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The Houston Post Newspaper


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I remember it, but I never read it. I had the impression they had gone more downscale than the Chronicle, if such a thing is possible. It would be a good thing imo to have it back, since the Chronicle could use some healthy competition, but it's not going to happen. Not many cities still support multiple newspapers.

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I always liked the Post, but then that was the paper my family subscribed to instead of the Chronicle. In the 1980s and early 1990s the Post was more liberal in its political endorsements and toward the end ran a series of in-depth features on Sundays pushing for much of the redevelopment in Downtown, Midtown, and the rest of the Main St. corridor that is now happening. However, toward the end, the Post was a shell of its former self. The size of the paper kept shrinking and many regular features were dropped. The end came when the Post sold out to the Hearst Corporation, which immediately closed it and transferred its assets and some staff to the Chronicle.

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The Houston Post was delivered in the morning and the Chronicle in the evening. The Post could usually scoop the Chronicle on many events due to the timing. When the Chronicle changed to a morning paper it hurt the Post.

The Post was more up to date and stylish while the Chronicle was dull and boring. The Chronicle was the paper your grandparents would read. The Chronicle was always a bit larger but not much when they were both having successful times.

The Post was a high quality publication owned by the Hobby family as was KPRC radio and television stations.

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Both suck. The Chronicle is a middle line paper- not too good, but not too horrible, but still sucky. It is getting slightly better, with a few of the columnists, but otherwise, it is just another excellent addition to the bottom of the birdcage. My sister only buys it to read the comics, which are available online.

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those of you too young to remember the post and/or those who were not around when it was in circulation would be wise to go to the library and look it up and decide for yourself if it was a worthy read. my family read the post over the chron, probably because we had a close family friend who drew some of the comics. i've always felt it was a poor reflection on a city of our size to be unable to maintain only one paper, but the post went under at a time when the city was experiencing an economic downturn all the way around.

funny, some of the post people turned up at the chron, like ken hoffman while others like editor lynn ashby went on to pursue other local journalistic opportunities. i seem to remember he started a local magazine called something like houston city where he was still cranking out very insightful, opinionated editorials - i always found his style honest and engaging. forgive my bias, but i spent some intern hours at the post and naturally the chron being the competition was considered the "evil" enemy.

we will likely remain a one paper town, as the internet has become such a news tool it is unncessary to spend much time browsing local offerings. you can sit down at the computer with a cup of coffee and check out the news in any city in america or the world for that matter. frankly i do not understand how the chron will stay in business selling papers, when you just have to dial up their news online and it's free. this is not only convenient, but great for the environment.


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  • 2 weeks later...

To those saying The Post was lame, well, they had Lynn Ashby, Leon Hale, Molly Ivins, and Ken Hoffman (oh, and The Far Side).

It had a far better sports section, and, since this was back in the day real reporters wrote real stories instead of copying wire, had better writing across the board. The Chronicle back then seemed to be a little more blue collar, a little more conservative.

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  • 3 months later...

The closing of the Post was a travesty that Houston has yet to recover from. The Post was a superior paper in every facet than the comical. Ultimately, the comical had to resort to dirty tricks to take down the Post, and equally outrageous was that nothing was done about it. Houston would be a much better place with the Post still around.

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HoustoniaNYC (first off, cool ass city, I miss it so much) the Post was 'da bomb'.

It cannot come back though. The Chronicle BOUGHT the Post and shut it down, so it owns all rights. A new newspaper would be nice though. Most cities you get options and the Houston Press really isn't an option.

I wonder what the cost would be to start another paper in the city houston to rival the Chronicle? Perhaps, The Houston Times?

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the post was my choice over the chronicle. i could watch a speech by ronald reagan and the post would quote him, in context. the chronicle would take excerpts of his words and paint their own picture. you could read an article on the same event in both papers and come out with different perspectives. the chronicle sucks.

BTW, i have a copy of the last issue of the houston post.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 5 months later...

Does anyone know what happened to the photo archives of the Houston Post when they shut down?

Did the Chron get them? Destroyed? (hopefully not).

I know the papers are on microfilm at the Library but I can't find anything in the catalog about the photos themselves.

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In other words, the writers union doesn't want you to see them.  Gotta love unions.

Copyright violations are a union thing? Someone should probably alert Sony and all of the other media conglomerates that spend millions of dollars protecting their copyrights. They probably have no idea that they are so "union" in their sympathies.

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