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Everything posted by nmainguy

  1. And sometimes it is...check out Crystal Gail Mangum And with all respect to Howard who said "To help those who actually have been raped to not fear trying to bring a rapist to justice." in the 21st century most women who have been raped don't need to worry about their identity being disclosed and aren't afraid to bring charges because the facts are on their side [rape kits, DNA, etc...] Mangum lied and the DA was a loose cannon with NO evidence. They have no one to blame but themselves.
  2. What to do...what to do! I have a question for the Republicans: How do you deal with your flip-flopping, Liberal front runner when it comes to immigration? http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/22/us/polit...iuliani.html?hp Do you A: attempt to rationalize his flip and flop or B: hang back until a Thompson or more extreme far right-wing "christian" whack-job knocks the pro-gun control, pro-choice, pro civil unions Guliani off of his pedestal made of sand? After several years of dominance by extremist primary voters, where do they turn to now? Maybe a third party? Maybe they'll be too busy at Baptist Bingo on election day? Inquiring minds want to know!
  3. The BBC's story was short and consice. It made no reference to Texas' status as a state or nation-infact it made no reference to Texas at all other than locating it on a map. Do you think people are too stupid to understand Texas is a state in the US? What is your source that "It'll come out on this guy was on prozac like it will with Cho and did with the Columbine killers?" I won't be surprised when you don't respond. You never do when caught in another of your baseless rants.
  4. There's a market for both...look at Four Leaf. Besides, the illustration is VERY preliminary.
  5. All the five SCOTUS judges have done is drive the wealthy abroad for safe abortions and the poor to the back alley for coat-hanger jobs. Too bad they and others still cling to the fantasy that they can ultimatly stop all abortion.
  6. Biker Puss prepares for the Gran Prix
  7. Yes. That's exactly what Trae is saying. As usual, you are clairvoiyant beyond belief. Oh wait! What he said was "On the real, no its not. It is more like Atlanta." He made a comparison! I guess you aren't as clairvoiyant as you appear...no big surprise there.
  8. Contact the county you reside in. We have property in Harris, Anderson, Sabine and Montgomery Counties. The precinct commisioners and constables are very helpful but only if YOU contact THEM. Don't "forget" to pay your dues until you have a satisfactory resolution otherwise you end up with pass-due bills that may wreck your credit rating. If the resolution process fails, at least you will have the documentary evidence that shows you tried to resolve whatever issues you might have. Do your part and put the onus on the HOA's.
  9. Can you reserve me some philodendrons? I'll be glad to come by and dig some up at your convienience. Just let me know! Have shovel-will travel!
  10. Normally I wouldn't be inclined to respond to any of Murdock's media spin whether it be the "upstanding" right leaning FOXNews and NYPost or the salacious and sleezy FOXBroadcasting but I will make an exception this time. The skanky accuser is right up NewsCorp's two-way alley. In the near future I hope to see a sympathetic airing of some sort by Geraldo on FOXBroadcasting while she is simultainously raked over the coals by the souless Hannity and his spinless side-kick Colmes. As BarBush would say: "this is working very well for them."
  11. Hmmm...well first, my knot has already been tied so I'm not in the market. Second, if that was our darling little Niche I've seen in front of his red brick East End rental, I don't anticipate any rope action. I am a man's man to the bitter end-and this man has been claimed by his own man's man.
  12. Stick to your guns. My experience with him has ranged from suggestions that I kill myself, mocking my AIDS/cancer status and thinly veiled gay bashing. I find it best not to enable him. That's another great thing about being a US citizen: You, I and others can choose to be atheists while others are free to be "asshole"s as you so succinctly put it. See? I stayed on topic!
  13. No kidding! I love electrochemical SS due to it's long life. I remember years ago how everyone was hopped up on colored anodized aluminum and I always tried to talk them out of it but to no avail. The colors [especially red] would fade out and ended up just looking cheap. That tower would look so fine in muted tints of SS. I can just see it on a sunny day!
  14. We were able to put a bar on N. Main out of buisness by constantly reporting every thing we could think of: noise, parking, public intoxication, broken bottles in the street, mis-placed trash, on-site junk piles, etc...the last two are $500 per occurance fines. If you report often enough the police will continue to hammer them with fines until they either move or have their license pulled. This technique also works well with Alley issues and people building on the ROW. We have no desire to have bars or SOBs in our neighbor hood. We prefer to have higer property values to keep the low-lifes at bay-plus it makes for a more pleasent place to live.
  15. Exactly. And if you've followed my and other's posts on any number of Houston projects, we are optimists when optimism is warrented. I remember a time when many members doubted the Pavilions. I didn't because we had been presented with facts and most of us realize early time-tables mean nothing. $$ do. So you are right to press someone who alludes to "inside buz" but backs it up with nothing. As Gary said, "He's either lying or telling the truth." Only he knows.
  16. No. You are spreading rumors. Now if you truly have real info, spill it. This will make you more credible than trying to spin "I'm hearing a lot of insider buz" into "but I mean only to convey a sense of optimism." If you had just said that instead of inserting your usual BS about insider knowledge which you never share, you wouldn't get ragged on everytime you pull this stunt. That's a form of crying Wolf. As far as insulting you, why bother when others have proven to be far more skillful...including your worse enemy: yourself.
  17. Agreed. Niche's propensity for this behaviour has been covered extensivly in this thread as well as others. It's more like the little boy who cryed wolf.
  18. That was very much our experience as well. It made us [me and my siblings] rounded, connected, knowledgable and curious-not so willing just to accept what was commonly served up.
  19. I have no need to address any of The Pedant's babeling but you apparently have the ability to read minds! Except this time you missread. I'm always aware there are people with other intrests and that it's as OK for them as it is for me to offer alternatives to poorly built homes in poorly planned communities with time-wasting commutes.
  20. So what do you do? Do you contribute to and/or volunteer for "Stand up for Kids" or Covenant House? Or do you just perform your usual schtick of delicate flower and moan while the rest of us do the heavy lifting? I do have to admit Coog, you are a ready source of endless entertainment.
  21. In any event, welcome to Houston. Travel the city and experience the diversity before you settle on a location. You may be pleasently surprised by the quality of life available for you and your future kids.
  22. Well, there's this: ..and then there's this: ...and this: That's one of the great things about the US. You can freely go from mundane to eloquent to snarky in three clicks of a mouse. I'm glad I'm a US citizen even though it's an uphill fight to secure the same rights most people have. I also would't be adverse to living elsewhere if the opportunity arose. I'm also glad to live in the US if I get sick-especially in Houston.
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