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2008 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION: Obama (D-IL) vs. McCain (R-AZ)


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Umm...I believe his name is Phil Gramm. Is that who you want as your new Treasury Secretary?

But, seriously, what is you guys' point? That McCain knows how to solve the financial crisis, just because he predicted a bubble? Big deal. I predicted it too. I also predicted the tech stock crash. It isn't hard to do when the increases are out of all relation to historical trends. That doesn't mean I know how to solve the problem, or even that it can be solved. So quit dancing around the issue. Are you guys claiming McCain has economic expertise or not? Because if you are, then THAT is something we can debate.

I am claiming he was telling his colleagues exactly what they didn't want to hear in 2005. Apparently in the six years following the deregulation bill signed in 1999, McCain, perhaps after buying his 5th house, took a closer look at how the housing industry was going, and made it a pet project. He helped write up a bill to combat what had happened in the tech industry and the downward trend in the auto industry. How did McCain know and why did no one else but 3 others, were able to see that the deregulation was a bad deal ?

Edited by TJones
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Just for a laugh, I thought this was funny, poor Bill no wonder he screws around all the time.

MadTv is not as good as it used to be , but sometimes they still come out with some classics. This is so funny. It is kinda of a response to the clip above from barnes.

This is really funny too!! I say McCain has no economic expertise, John says the same thing.

Edited by Deut28Thirteen
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I am claiming he was telling his colleagues exactly what they didn't want to hear in 2005. Apparently in the six years following the deregulation bill signed in 1999, McCain, perhaps after buying his 5th house, took a closer look at how the housing industry was going, and made it a pet project. He helped write up a bill to combat what had happened in the tech industry and the downward trend in the auto industry. How did McCain know and why did no one else but 3 others, were able to see that the deregulation was a bad deal ?

You are misconstruing McCain's foresight and attempts to rectify it wildly. But, no matter. You and Mark are free to vote for McCain and Phil Gramm. And, I am free to laugh at the collapse of the US economy. Sure beats crying about it. You know what a fan I am of anarchy.

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Bailout Plan Fails

Meanwhile McCain, who dramatically announced Wednesday that he was suspending his campaign to deal with the economic crisis, stayed silent for most of the session and spoke only briefly to voice general principles for a rescue plan.

Anyone care to comment now on why McCain had to "suspend" his campaign and ditch the debate so that he could sit there like an economic bump on a log?

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PLEASE DO NOT VOTE THIS INTO THE WHITE HOUSE!!! She does not know what she is doing, but McCain Says she is one of the greatest vice president picks in history.

OBAMA 08!!!!!

You're looking at it all wrong, Deut. She's PERFECT for the White House. Look at it this way. The economy is in the crapper. Once the bailout falls apart, we probably go into the next great depression. Everyone is miserable. Whoever is president cannot fix it in 4 years. So, it's pretty much a throwaway presidency. What better people to have in the White House than McCain and Palin doing stuff that make us laugh every day. Jon Stewart and Colbert and the late night guys all have lots of material, so we can laugh for a few minutes and forget that we used to be the greatest country on earth.

Even HAIF will be fun. The McCain/Palin apologists will be yelling at us to quit picking on her, that we should show more respect for the office of the VP. It'll be great fun. Maybe we'll even get a good old fashioned witch hunt. Or maybe to spur the economy, we invade Russia through Siberia (you can see it from Palin's porch). The mind boggles over the opportunities. Best of all, the free market will really be FREE! (just read Niche's signature)

BTW, watch her answer to the question whether Alaska has trade missions to Russia. It's Gold, Jerry! It's Gold, I tell ya!

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You're looking at it all wrong, Deut. She's PERFECT for the White House. Look at it this way. The economy is in the crapper. Once the bailout falls apart, we probably go into the next great depression. Everyone is miserable. Whoever is president cannot fix it in 4 years. So, it's pretty much a throwaway presidency. What better people to have in the White House than McCain and Palin doing stuff that make us laugh every day. Jon Stewart and Colbert and the late night guys all have lots of material, so we can laugh for a few minutes and forget that we used to be the greatest country on earth.

Even HAIF will be fun. The McCain/Palin apologists will be yelling at us to quit picking on her, that we should show more respect for the office of the VP. It'll be great fun. Maybe we'll even get a good old fashioned witch hunt. Or maybe to spur the economy, we invade Russia through Siberia (you can see it from Palin's porch). The mind boggles over the opportunities. Best of all, the free market will really be FREE! (just read Niche's signature)

BTW, watch her answer to the question whether Alaska has trade missions to Russia. It's Gold, Jerry! It's Gold, I tell ya!

:lol: LMAO! Thats funny laughter does take away from stress but I am going to be mad as fux if our country has to go through a depression, I likes to eat Steak!!!!! I have thought of that before. Save obama for 2012 so america can really see why its need change.

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Barack Obama's New Look (take that, Sarah Palin!)

9/11/2008, 8:21 am

In an attempt to revive his sagging poll numbers, Sen. Obama makes a brilliant move to counter

the counter revolutionary forces at their own game.


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So what about the House GOP's rebellion? Are they so feckless that they'd let the economy collapse so John McCain can get out of the debates?

It appears the economy is not so important after all. McCain now says he's going to attend the debate tonight, even though a deal has not been reached on the economic crisis.


Like I've said, this guy is really losing it!

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It appears the economy is not so important after all. McCain now says he's going to attend the debate tonight, even though a deal has not been reached on the economic crisis.


Like I've said, this guy is really losing it!

Lost it. You mean, he's LOST it.

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McCain announced his big plan. Takes 22 hours to get from Manhattan to D.C. By all reports, he says nothing and people on both sides of the aisle are left wondering what his position is since he's never stated anything. Now, without a signed deal, he's off to Mississippi to debate Obama even though just a short 40 hours ago he was talking about a crisis so big that he'd have to spend every minute devoted to it.

I am sure his trip to Ole Miss has nothing to do with the fact that a clear majority of Americans think cancelling the debates is a horrible idea.

McCain/Palin are starting to make Bush/Cheney look good.

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All you BS bantering and partisan left wing cat calling, is really not doing a damn thing except showing how little you know. Do a little research will you. Go read my post in the Fannie Freddie thread. I a copy of “Agreement in Principle” relative to the $700 billion “bailout” on the internet, it's all over the place. Read what is being proposed by Dodd and supported by Senate Democrats. The one page agreement from the Senate Banking Committee details guidelines to be put in place relative to taxpayer protection, oversight and transparency, home ownership preservation and Funding Authority.

At first glance the agreement looks generic and positive, However, the devil is in the details. There is one detail that Democrats are concerned that Republicans will not agree to in the bailout agreement. That is if the Republicans even see the item. It seems that this issue may be one reason that many Democrats have hounded McCain and pushed for his speedy approval. Senate Majority Reid has already identified that it is McCain’s approval, not Obama approval, that is needed to secure the agreement of Senate Republicans. In fact, the questioned provision indirectly focus on some prior concern regarding Obama involvement with various organizations. Maybe that is why Obama would prefer being at a debate in Mississippi than being in Washington D.C.

House Speaker Pelosi’s cohorts are also hounding Sen. McCain to agree. They know that neither the House Republicans nor the House Blue Dog Democrats are going to sign on easily to an agreement extending $700 billion “bailout” if McCain refuses to go along with it. Pelosi does not have control of the fiscally conservative Blue Dogs who are not happy with committing $700 billion to the “bailout” effort.

In the “agreement in principle,” there is the effect of a major friggin' “earmark” which commits money from future “profits” to be given to nonprofits organizations like ACORN, National Council of La Raza and potentially the National Urban League. This agreement clearly evidences that the Government expects to benefit in the future from the bailout when the values of property rises and mortgages or properties are then sold by the Federal government. Now I though that GWB just asked the other night NOT to try and put any BS agendas into this thing and what do they turn right around and do? Try and fund one of their major slush funds, with more of my money> WELL EFF-YOU-SEE-KAY--YOU. Wake the hell up and see for yourselves, this is absolute BULLSHE-IT! Dodd, the Senate Banking Committee and other Democrats desire to pre-direct that future profits, if by some miracle there are any, not be returned to the taxpayers via the treasury but that they be used to underwrite potential questionable (maybe even illegal activities if the courts findings are proved) of certain nonprofits Orgs which have had a hand in promoting and expanding access to “no money down” loans for minorities, illegal voter registrations and extensive lobbying activities. Some of the very practices that have us in this mess we are in right now. Dodd should be indicted himself, that sorry POS.

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Quite frankly, I agree with the House Republicans on this one. We shouldn't have a bailout. The Dems should join with them but they wont. Seems as if the elected Dems fear Bush's tactics more than almost anyone else.

Not sure what calling Pelosi the Head ------------ does other than point out your anger issues.

Did you ever stop to think that the Dems want McCain to agree to something because HE politicized the meeting? Seriously, why call a press conference and then take an difficult 22 hour trip to attend meetings if all you were going to do is take part in photo-ops? He forced the hand he was dealt. He would have been better served to have just kept his distance from D.C. He deserves what he gets from this mess. Of course, now he's running from it once he realized his stunt had backfired. Hell, even 63% of Repubs said he needed to go to the debate.

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McCain now says he's going to attend the debate tonight, even though a deal has not been reached on the economic crisis.


This is great news.

The fact is that the problem is the economy. It was highly likely that the problem wasn't going to be solved overnight, and we'd see things getting more intense in the coming days in Washington than we already have. Technically, a subject like the economy could take over a month to solve, so he could have been crazy enough to say "until it's solved, no debates." I think he finally realized that this crisis is a long-term one and not an overnight fixer.

I'm very happy the debates will go on, especially for the people at Ole Miss.

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He I call a spade a spade.

You definitely confuse me with someone who gives a damn what happens to any of these bureaucrats. You see all I care is what's going to happen to us the taxpayers. Don't care if McCain got good or bad PR out of the DC ordeal. Obama was there as well, maybe it was because they were summoned to the White House as was reported on all the Networks. They weren't crashing a party, GWB requested their presence, plain and simple.

And as far as Pelosi goes, your opinion is yours, but mine is that she's a self serving life support system for a twat. She is worthless in my book, not that many Politicians are worth much anyway. Pelosi, I have zero respect, support, nor do I care if she ever takes another breath. I have my reasons and it's good enough for me. You can have your own opinion.

If you like this Bill as proposed, so be it, get your checkbook ready. Me I am not in favor of any more funding, to these already over-funded slush funds, that are robbing the taxpayers blind, think what you wish.

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It appears the economy is not so important after all. McCain now says he's going to attend the debate tonight, even though a deal has not been reached on the economic crisis.


Like I've said, this guy is really losing it!

Unbelievable, you cry when McCain says he may need to suspend a debate, then you cry because he is gonna attend the debate and wipe the floor with your Messiah. Make up your minds.

I personally think McCain DID want to bump the debate in order to use this economic bailout to his advantage, as in giving his speech writers and debate quizzers a chance to work it in and have the correct ammo when the question is asked about the recent turn of events. I take McCain at his word about going to Washington to work, but that is only a half-truth to me.

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I've gotten two complaints this week about this thread getting out of hand. I don't have time to page through all 1,800+ messages, so I'm reminding everyone to think twice before you post. Be factual, not personal. Talk about the candidates and their policies, not each other. It would be a darned shame to have to close an election thread before we even have the election.

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Not sure what calling Pelosi the Head --------- does other than point out your anger issues.

Actually, calling one female politician a --------- while lecturing us for "picking on" another female politician (who just happens to be of another party) points to more than anger issues.

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Unbelievable, you cry when McCain says he may need to suspend a debate, then you cry because he is gonna attend the debate and wipe the floor with your Messiah. Make up your minds.

I personally think McCain DID want to bump the debate in order to use this economic bailout to his advantage, as in giving his speech writers and debate quizzers a chance to work it in and have the correct ammo when the question is asked about the recent turn of events. I take McCain at his word about going to Washington to work, but that is only a half-truth to me.

Pointing out the indecisiveness and flip-flopping of a major campaign isn't crying. It's just a matter of pointing out what I see -- a confused old man (McCain) changing his mind every other day, unable to make a decision and stick with it.

It would be one thing if McCain was an economic expert and if he actually contributed to the meeting in Washington. But we know he's not an expert on the economy because he's said so. And he barely said a word during the crisis meeting.

I'm looking forward to tonight's debate to see the two candidates finally prove themselves outside of staged photo-opts and carefully controlled press conferences.

Also, not to be a spoiler, but apparently McCain already won the debate that hasn't take place yet: :wacko:


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He I call a spade a spade.

You definitely confuse me with someone who gives a damn what happens to any of these bureaucrats. You see all I care is what's going to happen to us the taxpayers. Don't care if McCain got good or bad PR out of the DC ordeal. Obama was there as well, maybe it was because they were summoned to the White House as was reported on all the Networks. They weren't crashing a party, GWB requested their presence, plain and simple.

And as far as Pelosi goes, your opinion is yours, but mine is that she's a self serving life support system for a twat. She is worthless in my book, not that many Politicians are worth much anyway. Pelosi, I have zero respect, support, nor do I care if she ever takes another breath. I have my reasons and it's good enough for me. You can have your own opinion.

If you like this Bill as proposed, so be it, get your checkbook ready. Me I am not in favor of any more funding, to these already over-funded slush funds, that are robbing the taxpayers blind, think what you wish.

You said:

Quit drinking the Media Kool-Aide. The fact that she merely mentions being Gov is a pain in the ass or a lot of work is not "OFFICIAL BUSINESS", give us a break, and quit grasping for straws. What is with all this hate towards this woman? You have the nerve to call the Right haters in other threads, yet that's all you've done since the hour Sarah Palin was announced. Do you hate her because she doesn't fear you or your kind? Do you hate her because she has a friggin' backbone that won't bend like others have, out of fear of being "politically incorrect"? Do you hate her because other people identify with her, and not your Metro-sexual world of shallow users? And do you know what, I say hate her more because the more you hate her, the stronger she gets, thus the more you will hate her. And in the end that's all you've got is hate. Yet the Right is nothing but haters correct?

Not the right necessarily, just you in particular. You have a fit about someone questioning Palin's using Yahoo for Gov't buisness. So if that is "hating" what does not caring if Pelosi "ever takes another breath" qualify as?

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Unbelievable, you cry when McCain says he may need to suspend a debate, then you cry because he is gonna attend the debate and wipe the floor with your Messiah. Make up your minds.

I personally think McCain DID want to bump the debate in order to use this economic bailout to his advantage, as in giving his speech writers and debate quizzers a chance to work it in and have the correct ammo when the question is asked about the recent turn of events. I take McCain at his word about going to Washington to work, but that is only a half-truth to me.

TJ, it is a bit tough to make up my mind when McCain keeps throwing out these desparate moves to keep his campaign from careening out of control. Perhaps you can help me make up my mind. WHICH bailout plan does McCain support? The Democratic one? The Bush one? The conservative Republican one? Or, perhaps he has his own?

Once I know which plan McCain supports, maybe then I will decide that his announcement yesterday was not a naked political ploy...that incidentally, has blown up in his face.

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Unbelievable, you cry when McCain says he may need to suspend a debate, then you cry because he is gonna attend the debate and wipe the floor with your Messiah. Make up your minds.

Uh...McCain flat out said he wasn't going to the debate.

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