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Record 75,000 Turn Out to see Obama


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Have you not got any COLA increases since the 90's? If not, then I guess you must really love your job - even though they are screwing you over.

I actually own a small business. I can't give myself a COLA increase when the price of steel has more than doubled over the last few years and consumer spending is in the crapper. That makes for a double whammy in my line of biz.

I could do the easy thing and ship my manufacturing overseas and increase profits, but since the biz is mine, I wont even consider it.

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Got a link.........I need input !!!

Google "ron paul newsletter" and take your pick. Plenty of hits. I like his Libertarian leanings but the guy is a nut unfortunately.

Name the last Presidental candidate with a faux-Muslim name.

Quanell 10 comes to mind. Now THAT, my friend, is a crazy name.

If you have issues with Obama's politics you should focus on that. Ragging on his name is pretty petty

Edited by west20th
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Name the last Presidental candidate with a faux-Muslim name.

Quanell 10 comes to mind. Now THAT, my friend, is a crazy name.

Wow, linking Obama and Quanell X. Nothing racial in your thought process at all. Do you automatically think of Dan Patrick and Ted Poe when you see John McCain on TV, too?

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Who gives a damn what his name is? It could be GFfvhdff (yeah, pronounce that), and I would vote for him (or her) if the policies and vision for this country were good.

The sad truth is people like MidtownCoog care. And about 1 out of every 5 voters in Kentucky apparently did too according to yesterday's exit polls.

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I'd rather have another Bush over another Carter.

Jimmy Carter was everything we wanted in a President: an honest, church-going man, a modest farmer, from the south, a distinguished military career, who loved his wife - and only his wife, who respected his mother. Everything we wanted. And then we voted him out...and voted in a man, who at age 69 when he took office - did not have one gray hair on his head. Way to go America.

Carter took a lot of heat over a lot of things... but while he killed the B-1 bomber, he was secretly inking the deal on then top secret B-2 program (we didn't know this then). He appointed Paul Voelker as the Federal Reserve chairman, who ruthlessly raised interest rates to save this country from the ravages of inflation. And Ronald Reagan kept Voelker in place until late 1980's until Mr. Bubble, Alan Greenspan, took over. Regarding the Iran hostage crisis... visit his Presidential library in Atlanta. It wasn't like he was doing nothing to free them. In fact, it was his administration, in its final days, that successfully negotiated their release.

Carter probably has the most respected post-Presidential careers of all ex-Presidents.

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Man aint that the truth...

Taxes under Clinton Taxes under Bush 2008

Single making 30K - tax $8,400 Single making 30K - tax $4,500

Single making 50K - tax $14,000 Single making 50K - tax $12,500

Sing le making 75K - tax $23,250 Single making 75K - tax $18,750

Married making 60K - tax $16,800 Married making 60K- tax $9,000

Married making 75K - tax $21,000 Married making 75K - tax $18,750

Married making 125K - tax $38,750 Married making 125K - tax $31,250

Both democratic candidates will return to the higher tax rates

It is amazing how many people that fall into the categories above

think Bush is screwing them and Bill Clinton was the greatest

President ever. If Obama or Hillary are elected, they both say they

will repeal the Bush tax cuts and a good portion of the people that

fall into the categories above can't wait for it to happen. This is

like the movie, The Sting with Paul Newman; you scam somebody out of

some money and they don't even know what happened.

Pls correct me if I'm wrong. I think they only want to repeal tax cuts on those making 200k and more.

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Name the last Presidental candidate with a faux-Muslim name.

Quanell 10 comes to mind. Now THAT, my friend, is a crazy name.

'Hussein' is not a faux muslim name. It is a muslim name. Where is his leadership ability challenged in your question?

I can't "name the last Presidental candidate with a faux-Muslim name" but I can name presidents who messed up big time, from George to James.

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The sad truth is people like MidtownCoog care. And about 1 out of every 5 voters in Kentucky apparently did too according to yesterday's exit polls.

I don't care. I'm just amused that people get upset about it when people ask. A person's name can say a lot about them.

I have a Slavic last name, but many people ask if it's German.

Oh the horror! It just gets my panties in such a wad.

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Strengthened or Embolden them ? Iran presumes that we are weak, at least their president persuades his people to think so. He knows full well not to grab the Tiger by it's tail. He keeps pushing it to the limit though, I will give him that, but he isn't gonna like what comes out of it, if he goes too far. The problem is, I don't think even our Govt. knows what exactly is too far. I think an actual attack on Israel would be the breaking point.

Back to the topic at hand..............Obama has been mesmerizing people with his GIGANTIC ears, he moves his head back and forth alot when he talks to put his followers in a trance. It's true I tell you !!!

Speaking of ears.

Ever notice The NY Times always shows him in heroic JFK poses? One Web-Ad showed him in between a pale and puckered Hillary and a zombie like McCain.

Why not show the doofus Alfred E. Neuman look alike?

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Speaking of ears.

Ever notice The NY Times always shows him in heroic JFK poses? One Web-Ad showed him in between a pale and puckered Hillary and a zombie like McCain.

Why not show the doofus Alfred E. Neuman look alike?

Some people are naturally good speakers. Some people are naturally photogenic. Obama wins hands down, in both categories, as compared to the other two (plus babies can pronounce his name, easily). All he has to do is smile and keep reminding the general public that McCain "has lost his bearings" - and Obama do just fine. I love that "lost his bearings" comment. Was never about his age; but the fact that McCain appears to be going crazy.

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I am not talking photogenic. From today's times. Who needs a PR firm when you have NY Times Glamour Shots?


The DO look good together. Although at times Michelle looks tired.

Some people are naturally good speakers. Some people are naturally photogenic. Obama wins hands down, in both categories, as compared to the other two (plus babies can pronounce his name, easily). All he has to do is smile and keep reminding the general public that McCain "has lost his bearings" - and Obama do just fine. I love that "lost his bearings" comment. Was never about his age; but the fact that McCain appears to be going crazy.

I think what scares me most about McCain is his health. Is he healthy --can he actually survive 4 years in the White House? If not, a loony running mate like Huckabee is even scarier as he could possibly succeed him in office.

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The DO look good together. Although at times Michelle looks tired.

I think what scares me most about McCain is his health. Is he healthy --can he actually survive 4 years in the White House? If not, a loony running mate like Huckabee is even scarier as he could possibly succeed him in office.

Since this was brought up, Sometimes McCain's true mental state bothers me at times. (He gives me the impression he's about to blow a gasket all the time.) Another thing that sticks in my crawl, was the fact that he had the opportunity to serve his country as Vice President, but refused. Just doesn't seem like a team player to me unless it's his team. That has stuck with me from day one.

I am also however concerned with Obama's health if he gets elected. Can the Secret Service really protect him and still be allowed to do his job to the fullest? I hate to say it, but it's a fact, there are still a lot fanatical nuts in our society, that I honestly believe will put him in jeopardy because of his racial background, and assassination attempts will be going on. If anyone thinks that there was riots after the Rodney King fiasco, let something happen to this man while he's in office if he's elected. The nation will be in total turmoil coast to coast. It won't just be isolated to Compton and Watts. It's a damn shame to have to say, but is a possible threat none the less.

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Since this was brought up, Sometimes McCain's true mental state bothers me at times. (He gives me the impression he's about to blow a gasket all the time.) Another thing that sticks in my crawl, was the fact that he had the opportunity to serve his country as Vice President, but refused. Just doesn't seem like a team player to me unless it's his team. That has stuck with me from day one.

I am also however concerned with Obama's health if he gets elected. Can the Secret Service really protect him and still be allowed to do his job to the fullest? I hate to say it, but it's a fact, there are still a lot fanatical nuts in our society, that I honestly believe will put him in jeopardy because of his racial background, and assassination attempts will be going on. If anyone thinks that there was riots after the Rodney King fiasco, let something happen to this man while he's in office if he's elected. The nation will be in total turmoil coast to coast. It won't just be isolated to Compton and Watts. It's a damn shame to have to say, but is a possible threat none the less.

Right on both counts. I didn't realize McCain had been offered the Veep slot before...

Yeah, and isnt Hillary menopause age too?

So we're like up a creek with presidential health/well being for all of them.

While we're on this topic, has a presidential nominee every chosen a running mate of the opposite party?

I mean, would we (or have we) EVER see(n) something like a McCain presidential nominee running with say a John Edwards. Or a Clinton running with a Huckabee?

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While we're on this topic, has a presidential nominee every chosen a running mate of the opposite party?

I mean, would we (or have we) EVER see(n) something like a McCain presidential nominee running with say a John Edwards. Or a Clinton running with a Huckabee?

I think the two examples you offer would be near impossible. More likely would be if the R and D were more to the center, like a McCain/Lieberman ticket.

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I think the two examples you offer would be near impossible. More likely would be if the R and D were more to the center, like a McCain/Lieberman ticket.

John Stewart told McCain that he couldn't lose if he put Hillary in the #2 spot on his ticket. McCain looked completely shocked at the idea. He was almost speechless for a moment, then allowed that he had never considered it, and it would never happen. I wondered the same thing asked above, if it could happen that we'd see a mixed-party ticket. Based on McCain's response, it seems the answer is still no.

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Muslim? I doubt it.

But an opportunistic name changer in order to make the liberal left bow down before the one they serve?


You have to admit it's a fair question if you are Muslim or not when you have a crazy arse name like Barrack Hussein Obama.

Arse? Are you British or something Coog?

I think most of the people came for the free concert, not just to hear Obama.

The Obamanites remind me of the Deaniacts four years ago...........They just like being associated with something new and hip. They will be crazy for him until the newness wears off or the next cool talker comes along.

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This site never ceases to amaze me. You all now do not like Obama because of the photos people are taking of him?

Or, and Niche, didn't you once say you will take part in a Obama assassination. What I heard...

Edited by Trae
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Speaking of ears.

Ever notice The NY Times always shows him in heroic JFK poses? One Web-Ad showed him in between a pale and puckered Hillary and a zombie like McCain.

Why not show the doofus Alfred E. Neuman look alike?

Well, the media has made their choice.

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This site never ceases to amaze me. You all now do not like Obama because of the photos people are taking of him?

Or, and Niche, didn't you once say you will take part in a Obama assassination. What I heard...

Trae, don't take it personally. It is common to take potshots at the leader. Especially one with so much charm and energy. If the best they can do is complain that Obama is TOO good looking, I'd say McCain is in some serious trouble.

Note: I know you are young, but 8 years ago, the Republicans bragged about how good looking George Bush was. Now, they complain about how good looking Oabam is. It's all part of the game. Don't sweat it. By the way, you CAN do something about it. Go HERE to find out how.

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This site never ceases to amaze me. You all now do not like Obama because of the photos people are taking of him?

Or, and Niche, didn't you once say you will take part in a Obama assassination. What I heard...

Wait, wait, wait...what the hell are you talking about!? :blink:

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Obama gets young folks out to vote, that in of its self, speaks volumes about his character.

They care now & know that this election has their future at stake, which is striking to me because if they had cared as much in the 2000 election our present situation would be vastly different. It's about fighting through the matrix (thanks reagan), that dumbfoundly, some you posters perpetuate.

Here's your republican talking points (hint: take notes)


edit: the "s" on gets

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