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President Obama


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Excellent!!! HAIF has its very own birther thread!

You'll be excited to know that I will be starting a prepper thread for urban survivalism soon. I'm too busy right now assembling a rock collection to complement my ammo stockpile.

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Excellent!!! HAIF has its very own birther thread!

No. He just asked for clarification. Had he posted that he had proof that it was fake because of the Adobe suspicions, or that he just knew in his heart of hearts that it was fake, then you'd have a birther thread.

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What surprises me about the whole birther thing is that the federal elections commission (and yes, I know they're over campaign finance) or some other body doesn't check this stuff out beforehand. How hard would it be to just ask everyone running to provide evidence that they meet the legal requirements before we vote? The way things are now, theoretically, Osama Bin Laden could have run for President.

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What surprises me about the whole birther thing is that the federal elections commission (and yes, I know they're over campaign finance) or some other body doesn't check this stuff out beforehand. How hard would it be to just ask everyone running to provide evidence that they meet the legal requirements before we vote? The way things are now, theoretically, Osama Bin Laden could have run for President.

I'm pretty sure those who verify these things checked it out when he first submitted his bid to run. The conspiracy has been over that short form being released instead of a long form - which is just ridiculous.

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I'm pretty sure those who verify these things checked it out when he first submitted his bid to run.

I agree completely. And if that's the case, they have just done a horrible job in communication. If there is such a committe, which I hope there is, why didn't the Obama administration simply explain that such an entity exists and have that entity make a written statement or something that they had recieved proper documentation? To me, that would have solved everything from the beginning and a birth certificate wouldn't have even been needed.

By the way, do we know what this entity is called or who does it? I'm about to do a google search for it. "How to apply for candidacy for President of the United States."


Found it, Federal Election Committee http://www.fec.gov/

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Found it, Federal Election Committee http://www.fec.gov/

It looks like I was beaten to the post about the OCR technology (I've had scanned documents on my own do this on me).

Glad you posted the link. In order to run for president you are vetted like crazy in order to be proven eligible. Not to mention, I'm sure Hilary spent a good chunk of $$$ in hopes of finding something against him. The idea that someone could fool the FBI, FEC, their own party (and opponents), Election Judges, the rest of our government, etc. in order to run for president, become president... (and like some have done) claim all of those entities are "in on it" or something is so preposterous and against all sound reasoning that it infuriates me.

This is the same reason I hope they never release the Osama photos. People will scrutinize them, claim Photoshop fakes, etc. I think these are the same people that believe the moon landing was done on a Hollywood back lot.

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While bitter loser republicans were wasting time and money on the pursuit of this (ANOTHER) pointless endeavor (something they excel at) , the president was busy fixing the economy, making medicine affordable, and capturing the worst terrorist in the history of the world. He probably thought entertaining this pack of morons who only exist to throw obstacles in his way was beneath him and they are.

At a time (the years immediately following 8 years of disastrous republican rule which brought America 2 wars and the great recession) when the country needed a leader in the worst way to be focused on issues that really mattered to the nation (not birth certificates), the president rose above high school level politics and has accomplished more in 3 years than the last president didn't in 8 years. This president has done an outstanding job especially considering that he has had to deal with the party of no constantly trying to throw obstacles in his way in order to achieve their single goal which is to give power and money to the wealthy while catering to (or taking advantage of) backwards non-thinking religious groups.

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While bitter loser republicans...

Woah, slow down there Captain Partisan. The economy is far from fixed, and the goal of the Republican party isn't to give money to the wealthy, it's to allow them to keep it.

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The economy is far from fixed...

Not as far as it was the last time a republican was president.

The wealthy can take care of themselves. Mr. Obama doesn't seem to put the interest of the wealthy over the good of the nation. I applaud him for that. I don't care about the welfare of billionaires either. I don't care if they have to pay an extra tax to keep their yachts. Republicans sure do tho. You'd think they'd have more nobel causes in need of their attention these days.


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Not as far at is was the last time a republican was president.

The wealthy can take care of themselves. Mr. Obama doesn't seem to put the interest of the wealthy over the good of the nation. I applaud him for that. I don't care about the welfare of billionaires either. I don't care if they have to pay an extra tax to keep their yachts. Republicans sure do tho. You'd think they'd have more more nobel causes in need of their attention these days.


Think this through. If Florida is a more tax-advantageous place to buy and sell yachts that yacht-owners take enjoyment from moving around, that would seem to be an incentive for yacht sales to occur in Florida and not in Texas. If the sale doesn't happen in Texas, then Texas collects $0 of revenue instead of the cap of $15,625.

Also, the transaction of yachts is a lot like the transaction of houses. There are local brokers involved, as well as marine surveyors, insurers, and financiers. Additionally, the seller often pays for local repairs to the yacht before it transacts. So there is a significant secondary economic and fiscal impact from keeping that business in Texas.

All in all, I think that the fiscal impact will be a wash. But it's a wash featuring lower taxes and more jobs. So that's worthwhile.

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Not as far as it was the last time a republican was president.

The wealthy can take care of themselves. Mr. Obama doesn't seem to put the interest of the wealthy over the good of the nation. I applaud him for that. I don't care about the welfare of billionaires either. I don't care if they have to pay an extra tax to keep their yachts. Republicans sure do tho. You'd think they'd have more nobel causes in need of their attention these days.


Remind me again, who signed the extension of the Bush tax cuts and hasn't done anything on his promise to raise taxes on the wealthy, despite having control of the House and Senate for 2 years?

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Niche, all I get from that analogy is that Florida republicans are just as sleezy as Texas republicans. Texas already has enough incentives to keep yacht buyers from going to other states.

Any elected govt. official making sure that the wealthy are not taxed too highly for their play toys has got very low code of ethics in my book. It's really sad that republicans will never fight for school teachers, children born into poverty, and sick grannies with the same vigor they fight for providing luxury to the rich.

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Remind me again, who signed the extension of the Bush tax cuts and hasn't done anything on his promise to raise taxes on the wealthy, despite having control of the House and Senate for 2 years?

August, Dubya and the rest of his cronies made a real mess of things while they were in power. The current president might need a little more than 3 years to uncluster all the damage the republican'ts did in 8 years. President Obama may never be able to fully clean up the mess they made. But I like the way he keeps trying and succeeding in the face of people who have nothing better to do than analyze birth certificates and make it easier for the wealthy to buy yachts.

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August, Dubya and the rest of his cronies made a real mess of things while they were in power. The current president might need a little more than 3 years to uncluster all the damage the republican'ts did in 8 years.

Unfortunately he isn't even trying. He chose to extend tax benefits on the wealthy after saying during the campaign that he would not.

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Niche, all I get from that analogy is that Florida republicans are just as sleezy as Texas republicans. Texas already has enough incentives to keep yacht buyers from going to other states.

Like what?

Do you not concur with my analysis? Where are we in disagreement? Be specific.

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August, Dubya and the rest of his cronies made a real mess of things while they were in power. The current president might need a little more than 3 years to unclusterfock all the damage the republican'ts did in 8 years. President Obama may never be able to fully clean up the mess they made. But I like the way he keeps trying and succeeding in the face of people who have nothing better to do than analyze birth certificates and make it easier for the wealthy to buy yachts.

So why wouldn't Obama and his cronies have raised taxes on the wealthy to help fund their "fixes" instead of letting the wealthy off the hook, like they promised over and over? How come the administration keeps giving out exemptions to the Obamacare mandate to wealthy corporations, labor unions and other friends and contributors?

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Like what?

Do you not concur with my analysis? Where are we in disagreement? Be specific.

I don't think he is interested, or has the facts that you request.

We're screaming in the wind at someone that is almost like a "birther" he won't change his position regardless how many facts that are thrown at him.

I got over my "birther" thing rather quickly when it was revealed how much someone has to go through when initially applying.

Frankly, I was for McCain or Clinton, but Obama had some things going against him: His inexperience and Biden.

If he only been working politics longer (say 10 yrs), then he would have been a more effective president.

Biden is an ass. Any party who would have Biden as a VP or significant person on staff would be doomed to failure, or at the very least, needed to have their head examined.

You don't vote for your own party or your prejudices, you vote for someone who you think will do a better job. Therefore, I didn't vote for Obama, and I think I voted correctly.

Personally, I think Clinton or McCain would have done a better job.

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Any elected govt. official making sure that the wealthy are not taxed too highly for their play toys has got very low code of ethics in my book. It's really sad that republicans will never fight for school teachers, children born into poverty, and sick grannies with the same vigor they fight for providing luxury to the rich.

Your posts seem to imply that once a person becomes wealthy, they no longer deserve their wealth. Is that correct?

August, Dubya and the rest of his cronies made a real mess of things while they were in power. The current president might need a little more than 3 years to unclusterfock all the damage the republican'ts did in 8 years. President Obama may never be able to fully clean up the mess they made.

Could you site some specifics?

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Republicans have a long history of catering to the rich, ignoring the poor and using the ignorant. I don't debate politics with stooges. I just talk down to them. Kind of like how one must communicate with a yappy dog. It doesn't matter what you say they just keep on yappin' until they get tired or until you stick a bone in their mouths. I learned a long time ago that there is no greater waste of time and energy than debating republican'ts on internet forums. Debating politics with a basset hound would be a more fruitful, enlightening endeavor.

I win. You lose. I am smart. You are dumb. Blah, Blah, Blah. There is no need for further discussion. Besides nothing regarding politics can be proven conclusively on the internet or to everybody's satisfaction (including mine). So why waste time. Go fetch and here's your bone fella.

I want to leave this scampering, partially destroyed ant hill with one last thought for you to choke on... The president is doing a fabulous job. He has proved time and again that he can do what he sets out to do. Lack of experience seems to have worked in his favor. There is nothing to debate.

Republicans make sure you don't have to pay too many taxes if you want a yacht. I'm sure that makes an unemployed teacher somewhere in Texas sleep much easier at night knowing that millionaires aren't forced to go to Florida if they want to buy a yacht.

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Republicans have a long history of catering to the rich, ignoring the poor and using the ignorant. I don't debate politics with stooges. I just talk down to them. Kind of like how one must communicate with a yappy dog. It doesn't matter what you say they just keep on yappin' until they get tired or until you stick a bone in their mouths. I learned a long time ago that there is no greater waste of time and energy than debating republican'ts on internet forums. Debating politics with a basset hound would be a more fruitful, enlightening endeavor.

I win. You lose. I am smart. You are dumb. Blah, Blah, Blah. There is no need for further discussion. Besides nothing regarding politics can be proven conclusively on the internet or to everybody's satisfaction (including mine). So why waste time. Go fetch and here's your bone fella.

I want to leave this scampering, partially destroyed ant hill with one last thought for you to choke on... The president is doing a fabulous job. He has proved time and again that he can do what he sets out to do. Lack of experience seems to have worked in his favor. There is nothing to debate.

With you, you are absolutely correct! But just for the record, you seem to be the one incessantly yapping, so most of us here are left somewhat baffled by your blanket statements.

Republicans make sure you don't have to pay too many taxes if you want a yacht. I'm sure that makes an unemployed teacher somewhere in Texas sleep much easier at night knowing that millionaires aren't forced to go to Florida if they want to buy a yacht.

I'm missing the correlation between perspective yacht owners and unemployed school teachers.

Has anyone asked where was Trump born? Actually, I don't think he was born, he was shat.


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Frankly, I was for McCain or Clinton, but Obama had some things going against him: His inexperience and Biden.

Yikes, are you saying you prefer McCain's VP choice over Obama's? I would say any old geriatric that picks a bimbo to replace him in case he dies should be prevented from running period.

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I'm missing the correlation between perspective yacht owners and unemployed school teachers.


Mister X is right and his correlation is accurate. Texas is in financial distress and he's arguing that instead of providing tax incentives for people to buy yachts... we shouldn't be firing teachers.

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Republicans have a long history of catering to the rich, ignoring the poor and using the ignorant. I don't debate politics with stooges. I just talk down to them. Kind of like how one must communicate with a yappy dog. It doesn't matter what you say they just keep on yappin' until they get tired or until you stick a bone in their mouths. I learned a long time ago that there is no greater waste of time and energy than debating republican'ts on internet forums. Debating politics with a basset hound would be a more fruitful, enlightening endeavor.

I win. You lose. I am smart. You are dumb. Blah, Blah, Blah. There is no need for further discussion. Besides nothing regarding politics can be proven conclusively on the internet or to everybody's satisfaction (including mine). So why waste time. Go fetch and here's your bone fella.

I want to leave this scampering, partially destroyed ant hill with one last thought for you to choke on... The president is doing a fabulous job. He has proved time and again that he can do what he sets out to do. Lack of experience seems to have worked in his favor. There is nothing to debate.

Republicans make sure you don't have to pay too many taxes if you want a yacht. I'm sure that makes an unemployed teacher somewhere in Texas sleep much easier at night knowing that millionaires aren't forced to go to Florida if they want to buy a yacht.

Wow...I don't think I've seen such a hissy fit in quite a while. For those of you who don't have small children, this is the type of reaction you get from 6 year olds defending their favorite toys.

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Yikes, are you saying you prefer McCain's VP choice over Obama's? I would say any old geriatric that picks a bimbo to replace him in case he dies should be prevented from running period.

Yeah, I winced when he picked Palin. Between Clinton and McCain, I might have voted for Clinton. I tend to vote for those who pick good VP's, though.

Biden is THAT low on my opinion of him.

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Mister X is right and his correlation is accurate. Texas is in financial distress and he's arguing that instead of providing tax incentives for people to buy yachts... we shouldn't be firing teachers.

I still don't see the correlation between the effort to retain sales of luxury boats in state, to that of laying off teachers. Perhaps if enough tax breaks and incentives are given to businesses then they will be more inclined to keep their business here in Texas, allowing Texas to have the funding to keep teachers from getting laid off?

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I still don't see the correlation between the effort to retain sales of luxury boats in state, to that of laying off teachers. Perhaps if enough tax breaks and incentives are given to businesses then they will be more inclined to keep their business here in Texas, allowing Texas to have the funding to keep teachers from getting laid off?

Actually, while Niche's explanation is theoretically correct, the Texas version of the CBO studied the issue and found that the tax cap would reduce tax revenues rather than increase them. So, the correlation to teachers is that in spite of the prediction of lost revenue, the GOP controlled legislature passed the tax cap anyway, adding to the funding shortfall. This in turn assures that school districts will receive less funding for which to pay teachers.

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