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Everything posted by phillip_white

  1. I like the new rendering much more than the original. I'm disappointed that Crime Stoppers is basically putting up a fence to prevent crime. They out of everyone should know that crime prevention comes from an active and engaged community not a fence. They might as well build a wall and a moat.
  2. I live in Midtown and work near Hobby. Note: I'm responding to this as though it's a serious question. With this board, anything can be thinly veiled sarcasm.
  3. I'm right there with you. I know how, but everything I post is supposedly "too large."
  4. Not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet, but there's a non-profit called ESCAPE that bought the boarded-up building at 2410 Hamilton. Looks like they have a lot of after-hours classes and events so hopefully this will be good for the area. I just wish they would freshen up the exterior. http://www.learntoparent.org/index.php?page=escape-s-new-home
  5. That was my nice way of saying, I can't believe that girl is on the job site wearing non-steel toes.
  6. I subconsciously hum the Imperial March whenever the Days Inn building ends up photobombing an otherwise good picture.
  7. 1506 Truxillo. Took me a while to confirm the location noted on Google, so they truly are "under the radar." I'm excited that this is a 5 minute bike ride from me. https://www.facebook.com/undertheradarbrewery/photos/pcb.423604361181339/423604251181350/?type=3&theater
  8. They've finished up a lot of dirt work on this site. Saw a guy putting stakes in today, but I'm not sure what for. Hopefully this development is finally going up... even though it might block the view of the newly built townhomes next to it.
  9. Well, I guess come March they'll be powerwashing the garage with a wrecking ball.
  10. I walked by yesterday afternoon and it looked like they're finished with the new wooden deck. Two owner-looking guys were doing what appeared to be a walk through with an older lady. I wasn't aware that it was already open, so thanks for the heads up!
  11. Keep in mind that a scaffolding set-up is an interconnected structure. If one piece fails, especially toward the bottom, the rest of the structure has to compensate. Sure these are built with a safety factor, but if a critical structural element is removed you've got a domino effect that will take out the whole scaffolding. Strangely enough there is a video of this collapse (shot by tourists) that shows how it fails.
  12. Yeah, I agree. Can't believe they're putting stucco over the brick. I actually like(d) the way the facade looked before and think all it needed was new windows, power wash, and landscaping. That's kind of why I was interested in the next use for the building.
  13. Does anyone happen to know what's going on with the remodel across the street from this? https://www.google.com/maps/@29.7402937,-95.3794147,3a,37.5y,259.17h,90.16t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sIMkz9PIRoTSNIBZDfe_8XQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1 Looks like they're doing a pretty substantial reno.
  14. I agree that the mesh doesn't appear as per the renders, but perhaps they were just showing the outer layer as transparent (as is often the case) to show a bit of the inside? I rode my bike by yesterday afternoon and the corrugated metal facade appears as though it will look quite nice at night... and may even be somewhat transparent... when the breezeway is illuminated.
  15. I would hope that the net would catch it, but I had the same thought as to what they were thinking putting it up there.
  16. http://www.houstonarchitecture.com/haif/topic/31316-brazos-lofts-midtown/?hl=%2Bbrazos+%2Bdennis
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