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Everything posted by musicman

  1. i paid 2.99 at a shell earlier this week....clr lake shell was 3.37 this morning. robbery!
  2. many of the suburbanites who dont come in past the loop frequently confuse the two. everything inside the loop is downtown to them.
  3. if having these is a sign of being hip, i am not hip.
  4. if you walked on main st i don't think you would be shocked. there's quite a bit of retail that is already available.
  5. after reading the tenants again, this should attract the same crowd as midtown. however for me this is very ho hum.
  6. must be katy phenomenon since many of the more recent posters appear to be from there.
  7. of course it's not that's why i said if this is the case. it comes down to integrity of the people working the election. the precinct workers don't load the software, they just use the equipment provided by election officials that is certified. that's not how the process works.
  8. yep the precinct judges are usually the ones that find the workers. we always tried to find a wide variety of people however most people won't take a day off of work to do this so you're limited from the start.
  9. that's not how the process works currently. if this was the case then you could have a programmer representative from each party to observe the development of the software.
  10. assuming the people watching it do have integrity yes otherwise we are in the same boat. there is a defined process how everything should be done. from how the ballots should be handed out to how to report downtown to turn in your locked ballot box. i remember one election i worked in the late 90's where we were going up the elevator at the county admin building and the people (a precinct judge and coworker) had ballots coming out of an obviously unlocked ballot box they were turning in. protocol must be followed.
  11. the process has always assumed a high level of integrity by those who are working the actual election. if we can't do this, then we do have issues. whether the ballot is electronic or paper, ensuring the voting process is done accurately is fundamental.
  12. there's quite a bit more going on now vs the old days. will growth slow down? most likely with the credit crunch however near death would be stretching it.
  13. yep the 18th is what i was referencing, my bad. i know some of the businesses that will be at HP got tickets too.
  14. just saying he does have a job as a lobbyist. several politicians i know personally do the same thing....and they definitely haven't retired. maybe he should get back into radio. when you look up the word ego in the dictionary, you'll see chris bell.
  15. now they are dropping interest rates worldwide......and may drop it even more later today.
  16. there's been a bridge going over the lake even prior to the lake's expansion earlier this decade.
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