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Everything posted by UtterlyUrban

  1. It seems that apartment discounting in some sub-markets has started. Also, more units were delivered in 2014 than absorbed? http://www.bizjournals.com/houston/morning_call/2015/04/rent-concessions-hit-houston-apartment-market.html?page=all
  2. While I am personally not a fan of the design, this tower is great for Austin! Estimated start date? Did I miss it or was it not discussed in the article?
  3. Here is an interesting write up abou the Waldo mansion. It may have been posted elsewhere but, if not, here it is........ http://offcite.org/2015/04/09/how-the-waldo-mansion-moved-out-of-quality-hill
  4. Those are cool shots. I had not seen those thin rectangular columns before. My guess is that this was purely a design choice (maybe to maximize window width?) rather than something required by the building's loads. Anyone know?
  5. Wow! There doesn't seem to be any news reports on the web about it though.
  6. Or park in a surface lot over by The Toyota cneter/GRB. During the week those lots will be loaded with office employee cars and are quite safe. Hoof the 8 blocks to the library.
  7. I agree. Bit, enough is enough, IMO. Time for action is at hand. If there are viable, credible plans to re-develop the dome, let's vet them and see it they work. If not, I see little point it leaving the dome to sit there and decay for another 13 years. Heck, if you leave it there long enough, there will be two stadiums to implode when reliant is deemed "no longer suitable" by the Gods of Sport.
  8. It's been abandoned for what? 12years? IMO, It is now time to decide: bulldoze it or re-develop it. Failing the later, the former should be done with deliberate speed.
  9. It may need two..... "Anchors" ..... They don't need to be huge "mall size" stores, IMO, but they do need to be successful. I hope beyond hope that the city can pull this one off or, all of this is wasted.
  10. I really hope this works. I am forming an opinion that if, after spending LOTS of money to create this street, significant retail (not coffee shops or cafes.... But stores that you can actually buy clothes, housewares, and electronics in) does not come, I think that downtown may simply not transform into the vision that many Houstonians have. This might be the best, and "last" shot to make it happen. I am really hoping that this effort works!
  11. I am uncertain if Hockey can thrive here.
  12. It is still too soon to know what the impacts will be of $50 oil (assuming it stays here).
  13. I remember the one on Gessner, although I can't ever recall going inside.
  14. It would be great if they could just keep the house and open it to the public. keep the train. And keep the rest as a park. Win!
  15. I agree. Houston needs local commuter rail (heavy and light). The State needs HSR connecting cities. And the Country needs both.
  16. Could one of the engineers on the board help me understand why the garage structure will be steel? I would have guessed that this would have been concrete like the rest of the building. What were the trade offs the designers had to consider that might have led them to steel? Help?
  17. Your work is quite lovely. Thank you.
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