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Everything posted by KimberlySayWhat

  1. For the longest time I thought he was married to Gloria Estefan. I hope he pulls out.
  2. I think our gorilla died a few years ago. I remember watching that dude puke up his food, eat it, repeat.
  3. I know, especially for a mainstream film of that time. Not true. I saw the blonde woman who played Steve Guttenberg's girlfriend on a commercial for Totino's Pizza Rolls. Speaking of Steve Guttenberg, he's a contestant on "Dancing with the Stars".
  4. That doesn't surprise me one bit. I thought about her when it was announced that Whitney was leaving. Citykid, here's some unrelated news that might interest you: http://www.houstonarchitecture.info/haif/i...showtopic=15275
  5. They've been lagging the last couple of games, but a win is a win in the end. One game at a time. I hope they at least win whoever they're playing tomorrow.
  6. Aww, Ernest. I used to love him. No. That sounds like "Rosemary's Baby". Except it was Mia Farrow, not Julie Christie. Terrible movie. "The Bad Seed" is about a little girl who kills people. Simple as that. Here's the original trailer: http://youtube.com/watch?v=C98JgQz9vr4
  7. Fakey or realistic, I hate the lopping off of people's heads in movies and TV. Once I was watching a marathon of "Friday the 13th" (the tv series) on the Sci Fi channel and there was a scene in one of the stories where an old woman gets her head chopped off and it was so stupid looking, but it made me nauseas for days whenever I thought about it. Likewise, I hate the part in "Hush...Hush, Sweet Charlotte" when Bruce Dern's head bounces down the stairs. I won't watch that movie because of that scene alone. What, does its head fall off or something? Golly, what a little creep! That movie is disturbing. Vertigo, that Pippi photo reminds me of "Annie"! One of my favorites! Just watched it the other day. I showed it to my little niece and nephew and they liked it.
  8. I never have recurring dreams and my dreams never really tell a story. They're usually just random bits spliced together like a bad editing job. I always wake up feelig disturbed by them even if they're no big deal.
  9. Has anyone seen "Strait-Jacket" with Joan Crawford? Considered by all to be corny. I don't like it because it contains decapitations.
  10. I clicked the link and that lady scared me. My favorite song from "Beach Blanket Bingo" is the first one that Linda Evans sings. It used to be on YouTube, but I can't find it now. I also like the one that the brunette girl sings at the cabin while they're all sitting around the fire place.
  11. "Family Foreman", a reality series that follows the lives of boxer George Foreman and his 10 children, premieres on TV Land in July. The reason I post this here is because it looks like it will take place at his Houston area home, wherever he lives, and at his gym.
  12. Yeah, that's probably it. Thanks! I don't understand the extent of the fingernail portion of the dream. Why the gray and tan ooz? I have had fingernail problems with four of my nails in the past several months. They were growing in bumpy with part of the cutical tucked under. Three have grown out and cleared up but one is still on the mend. The left index finger (the one in the dream). I've woken up a couple of mornings to have the cutical swolen and when I sqeezed it a litte puss came out, but I've been putting antibiotic cream on it and it's doing better. But there were moments when I thought that my messed up nails could have been an indication of something more serious. I did a little research online, but the photos I came across were gross so I quit. Since they've been looking better I haven't given it a lot of thought until someone asked about them yesterday. Where the president comes in, I have no idea. The woman and kids in the restroom eating, who knows. Possibly from that hand washing thread that you, lockmat, started on this here board? The dude with the knife: I often have nightmares of violence after watching the local news at night. I was also thinking about that loser who murdered that college student in North Corolina and was caught on surveillance. It made me so angry and sad for her family that this selfish loser took her life so carelessly for nothing. I go to bed thinking about that type of thing a lot. How easy it could happen to any of us and how dangerous things are. I'm sick of it.
  13. Last night I had a dream that the fingernail on my left hand index finger was oozing gray and tan puss/goo. Come to find out a former U.S. president (I don't know who) from a long, long time ago had the same condition and it killed him. I was scared and was about to make a doctor's appointment because I thought I was going to die. For some reason I was in a public place, so I decided to use the restroom before I called to make an appointment. I walked into the restroom with only two stalls and there were two women sitting on closed toilet seats feeding their toddlers Cheetos and gabbing. That was strange, I thought. They left eventually and I stepped into a stall. I never did anything; just kind of walked in and back out. There was a man in there with light brown hair wearing a red T-shirt and had stubble on his face. It startled me; I thought maybe he thought it was the men's room, so I kind of smiled and tried to make my way around him, but I looked down and he had a knife and a violent look on his face. Then my dream ended. What would you make out of that?
  14. My dad took me to the dollar theater to see "Back to the Beach". Whatever happened to dollar theaters? Anyway, I was interested because Pee-Wee Herman had a cameo and my dad was interested in seeing Annette. We both agreed it was corny, even at the time, but we both loved it. It was during the filming of "Back to the Beach" when Annette Funicello was diagnosed with MS. Are those photos from "Beach Blanket Bingo"? I love the songs in that movie.
  15. "Back to the Beach" is another favorite "corny" movie of mine.
  16. Wrapping some toilet paper around the hook would would as well. I think I'll do that next time.
  17. "Bye Bye Birdie". Colorful, fun songs, early '60s. Very corny, but makes me feel good. Love it. "The Incredible Shriking Woman" starring Lilly Tomlin. My family watched it all the time growing up, so it's great nostalgia for me.
  18. They're an L.A. based band whose members are originally from the Wharton/Palacios/Houston area. I first saw them on "Great Day Houston" months ago, then sort of forgot about them until iTunes featured their song "The March" as the single of the week. They were also on Whitney Casey's last episode of GDH this week. They're her favorite band. The "Heights" in their name is after Houston's Heights. I love them. They have an old rock sound and their songs aren't fillled with profanity and sex. Just fun rock songs to listen to. The lead singer, Mark Moralas is my newest crush. "Great Day Houston" appearance: http://www.khou.com/greatday/hollywood-hou...25223&shu=1 http://www.myspace.com/astraheights Has anyone seen them live? They play a lot around Texas.
  19. I like the one on the very far end. Besides I think I had my pants down already. I think this is getting too personal.
  20. If you carry a purse you have to wonder what to do with it while using a public restroom. I was in a situation a few weeks ago where I just couldn't win. I didn't want to sit it on the floor, but on the door, near the hook, there was a little brown something smeared. Made me furious.
  21. There was a thread like this before. It started off as a thread about taqueria stands and wound up a thread about hygiene.
  22. I'm not talking about just urine. I'm aware of the urine in skin care products. A couple of years ago I remember reading about some soap star that suggested putting your own pee on your face to ward of wrinkles. Seriously, there are things I see all the time from people that churn my stomach that some people probably wouldn't think twice about. It's an anxiety thing with me. Or on the floor if there's not a trash can in reach. It's not my fault if there's not a trash can near the door.
  23. Yes! Human filth is the nastiest form of filth and I can't tolerate it.
  24. Exactly. Don't touch the filth.
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