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Everything posted by sevfiv

  1. i wonder if how the cladding was attached would be a problem - was it bolted on the old facade? would there be damage if taken off? good call on the angles - in the before picture on the far left, i can see the edge of the sears letters that must have matched on each side _______ okay, now that i keep looking at it, there seems to be a flag and pole on the left side of each picture - at least that is what i think it may be i wonder if there were flags on the other side, too, because they seem to match up pretty well in those two pictures...
  2. i seem to remember that you could get a tiny apartment for around 700 at houston house (around 500 sq ft. maybe? maybe less?) humble towers seemed to be in the 1,000/month range for something a little bit larger, and here's info for the rice hotel units: http://units.realtydatatrust.com/unittype/...mp;propid=16590 of course, what is affordable (and lower to middle class) is relative
  3. yes, because i spend the majority of my free time in a relative radius around my home. although being in walking distance to rail is nice, it would be better if there were more routes of course (although the bus options are there). i also know that in my car, i can get to almost anywhere i frequent in a couple minutes, sans freeway. works for me.
  4. from the book, the picture is a little more clear - it is the congress, preston & main sts. car on January 29, 1892. according to the roster, car 8 (which was later renumbered to 77 maybe?) was built by the St. Louis car company in 1891 and was probably an ex-Boston horsecar. perhaps they were sold to another city, but i can't seem to find what exactly happened to the original fleet
  5. i am dragging this over here - a good post capable of further discussion (even though it was parsed to death in the other thread ) i admittedly don't get out to these sprawling areas too often, so the pictures and descriptions provided are alot of what i have to go on. maybe we can make a running list of why folks might think these areas are appealing (versus actually living in a semi-rural area, or in the "big city") - not that these things are necessarily real or true, but maybe just perceptions...i'll throw out a few: safety? having something brand new? lower home value? ...
  6. they are doing an exterior remodel / installing a new canopy, according to the permit purchased
  7. thanks for posting the photos and the ephemeral city scan. now i'm curious about what he put in the mitchell house's place... so he let it sit and rot, and let no one document it. either he is a supreme jerk or completely obtuse. or both.
  8. sevfiv

    C.B. Radio

    yay you found it no wonder - we were searching for "radio"
  9. i had no searching luck either, and on his profile it doesn't show that he's started any topics like that veird
  10. your search words have to be more than three letters, or you'll get this error: One or all of your search keywords were below 3 characters or you searched for words which are not allowed, such as 'html', 'img', etc, please go back and increase the length of these search keywords or choose different keywords.
  11. i'm gonna have to see this before i make any more bad assumptions, and i'll fully admit that the Warwick, along with its old, stinky antiques, was more of an old drag queen of a hotel. this is probably just giving it a good facelift and a wax
  12. that's my guess, too of course, you can call and ask, just to be sure - apparently he and his wife are both psychiatrists Stuart C Yudofsky, MD now while we can't be certain that he was behind the demolition, the years might match up - the house was on the watch list in 2004, and his house was built in 2005. of course, the HCAD ownership history dates are unavailable
  13. not a bad thought. i have some trepidation about what it's like underneath now, though... __________ i stuck these two together, just to see:
  14. i frequent the sears on main, and last time i was there i made sure to look at the exterior closely...it is in terrible condition here are some bob bailey photos (
  15. here is the thread with the links: http://www.houstonarchitecture.info/haif/i...=11010+wickwood but the lottaliving link is dead...i think this is the one, though: http://www.lottaliving.com/gallery/main.ph...g2_itemId=10750
  16. hre's the tax records for the former mitchell house at 11010 wickwood: http://www.hcad.org/records/details.asp?ta...t=0901120010002 a 9,399 square foot house, built in 2005, owned by a stuart c. yudofsky ________________ from the April 11, 2004 issue of the chronicle: Mitchell House 11010 WICKWOOD Built in 1963 for oilman George Mitchell and his family, this vacant Memorial house is considered a masterpiece of organic modern design by the architecture firm of McKie & Kamrath.\
  17. houston mod has a tiny blurb about it in the "mod no more" section (page 2) http://www.houstonmod.org/modnomore.htm The property was sold, the home demolished, and the lot subdivided for new construction. no other details, though - time to dig in the news archives
  18. or maybe sometime around the 12th of january (HAIF's birthday)
  19. oddly, i noticed this while looking around flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/trudence/81782171/ labelled "Bruce Goff house" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Goff http://www.architechgallery.com/arch_info/...bruce_goff.html http://www.greatbuildings.com/architects/Bruce_Goff.html
  20. i'm (finally) almost finished with houston electric by steven baron. good read on the local history of transportation - shows the general attitude. also, i recommend Who Framed Roger Rabbit eddie valiant: "that lame-brained freeway idea could only be cooked up by a toon"
  21. not much of a tree cutter here - thinking of maybe getting a live tree this year though (small). ayone seen any reasonable potted trees out there?
  22. yeah - it's so bad it's kinda funny...or not. love the landscaping, too and is garage #1 opening? or is it just jacked up? on second thought, though, it would make for a nice, institutionalized duplex
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