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Everything posted by swtsig

  1. his speculation is probably on point assuming Shoernstein is actually considering it. how close is the SkyHouse Houston high rise site to the exxon building? IIRC they're fairly close. if so the combination of both projects could really spur redevelopment in this part of the cbd.
  2. i've been waiting for an update that development but so far haven't heard or seen anything. they initally proposed a 6-8 story mixed use apartment complex... pretty sure there's a thread on it somewhere.
  3. love the design... for some reason we don't see a lot of the more modern designs you see elsewhere like Fortune noted. quick question - is parking going to be entirely underground? i don't see much in this rendering. also agree w bluecar... although a highrise is always nice, it would have stuck out like a sore thumb.
  4. i was told sold but they very well could have meant under contract. even if it is only under contract i have no doubt it will ultimately close and no doubt something high-density will get developed.
  5. Haha you're not going to get that info outta me... But I think it bodes well for the type of development that will ultimately happen.
  6. well the site has officially sold and knowing the buyer i'd be shocked if anything other than high density mixed-use was ultimately developed.
  7. nice to hear... should make a nice neighbor to the houston house apartments if it comes to fruition.
  8. unless i missed something i'm certain retail is still a significant component to the apartment project, not to mention the retail sites in the park. where are you reading that retail was taken out of camden's project? i think the intent has always been mixed use.
  9. having a school downtown is absolutely imperative to increasing the resindential base there. not that the hspva is a typical school but it's a start. i think the city is very much intenteding to see this through.
  10. i really like that 2001 mckinney tower and wish more developers had the same desire to design something bold in Houston (like we did in the 70's and early 80's). all too often houston disregards almost all sense of aesthetics for straight functionality and it is incredibly boring.
  11. no this is different from Hines' project. i've seen the rendering for Hines' new building and it is very geometric for lack of a better word... kinda post-modern, i suppose, in the same vein as pennzoil.
  12. Devon has 515K Kinder will be vacating 200K UA is vacating 140K + an additional 250K in all likelihood in addition to the 200K or so of Hess space while a lot of these are not direct vacancies, they will certainly be competing directily w Brookfield for tenants.
  13. it will have two skybridge connections in addition to parking within the building so i don't think parking will be a huge concern. no word on renovations to the common areas but i assume they will cross that bridge if and when they get there. this one is a longshot, at least in the near future, but they're still actively marketing it. skanska will likely get off the ground on their 700k sf building sooner rather than later and there's another cool looking 50-story building being proposed so brookfield will have some competition.
  14. not to pick on you but i absolutely abhor responses like this... as ttuchris put it, the building goes where they own the land. this isn't simcity.
  15. Brookfield needs 50-60% preleasing so it's likely that their existing vacancies would cannibalize any deal for the foreseeable future.
  16. didn't ask but i'd assume so, yes. there are several interesting projects going on in the Greenway area. 20 story office + hotel seems like a certainty, in addition to several other office/mized-use projects on the table. should be interesting.
  17. agreed... it looks outdated and it hasn't even broken ground yet! here's hoping the real thing comes out a lot nicer.
  18. i would imagine they would'nt have much of a choice if they wanted to achieve economies of scale, unless they do less units that are just very high end (think belle meade or chateau 10). i don't know the size of the adobe property but as a comparison i recently heard that marvy may be planning a 20+ story highrise on the art institute site on yorktown and that parcel is 1.3 ac.
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