.

If you're that freaking scared, stay at home. :rolleyes:

Chances are, since we are the 45th state to legally allow openly carrying a pistol, you've already been to numerous states where it was legal, and you didn't die or have a problem with it.

And for all the elitest, holier than though crowd, sitting on a soapbox on your high horse looking down on all the irresponsible gun waving lunatics who are bound to drop their fully automatic, belt fed 50 caliber, 5,000 round weapon in a restaurant full of nuns and orphans, inadvertently killing everyone in the process, you act like open carry is something new and you are SOOOO against it, to the point where you are threatening to hurt businesses who allow it, but in reality you have probably been in more restaurants and public places with people open carrying (police officers and security guards) than you can count. Now all of a sudden, you're against it? Why, because it's not only officers, but also concealed carry license holders who are now allowed open carry? Guess what! Those people you are so afraid of with their CHL's were......get this.....ALREADY PACKING HEAT BEFORE THIS LAW PASSED. Did you die? Were you accidentally shot by one of them?

I doubt it.

But go ahead with your fear mongering, spreading of lies and false statistics, it's not going to reverse the law. But if it makes you feel better and smarter than others, by all means, carry on...

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To the people who are claiming that someone is going to just get a wild hair up their ass and decide to grab a persons gun out of their holster and kill a thousand people, can you tell me how many times this has happened to a police officer or security guard in Houston in the last year?

The last five years?

The last ten years?

From what you guys are claiming, this statistic must be pretty high, in the thousands I'd guess, no?

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Can you tell me how many accidental gun deaths there are in a year in the privacy of people's homes? Can you please tell me why I am supposed to trust others to be responsible gun owners when this State doesn't require licensing or testing? 


If being against people wandering around town with weapons displayed makes me an elitist, then so be it. I am better than you. 

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Unfortunately, however, no police offer, seeing your side arm on the sidewalk, has the right to ask you if you have a license to carry. Nope. I was told that they can't stop you and ask. Terrific. Makes me feel a lot safer.

Another lie. That is utterly false, so all your snark and paranoia is completely unfounded.

Constitutional carry DID NOT PASS in Texas, so anyone open carrying must be able to provide the necessary license/documentation to the authorities if asked.


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For the record, I will not be open carrying, but I am not against it, nor am I afraid of walking into a business where people are open carrying. I've done it for ages at Collectors Firearms (every employee there has been open carrying for years) or anywhere a cop or security guard is openly armed, and I generally feel safer in those places because I know a criminal would have to have a death wish to try anything stupid in those places.

I think all the uproar about it passing in Texas is stupid seeing as to how we are the 45th state to allow it.

For anyone counting, that means it was already legal in about 90% of the United States.

People are acting like Texas is suddenly the first and only state to legalize open carry, and it's such an outrageous and preposterous idea, creating all sorts of fantastic scenarios of bloodbaths and "wild west" showdowns at high noon, it's ridiculous, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion I guess.

Edited by Howard Huge
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Yes, you must have a CHL in order to open carry a pistol. Open carry of rifles and shotguns remains the same as before, no license required to do so.

The DPS tracks conviction rates of CHL holders against conviction rates of the entire population of Texas on a yearly basis:


That is a totally useless report since it does not appear to normalize the populations.

Then, there is this (I have no idea if there is any veracity to this website):


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Howard Huge, only one person gets to decide where I choose to spend my money: Me.

Shocking News! Forumer who posts pictures showing off his desert eagle is pro-guns! ;)

I'd rather be in an elitist evironment where the people don't open carry (common decency, and not told they shouldn't do that in said resteraunt), than a Walmart with neck beards holding their assault rifles. I haven't been to Walmart in a long time, maybe I should go pay them a visit.

Apart from the police and security guards I don't want to see your guns. I equate that to seeing a redneck with a giant crocodile Dundee knife clipped to their belt. Not scared or fearful but against the dress code if you catch my drift.

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Open carry is gauche, even most concealed carry people think so, that's why most of them (except Howard Huge) say they're not going to do it, even if they want the right to.


Edited to correct that Howard Huge does not consider going heels to be gauche.

Edited by kylejack
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IMO this thread isn't really against guns as it is just cautious about the idea of flaunting the gun in public.


Right. We've had concealed carry for a long time. Open carry seems to attract a more activist type of gun owner who is trying to make a scene, not protect himself.

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Shocking News! Forumer who posts pictures showing off his desert eagle is pro-guns! ;)

I'd rather be in an elitist evironment where the people don't open carry (common decency, and not told they shouldn't do that in said resteraunt), than a Walmart with neck beards holding their assault rifles. I haven't been to Walmart in a long time, maybe I should go pay them a visit.

Apart from the police and security guards I don't want to see your guns. I equate that to seeing a redneck with a giant crocodile Dundee knife clipped to their belt. Not scared or fearful but against the dress code if you catch my drift.


Nawwww, Montrose1100, stick to enjoying your frolics with the hoi polloi in slave-built Dubai  :lol:

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Apart from the police and security guards I don't want to see your guns. I equate that to seeing a redneck with a giant crocodile Dundee knife clipped to their belt. Not scared or fearful but against the dress code if you catch my drift.

Actually carrying a knife over 5 1/2 inches long is against the law.


Wait, so you're telling me a gun store's employees are armed with guns?

I once knew a gun shop owner that was always armed yet still got shot and killed during a robbery at his store. That's why I think showing the robbers your packing is a big mistake. 

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Actually carrying a knife over 5 1/2 inches long is against the law.

I once knew a gun shop owner that was always armed yet still got shot and killed during a robbery at his store. That's why I think showing the robbers your packing is a big mistake.

Hmm... I wonder if there is anything against how serrated it can be, along with the number of animal bones on it...

I've never seen anyone open carry and have only seen a Dundee knife once here and a few times in Louisiana.

And gmac, I hope you're as passionate about pointing that out to people who admire the US Capitol Building as you are with me :P

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Open carry is gauche, even most concealed carry people think so, that's why most of them (including Howard Huge) say they're not going to do it, even if they want the right to.

I don't think it's "gauche", that's not why I'm not going to do it (thanks for speaking for me) and I don't "want the right to."

I'm just not against it, nor do I look down on anyone who will decide to open carry, nor will I be scared or "wary" or freaked out by them.

I really don't think it's a big deal at all, and some people are making way too big of a fuss about it.

Naviguessor has a good question, how many people have you seen open carrying so far?

I haven't seen one. And I'm not boycotting any "open carry businesses."

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though i haven't posted on this thread, i would fall with the so called "fear mongering, misinformed pansy" crowd. My uncle was shot in the back and killed without provocation (in India), so my mom is very anti-gun and that's how I was raised in the 80's in Maryland and Texas. I'm not naive, I know there is going to be violence, crime, war - this is human nature and guns are not going anywhere. But I have NEVER seen a gun outside of a holster of a police officer or federal agent, or the military when entering certain facilities for work. I am also aware that most states allow open carry. But no state has passed an open carry law that has provoked people to flaunt their new found rights in my lifetime (so to me it feels like we're going backwards). I also wasn't raised in a time with social media where people are reposting pictures of people in stores waiving their guns around. Luckily my kid is too young to see any of this, and hopefully it'll go away. I'm not usually against other people's freedoms, to each their own. I don't feel more or less safe in general, its not going to stop me from going to certain places. I just think its unnecessary and don't want my son to grow up in a place where guns being out in the open is normal. I don't think that's going to happen - and don't think living in Houston will be any different.


Otherwise maybe we'll move to New Zealand.

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Wait, so you're telling me a gun store's employees are armed with guns?

Yeah, and your sarcasm aside, can you tell me how many accidental shootings, dropped guns, or weapons pulled from their holsters by crazy people we've had at Collector's firearms?

20 plus people walking around a small building with loaded sidearms in holsters for years, it's bound to have happened numerous times according to HAIF logic, right?

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though i haven't posted on this thread, i would fall with the so called "fear mongering, misinformed pansy" crowd. My uncle was shot in the back and killed without provocation (in India), so my mom is very anti-gun and that's how I was raised in the 80's in Maryland and Texas. I'm not naive, I know there is going to be violence, crime, war - this is human nature and guns are not going anywhere. But I have NEVER seen a gun outside of a holster of a police officer or federal agent, or the military when entering certain facilities for work. I am also aware that most states allow open carry. But no state has passed an open carry law that has provoked people to flaunt their new found rights in my lifetime (so to me it feels like we're going backwards). I also wasn't raised in a time with social media where people are reposting pictures of people in stores waiving their guns around. Luckily my kid is too young to see any of this, and hopefully it'll go away. I'm not usually against other people's freedoms, to each their own. I don't feel more or less safe in general, its not going to stop me from going to certain places. I just think its unnecessary and don't want my son to grow up in a place where guns being out in the open is normal. I don't think that's going to happen - and don't think living in Houston will be any different.

Otherwise maybe we'll move to New Zealand.

Skwatra, I am sorry for your loss.

My own father was killed by gun violence when I was 18. I dont like going into detail, but I can assure you though, he was not killed by a law abiding, licensed firearm holder on accident, he was killed by a criminal with an illegal gun. Going through this did not make me anti-gun rights. Why? because adding more laws and restrictions to law abiding citizens who carry firearms legally and responsibly, does nothing to murderous criminals who obtain and carry guns ILLEGALLY. Nothing.

Murders are usually committed by people mentally predisposed to murder. Not some random neckbeard at Wal-Mart who is exercising his open carry right.

I'm sure if you pulled up the statistics over the past year, number of deaths inadvertantly caused by someone open carrying pales in comparison to the number of deaths caused by murderers who kill people with illegally possessed firearms on purpose.

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