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Everything posted by musicman

  1. i'd say realistically the percentages are much higher.
  2. depending on the floor you are on, the sound barriers may not be as effective as you think. not sure any apartment would let you change the windows.
  3. and the owner can go online or call and change between the carpool vs single driver should you not be one nor the other.
  4. it's in the long katy freeway thread. they are issuing tags where you have to be registered as a carpool vs single occupant.
  5. they were turning away people saturday nite so hopefully both locations will be successful.
  6. it obviously takes some skill. a permit guarantees nothing unfortunately. if you know the person and have seen their work in the past, that's probably a better guarantee than a permit.
  7. earlier in the thread it mentions that several businesses are already closed and a few others will be closed in the near future in preparation for the expansion.
  8. how would this have helped your situation? they were probably going after the truck for parts since it is older.
  9. congrats....now will you let her on the lawn?
  10. when money isn't allocated to hire enough inspectors to properly inspect new structures...not sure your hopes could be fulfilled on inspecting older apartments.
  11. get out the checkbook. sounds like they have already.
  12. they claim they aren't moving but are opening another location. i'm headed there sat nite and will ask again.
  13. i think it depends on the type of metal and how decorative.....i looked about 3 yrs ago and the price they quoted me as about 90% more than what i thought i could get it done with composition. there were lots of variations though.
  14. i depends what's going on in the area already. as more stores/restaurants start to open, there will be less. i was at toyota center a few weekends ago and ended up parking by HP for the concert, since HP hadn't opened yet.
  15. sure doesn't look like anything is being done. i saw a couple of broken windows upstairs.
  16. i couldn't handle the sale pitches at nissan and everywhere else to be honest. once i got past the sales people the toyota manager was ready to deal. now if i can only get past the repeated calls about "do you know your warranty is about to expire?" had one about 1.5 hrs ago.
  17. we were talking about that and someone who goes to gibson said she didn't think there was any relation.
  18. they definitely deal. i bought a toyota last yr. i worked directly with the manager though vs a salesperson, who had to get approval from the manager.
  19. go work an election....you will definitely get the answer.
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