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Everything posted by KimberlySayWhat

  1. Are they going to do some sort of landscaping around them and do they light them at night? I saw them a little bit ago and think they're neat. They just seem a bit unfinished looking.
  2. Earth Quest Adventures is mentioned breifly in this Chronicle article about the development in Montgomery County. I was beginning to the project was dead. http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/headli...ro/5473070.html
  3. Look, it was only a football game. There's always next season.
  4. I never watched "Twin Peaks", but I remember that photo of the dead woman used to freak me out. I'd see it in magazines, or on cassette covers (like you mentioned) in the stores; I hated that picture. "Lost" is often compared to "Twin Peaks".
  5. Maybe I like to keep guessing. Yes, I do. I watched "Las Vegas" long ago. I can't believe it's still on.
  6. So you mean it's like a cheap drug or something? Then call me a sucker. I think season 3 has been the best! Maybe not the first half of season 3, but definitely the second half starting with the episode in which Sawyer finally came face-to-face with Anthony Cooper (the real Sawyer and Locke's father) and Locke tricked him into killing him. I think Anthony was creepier than Ben. And I like the new spin on the show where it'll now take place in the future in addition to the past and present. I don't watch those other shows you mentioned.
  7. Did anyone ever win that Ipod in the other contest?
  8. In my opinion, it's probably one of the last good shows on TV. But what do I know. So you've watched the show? "The Poseidon Adventure" is scary. Underwater scenes always creep me out. Also, I never liked the scene where they come across the dead guy with his eyes open.
  9. If you like "The Twilight Zone", like I do, of course, you'd like "Lost". It's really like one long serialized "Twilight Zone" episode. There's much more to it than survivors of a plane crash stranded on an island. The characters have many layers that are explored via flashbacks before the crash. The island has powers, monsters and mysteries on top of mysteries. It's a detailed show that you have to pay attention to and you can't just turn on any episode and expect to know what's going on. Almost everything has significance on this show. Things you don't think are a big deal will pop up later on, maybe seasons later: conversations that take place, background props like book titles the characters are seen reading. There's a reason for it. When you have time, here's very abbreviated "Lost": Everything you need to know in 8 minutes: But they leave a lot out. Really, if you love mystery and suspense, you should rent seasons 1, 2 and 3 and then wait for season 4 when it's out. Lots of twists and shockers if you like that sort of thing.
  10. I like the Caramel Delights and those lemon cookies. Thin Mints are always good, too. Mmm! I think my niece is in Girl Scouts this year. Regarding the Golden Globes, I hate those awards shows, but I'm so ready for this strike to be resolved so "Lost" can get its full season. If you consider 16 episodes a full season; I certainly don't. An 8 episodes season followed by a nearly year-long hiatus is torture. As if this nine months hiatus isn't.
  11. Is it Girl Scout cookie time already?
  12. There was one about a year ago that turned into a thread about hygiene.
  13. I didn't know there was such a thing as absurdly expensive yo-yos. You must be hard-core.
  14. Oh, I see. I never knew that movie had scary dolls in it. My favorite creepy TV/film doll is still Talky Tina. Maybe because she's so innocent looking. You just want to play with her. Until you hear what comes out of her mouth: >
  15. Crap! Shouldn't a warning come with that? I thought Barbarella was a movie starring Jane Fonda.
  16. They are a bunch of little creeps! I have this one sitting behind my closet door as a speak, but I don't think he's as scary looking as those above:
  17. When you all go to bed tonight, make sure you don't have one of these peeking from behind your closet door.
  18. I, too, think it's going to be on channel 11. I thought I saw a promo for it to air tonight. But now I can't remember which news I was watching last night.
  19. Once I went with my uncle and male cousins to one of those things in the Astrodome. After the show we went around and picked dirt off the tires of the trucks to save a souvenirs. For years I had some dirt off the Grave Digger saved in a Zip Lock bag. I don't think I enjoyed the whole thing all that much; I just sort of made myself enjoy it because they were enjoying it. It was too loud.
  20. I mainly only by undergarments and socks at Walmart as far as clothes go, but I did get myself an Astros T-shirt there a few weeks ago on clearance for only $8. It was pink and cute and they only had one. And it was official MLB brand. I bought a Texans T-shirt at Walmart last year for only $3.
  21. June Foray, the voice of Rocky the squirell, also provided the voice of creepy Talky Tina in the classic "Twilight Zone" episode "Living Doll". One of my favorites! "My name is Talky Tina, and I think I could even hate you".
  22. So funny you mentioned that. I saw it on the schedule and set my DVR to record it! I was going to watch it last night when I got into bed, but I got sleepy. Maybe tonight. I occasionly watch "Good Times", also a Norman Lear show, or "Sanford & Son". "Good Times" is entertaining for the audience reactions alone.
  23. I wish TV Land still showed reruns of the series. Old variety shows from the '70s and '60s are my latest fixation. Every Saturday I record Lawrence Welk on PBS. And it's not to make fun of it, though I do that a little bit; I have a genuine fondness for these types of shows. The music's fun, the sets and costumes are colorful, it's a cheery atmosphere, it's clean entertainment; they all seem oblivious to the world's problems. It's a whole other world. You'd never see this type of show on TV nowadays unless it were a spoof. This is good stuff!
  24. How was Sonny Bono ever as popular as he was with this voice of his? http://youtube.com/watch?v=WBMQAeAhQ7M I mean, I like him, but still. I like this song.
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