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Everything posted by swtsig

  1. The site is being actively marketed by cb so that is strictly a conceptual rendering in all likelihood. Hopefully the ultimate purchaser has something like that in mind - something that continues ROD but a little (or a lot) more vertical.
  2. this is spot on. these building have been designed to maximize efficiencies, square footage and ultimately profits. and in all honesty the tenants who are leasing significant amounts of space in these buildings want the same. the more a developer spends on designing, building and operating a building the more they have to charge for rent (and often times operating costs) and those get directly passed thru to the tenant. back when money was free (late 70's early 80's) is was easy to build grandiose projects but unfortunately, in Houston at least, those projects just aren't feasible w/o the owner/developer taking substantial risks. Companies (tenants and landlords) in houston have become a lot more prudent since the architectural heyday 30 years ago.
  3. ya you should've just bought fancy pants tickets during the blind presale... they were something like $40 or $50. hell you could've bought two at presale and flipped one for some insane markup and actually make a healthy profit.
  4. that whole comlpex metro is building over ther is downright hideous... just faux, cheesy, late 90's looking nonsense.
  5. why would this building make any difference? the huntington is down the street and is literally twice as tall, in addition to the 12 story BBVA Compass office building right next door.
  6. that's marvy's site on st james and yorktown. i was told awhile back that it would be highrise apartments but midrise is just as likely imo. i drive by that demo frequently... it's impressive.
  7. sorry pal, that is in direct violation of the CBD building signage and lighting ordinance.
  8. Those two additional cranes backed up traffic something fierce a few mornings ago... Not cool.
  9. while what you said is likely true i've heard that Astoria may actually be restructuring its loan to lean less heavily on the visa program due to higher than anticipated local demand.
  10. i was going to say the exact same thing... i'd venture to guess the majority of condos in this area have a decent percentage of foreign national ownership, many of whom are not there a lot of the time.
  11. pretty sure that's Fein's large apartment development... las palamas, i think. there's a thread for it somewhere.
  12. went to goro and gun saturday night - was a little surprised that it was only half full when we got there at 8:00. that said we all liked the food and drinks and by the time we left the place was almost completely packed. walked around the corner to OKRA where there was a nice crowd and had a quick drink. walking back to our car we strolled by Batanga and they were very crowded as well - must've been about 10 or 1030 by that time. very healthy crowd on the patio. they was also an alamo drafthouse roadshow at market square park (three amigos!) and it was SLAMMED... people everywhere. on our way out we ran into a critical mass type deal with bicyclists, skaters and pedicabs cruising around that part of downtown. all in all it was very refreshing to see a buzz on a saturday night... i think gran malo is a very welcome addition there. an apartment development or two right there would really cement that part of downtown as a sustainable district so hopefully something is in the works.
  13. blog.chron.com/primeproperty/2013/05/aging-apartment-complex-near-downtown-to-be-replaced-with-luxury-building/?cmpid=hpfsln#11831-1 Under contract and set to replace the old and very outdated Skylane Central apartments near the Taylor street bridge. Can't post the (one of several proposed) rendering but it looks a lot like the now debunked Hines cafe adobe project, which I dig. I think we can safely assume they will select a much more traditional design bc, well, that's what happens in Houston.
  14. Did you notice any retail being added? Doesn't look like it from that view but if they were adding it it would be on the park side. For the life of me I can't remember who told me they were adding some but I really hope it's true.
  15. which is why i said "not all but definitely most." most companies factor cost well above "buzz".
  16. ya that should be the only thing stopping them from breaking ground... the market there is on fire. many of the new projects already have lead tenants.
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