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Tropical Storm Dolly - 2008


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You know, computers have taken all the fun out of hurricanes. In "the old days", word of a storm in, or heading into the gulf sent the biggest geek in the office scrambling to make up a very elaborate hurricane tracking chart, and everyone lived from update to update, sometimes having to wait hours, and possibly a whole day before the next coordinates came in.

I used to laugh at those geeks, because no one could make a better homemade hurricane tracking chart than I could! Shoot, I could out geek them all! Nowadays, all you gotta do is click on a computer program and see a live radar image, or even a picture of the storm. What kind of fun is that?

Of course, years ago, all you could say about a hurricane is that "the storm could hit anywhere". Today, we have "computer models" that show any number of possible scenarios as to where landfall might occur. All those computer-generated models only go to show that "the storm could hit anywhere".

Ah, it's good to know some things never change.

I think there are 5 main models. I always wonder when I see one of the 5 projecting a path/landfall no where near the other 4. Makes you wonder what that team of programmers was thinking and how could they be so off as compared to the others...

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Not hoping for a full-blown hurricane but we could use the rain. My grass is YELLOW!

And I am too cheap to water.

Well,you could always put a rain barrel on one of your down spouts for irrigation...that seems to be the "in" thing that is starting to grow.

either that or pee on your lawn and put that beer pay its own way.

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It still has to RAIN to fill the barrel in the first place.

That's true, so that's why you maintain it through out the year. It may not rain NOW, but it does at certain times of the year,I'm sure you noticed that a time or two.

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Aww, too bad I'm in Scotland right now. I would love a Hurricane Party! (any excuse to drink with these folks!)

It's such a drag when you miss all of the excitment. I was in SoCal when Alicia hit in 83? had to see in papers & news, blah. Wonder what they call these storms where you are? Best hold down that kilty when those gusts start to blowing. :)

and your right EESusan, is it too soon to start stocking up on Spam? Ja! :)

I think I will hide out with Sandy Squirrel & Sponge Bob down in Bikini Bottom till it all blows over!

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I think I'd rather take my chances dining on whatever the storm washes up into the yard.

Exactly! Havent tasted that crud in eons.

Your lucky since all that delicious barbecue links and slice beef is at your door! We are all coming over to eat at your place. B)

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As a Houston native and survivor of many decades' worth of tropical storms and hurricanes, I get a huge kick out of the crazed, panic-stricken grocery shopping binges that people go on when a hurricane is off shore. Beer, soda and chips may be fine for a hurricane party but aren't sustenance enough for hours spent cleaning up yard debris. Prior to Hurricane Rita, I saw a woman in Randall's filling her cart with dozens of frozen dinners! If the power at her house were to go off for several days, how on earth would she store them or heat them up? Maybe she was lucky enough to have a generator, but still...

Every year, at the beginning of summer, I buy camping trip type nonperishable food and bottled water, enough to last for several days. After all, even if Houston were to take a bad hit, the major grocery stores would be restocked and open within a couple of days.

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Are they evacuating the Houston area yet? :P

We probably won't even get a drop of rain from this storm but you can bet our weathermen will make it sound like it's the end of civilization as we know it.

ACCCKKK!! I'm so sick of this! Last night, Channel 11 had people stationed all along the Gulf Coast waiting for "THE STORM". Best part was the guy in Corpus Christi who was standing by the water's edge, with all the people playing at the beach in the background. He said something along the lines of, "No one seems to be evacuating yet. And, Corpus Christi has declared that they will not have emergency shelters set up." So, in other words - IT'S NOT THAT BIG OF A DEAL! IT'S A TROPICAL STORM - MAAAAYBE DEVELOP INTO A CATAGORY 1 HURRICANE. IT WILL BRING SOME RAIN, MAYBE SOME WIND. IT WILL KNOCK DEAD LIMBS OUT OF TREES.

I'm so sick of the media hyping everything. Just report the news - don't be so overly dramatic!!!

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I'll be willing to bet Wayne Dolcefino is at this moment standing on some beach in Brownsville with his mouth drooling.

aw man! We should have drawn up a pool to see who drew the short straw for hurricane duty (a.k.a. "see how wet I can get.).

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My boss at my first programming job gave me some sage advice. Every trip to the store, buy a can of something. Keep a few weeks of beans, chili, whatever in the pantry and eat it before it ages out. That protects against both hurricanes and unexpected layoffs.

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My boss at my first programming job gave me some sage advice. Every trip to the store, buy a can of something. Keep a few weeks of beans, chili, whatever in the pantry and eat it before it ages out. That protects against both hurricanes and unexpected layoffs.

If my BOSS was giving me advice like that, I'd be polishing up the resume.

BTW, I've been doing the canned food thing for years.

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I need to post the original one on YouTube some day. I left the VCR running that morning and that Port O'Connor footage is still priceless. :D

Any time ma nature ruined your equipment and made you borrow somebody's home camcorder for your report in the middle of a hurricane... wow.

That said, I was surprised at how the electronic signs on the Beltway between 59 & 90 kept switching back and forth between "Hurricane Forming In The Gulf" to "Storm Forming In The Gulf". Can't say I've seen that before.

Right now in Westchase area its real cloudy (unusual swirl of clouds that is) and getting a bit gusty. Someone joked about dead branches falling of trees, I believe it has started. Will be an interesting night.

Dont forget to.....Hunker Down everyone! :lol:

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