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sowanome last won the day on July 4 2011

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  • Location/ZIP Code
    Dallas -I think I'm in TX 4good :(

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  1. Any takers for the 2014 challenge !?!
  2. Thanks Prag and JT16...let's just say that I've gotten lucky and I also have a few unfair advantages as it relates to scouting CFB or NFL.
  3. What's going on for our group in 2013?
  4. Grew up there and went to the same local h.school as my Parents & Grandparents. My family has lived in the area since the 30's and it's always been Studewood until you refer to the "The Heights", at this point "Independence Heights" generally comes into the discussion as Studewood is part of the "Independence Heights". They are one in the same, just when describing the the location it's easier to speak in terms of the "The Heights".
  5. I'm guessing that Penn State is officially no longer a D-1 program
  6. Is this happening? I lived by this the last 2 falls....
  7. Great way to increase revenue and capital in a time when it's heavily needed.
  8. Coogs....looks like S.Miss is the best team on the field today!! Oh well, all of that build up for what? Also, who really wanted to see UH's Defense play against the BIG BOYS if they can't handle S. Miss...not I!
  9. Sounds like The SEC Sucks outside of LSU and maybe BAMA....Look at what Wisco did to Penn St. (45-7) vs. Bama's (27-11). Here we are with another year of meaningless bowl games(Sr.'s only care about not getting hurt, same for Jr's so they can take advantage of their remaining time off before class starts) outside of Title Game (5 week lay over...yeah that's great football)...can't wait for a playoff. Maybe I will pull my own BCS this week and give a half effort in my participation this week in Pickem, since it appears that I have this "HAIF" thing wrapped up!
  10. Playoff system definitely needed and I agree with the wildcard statement, but after reading Kinkaid's post about Bama it seems outrageous to give Bama another shot esp if LSU makes it...That Just Ain't Right. There's nothing good about playing a team twice esp when the 2nd meeting is for everything. Anyway, let's see if Beamer and Va Tech plays the "Opportunity" card if they win out this weekend......There's too much money on the table for them not to do so.
  11. That's interesting....But, some part of me believes that "IF" Va Tech wins out and fails to advance to #2, there will be a national out cry b/c Bama failed to beat LSU at HOME in OT in Alabama. So why should they get a second shot to play them when they already had their chance to over take LSU. A rematch is definitely not fair for LSU, but Life isn't fair. I'm hoping that 20th's Team (LSU, who else?) can pull it off and go undefeated!!!!
  12. I guess you take the good with the bad with this crap BCS system. I'm just having a hard time understanding THE BCS can justify sending a 1-loss Bama to the NTL.Championship w/o winning or participating in a conference championship. From the looks of it, if VTech/Ok St./Stanford wins out they are just as deserving for a chance to play in the game as BAMA...A loss is a loss Poor Houston...BCS will get you everytime
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