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Everything posted by OkieEric

  1. The same thing happened with 2222 Smith St back when they built it - you can see it sticking out on bird's eye view on bing.com 2222 Smith St
  2. I see you were in the 24 hr gym parking garage, too. I got there about half an hour later and just left after the gym lost power and they closed. Pretty amazing vantage point. The fire had spead quite a bit from this photo
  3. So I guess this will wind up like that Farb development in midtown? Luxury HUD housing... BTW, this isn't midtown. Maybe merge with the existing Whole Foods thread?
  4. You got me curious - here's a link to the story on their website: Houston Heights: Small Town in the Big City
  5. The link I posted has worked every time for me - it's to the River Oaks examiner. Longer article with two *.pdf links
  6. Is this what you're looking for? It's got a link to a *.pdf of the properties affected Examiner
  7. You're supposed to even be able to use them on planes...good luck with that! Seriously, I thought about buying one last year when I went out more and was smoking here and there. I never bought one as I can't imagine using it in public, and something about smoking it at home just says "I've lost to nicotine." Well, that and trying to find a reputable-looking seller online proved to be a challenge At least it's healthier...maybe. FDA Problems?
  8. Ha...and I was wondering how you wound up on the internet, let alone found the haif! LOL. j/k Anyway, I'm not holding my breath to see what Hollywood comes up with...though I wonder if it will somehow incorporate the existing structure? Either way, I'm sure I'll hate the color scheme/signage OT, but is there ever anyone at TK Bitterman's? I haven't been there in a couple of years and it never seems to have many cars there... I had a good time there but I always seem to wind up at the ice house instead
  9. I'm not talking about people washing cars. If you were one of those who just hung around late at night in the dark there...well, then sorry for your loss. I'm happy to see it go... Maybe we'll get another massage parlor out if it - lord knows we need a few more in the area
  10. More details on the ribbons @ swamplot I can't see an HEB as there already seem to be plenty of grocery options in the area. Plus, how on earth could there already be plans for what to do with the trees? Doesn't HEB already own the somewhat struggling Shepherd Plaza?
  11. That's what I'm thinking (and hoping). That way, even though it has taken such a long time they can still have a nice "completed ahead of schedule" PR at the end
  12. Yesterday I noticed "they" had marked up the sidewalk along W Alabama with orange paint and lined it with those little orange flags. All of the trees also had some sort of green string/tape around them... Is this some sort of usual utility stuff on a vacant property? There was also a guy walking around in an orange vest. I know it probably means absolutely nothing, but the markings on the trees were a little concerning. It could have been that way for weeks, though
  13. Looks good to me. You're close enough to midtown if you don't wind up liking the Montrose scene... I live in the far western part of Montrose, and I honestly think just about everyone around me is straight. Even out here it is still pretty diverse in terms of race, income level, etc. Anyway, I have a lot of gay friends, though ironically none of them live in Montrose anymore. They do all still go out here, though
  14. Wow... That will kill Greenspoint. The article says they lease 2 million sq ft there Edit: So I looked it up and there is more office space in Greenspoint than I thought. However, I used to work for XOM and still visit their offices at times - just seems like they are biggest presence by far
  15. I'm sure only those folks in the area will care, but that eyesore of a car wash at 2007 W Alabama is finally gone! It kinda creeped me out, as there always seemed to be a few people just sort of hanging out in the parking lot at night... Anyway, there are a couple of permits listed for the address for a new building and a washateria build out. Found some additional info here - shows 5000 sq ft with a 3000 sq ft washateria. Hard to get excited about a washateria, but it sure beats what was there
  16. You mean Washington Centre? Yeah, it's large and extremely plain. I suppose it's better than what was there before (?), but it will still be huge and plain in 20 years. The rendering makes it look more like West Ave (not scale-wise, obviously) than it came out...perhaps it will improve as tenants eventually come in
  17. Demo permit issued per swamplot - Link When I drove by yesterday it looked like a portion of the back was already gone
  18. I saw Peaches a few weeks back, as a friend had some free general admission tickets. He had actual seats but elected to stand down with us as you are so much closer to the band - the balcony actually looked pretty high up. If you think the concert will be crowded I would say it's not worth it, but we had a pretty good time depite standing for a couple of hours as you can get pretty close to the band. The drink prices were absolutely ridiculous, though. $7.50/domestic bottle in the foundation room. We wound up buying the big cans out in the main area for marginally better pricing
  19. Dyson Airblade? Airblade The XLerator one works pretty well, too: XLerator The Airblade is really the only one I don't mind using...but one slip of the hand and you'll accidentally touch it. The horror!
  20. It was raining as I drove in, but downtown up on the 38th floor all I see out my window is snow... Pretty cool
  21. Looks like 2514 and 2516 Hazard, built in 1984 per Zillow. I hadn't realized so many other structures were torn down back when they took down the Martha Turner Properties building... That land has now been vacant for over a year and a half
  22. I think it's already been around at least 6 months... I've been there a handful of times on Friday/Saturday, and it was OK - but that was months ago I went there a few weeks back for a Sunday night football thing and it was pretty dead, but I took off early. It definitely made me wonder how much longer this place has left
  23. The loss of Hollywood Video was inevitable... I've always thought that there could be a better use for that building, but I guess any use is better than having it demo'd. The bigger concern for me is the high vacancy rates near Montrose/Westheimer. I think it will be quite some time before that immediate area is completely yuppified (if ever) Was Washington Ave all that great before?
  24. I walked through a few weeks back and was under the impression that the construction equipment was related to the road work on Kirby. Maybe they are just using the lot for storage?
  25. To be demo'd, per swamplot: Link More townhomes, I'm sure
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