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Everything posted by sevfiv

  1. another thing i noticed missing was the percentage of and in which forum members posted most frequently
  2. haven't heard anything about more locations...bummer (or not - probably good that they aren't near me) i have a penchant for collecting the containers if they aren't mucked up i could really go for one of these:
  3. gnu had mentioned that the pupuseria on broadway was a chuckwagon (and it still resembles one a little bit) http://www.houstonarchitecture.info/haif/i...ost&p=84451 is that the same one?
  4. yeah, agora is pretty much across westheimer from brasil. it can get quite noisy there, too
  5. i would imagine nearby places like empire, brasil, agora, or the diedrich on montrose i think it is further out - maybe galleria area?
  6. haha no kidding it should be interesting to see how they do here - always liked going to them in the midwest
  7. according to the humanmetrics, INTP (78, 12, 38, 22) although i would have guessed ISTP instead of the N (which i suppose is reflected in the "12") from the following site: http://www.personalitypathways.com/type_inventory.html i have a copy of please understand me II somewhere - i'll have to dig it up
  8. strolled by the other day - quite interesting. the sign was closer to the house on the northern side (the more "traditional" one). anyone know the deal with that one?
  9. there was one reference to katrina, about how the "presence of tens of thousands of Hurricane Katrina evacuees threatens to become a major social problem when government housing assistance to the storm survivors runs out." in my opinion, the article paints a surreal portrait of houston. i am glad they at least got one sentence of majority reality in there from klineberg, though. "It's almost palpable, isn't it?" said attorney Michael Solar, one of Trevino's friends, as he waved his glass to indicate the wealth in the packed room.
  10. ha - well, that might resemble houston in the late thirties and early forties (cloverleaf wanting to rip out the red car). problem is, in houston, it really happened i posted this quote from roger rabbit in some other thread (here's more of it): Eddie Valiant: Freeway? What the hell's a freeway? Judge Doom: Eight lanes of shimmering cement running from here to Pasadena. Smooth, safe, fast. Traffic jams will be a thing of the past. Eddie Valiant: So that's why you killed Acme and Maroon? For this freeway? I don't get it. Judge Doom: Of course not. You lack vision, but I see a place where people get on and off the freeway. On and off, off and on all day, all night. Soon, where Toon Town once stood will be a string of gas stations, inexpensive motels, restaurants that serve rapidly prepared food. Tire salons, automobile dealerships and wonderful, wonderful billboards reaching as far as the eye can see. My God, it'll be beautiful. >and at the end of the movie, when judge doom is dying: Eddie Valiant: That lame-brained freeway idea could only be cooked up by a Toon.
  11. i see it (the lights) at least once a day and the building more than i care to count. while the lights seem to be less frenzied each day, it is still a little...odd. maybe it's growing on me
  12. hence the clarification i made - and i do hope you will (soon) realize that your smugness and clich
  13. i do not equate bad attitude with dissent. the two words were enclosed in quotation marks because another forumer claimed that one person's post was of "bad attitude," while i interpreted it as dissent. and even if i did equate the two, you have no place putting forth decrees of error of someone's equation of two terms. enough of the suppositions, too - but i am likely "old enough" to recognize obtrusiveness and conceit
  14. a bit OT, but on the subject of garages - i recently saw a new home in bellaire that had a garage in the front (but not facing the street). didn't look terrible, except that the garage apartment above it had window(s) that looked straight at a wall of the house (it was recessed from the house a little). i think it was one of those "custom" homes, but i am sure no one intentionally opted for that...(i'll try and snap a picture if i can find it again).
  15. so there may be more independence and choice for students over a certain age (which isn't necessarily bad), but they're already saying that many are choosing not to continue foreign language classes (and the lack of availability doesn't help, either). maybe the pressures of college requirements will be the only motivation? from the article: Fewer young people are studying languages in school, a trend that has accelerated since 2004, when the government allowed English schools to make foreign languages optional for students aged 14 and over (see chart). Even those who are keen on languages often drop them at this stage now, as schools offer a narrower choice of languages and schedule them against other subjects. Around four in five of all English state schools allow their students to abandon languages at 14 and some private schools are starting to follow suit. In 2006 only half of all students took a foreign-language GCSE exam
  16. here is today's hbj article: http://www.bizjournals.com/houston/stories...63&hbx=e_du Approved unanimously by the Rice Board of Trustees Dec. 14, CRC plans call for eight floors of research laboratories in a tower atop a base platform that will include a vivarium, a 280-seat auditorium, a 100-seat seminar room, classrooms, 10,000 square feet of retail space for a restaurant and shops, and other common space, as well as three levels of underground parking. The baseline plan also includes two stories of shell space to allow for expansion as the project grows, along with the potential to add a second research tower atop the base platform that could add up to another 150,000 gross square feet.
  17. yeah, the wind is picking up, there's thunder and lightning, and all the auto outdoor lights are turning on - the clouds look a little odd, too
  18. i see what you're saying, and i agree that there are plenty of folks that just don't pick it up that well. i do think it is valuable to have the option at least available to students to learn additional languages (and if not directly through school, maybe elsewhere) in high school, we were required to take at least a couple (maybe three) years of a foreign language, but the option was available in middle school, too. it didn't seem to cause problems, either.
  19. regardless of the business, political, and personal aspects, childhood is the optimal learning time for more than one's native language
  20. "bad attitude" (aka dissent) is good, especially when crap like this happens and political partisans polarize themselves that was a nice alliteration - almost daffy duck quality
  21. so the AO folks are going to fund this "mis"alignment, right?! riiiiight?
  22. i don't mind the houses, either. from john biggers to the recently created RHCDC (http://www.rowhousecdc.org/) i think it is an interesting, useful, and beneficial tie to the 1930s here's the history of project row houses, too: http://www.projectrowhouses.org/history.htm
  23. thank goodness it's a LEED building here's the hbj article from a couple years ago: http://www.bizjournals.com/houston/stories.../08/story1.html and the crc information page: http://collaborativeresearchcenter.org/index.html
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