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Ann Richards dead

Guest Marty

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I was in elementary school when she ran for governor, and it's one of my favorite political races of all time.

"Clayton Williams was born...with a silver foot in his mouth :lol: "

She'll be greatly missed. She had a chance at Democratic presidental nominee if she wanted it. Her popularity alone gave her a chance at becoming America's first female president.

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Near the end, she did come to Houston regularly for treatments. Less than a month ago, we saw her in a Cadillac near Fannin and Hermann. I recognized her immediately and waved. She turned her head and returned the wave. Unfortunately that day she did look weak as if she was aware her time was limited.

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Well if you watch all the broadcasts today she is being remembered for her mouth. Should she be remembered for selling the public on the lottery, that was going to fund education, which in reality funded a hundred new prisons and not a dime went towards education? Or perhaps the Robin hood law, that took funding from one district to fund another?

Headlines read: Ann Richards, the most quotable politician!

She was famous for the opening line of the majority of her speeches with the line, "Let me tell you something...."

"Clayton Williams was born...with a silver foot in his mouth :lol: "

If you're gonna quote her, at least quote her correctly. The line was actually "Poor George, he can't help it

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Well, if YOU are going to quote Ann Richards, at least quote her correctly.

Ann's famous line was delivered at the 1988 Democratic National Convention, in the keynote address. It made her a national celebrity, which she used to run for governor in 1990. She was not running when she gave the speech.

I will remember her for being who she was, and for never apologizing for it. She had her faults. She was human. But, she was a one-of-a-kind person. I'll never forget her, and regret her passing.

Well Rasta, I was referring to her using that same line in Dallas in Nov 1994 @ Reunion Hyatt Regency Hotel when she spoke to the Daughters of the Republic of Texas , when she dusted off her one liner from the '88 NDC that you referred to, which didn't fair as well that time. But yes you are also correct that she used it at the '88 NDC. And Yes, she was a one-of-a-kind person. I will also agree on that. I just don't think the legacy is being presented very well thus far, they make her sound more like a stand up comedian, than a ground breaking politician. That was my point to begin with. I am not going to bash a person after they're dead. What's the use.

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I will remember her for being who she was, and for never apologizing for it. She had her faults. She was human. But, she was a one-of-a-kind person. I'll never forget her, and regret her passing.

..............and I know you'll have the same feelings for Bush when he kicks the bucket Red, you 'ol softy. ;)

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I admired Ann Richards because she was a both barrel shooting kinda gal in an all boys club. That i found to be impressive. I also like Clayton Williams because he is a straight shooter. I have no use for people that will use overly long diatribe to tell me lies. What soured me on Clayton is the remark he made about women that are rape victims. Something to the tune of "if you are being raped and cant stop it, you may as well enjoy it". Something along those lines. :(:(:(

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I didn't agree with much of her politics, but she was a neat lady, and did a service to women in politics everywhere.

She was one of the last of the "Big Texas Democrats" (Connally, Johnson, etc) known for their baudy style, sharp wit and refusal to compromise on their principles.

Wow, sounds like GW Bush :lol: Hmmm....

She was my mother's age, or what my mother would be if she had not died from cancer as well.

Her family will be in my prayers. :closedeyes:

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Martha Stewart had a tribute to Governor Richards on her show today, identifying her as the first female governor of Texas. (Martha is in error. That honor belongs to Miriam "Ma" Ferguson.) Regardless, Ann was a refreshing change from the ignorant good-ol'-boy stereotypes, and caused a lot of people to view Texas (and Texans) more favorably. Wish she could have lived forever.

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Martha Stewart had a tribute to Governor Richards on her show today, identifying her as the first female governor of Texas. (Martha is in error. That honor belongs to Miriam "Ma" Ferguson.) Regardless, Ann was a refreshing change from the ignorant good-ol'-boy stereotypes, and caused a lot of people to view Texas (and Texans) more favorably. Wish she could have lived forever.

That's Martha for ya, always misinformed and trying to steal a little publicity even through someone else's loss.

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What soured me on Clayton is the remark he made about women that are rape victims. Something to the tune of "if you are being raped and cant stop it, you may as well enjoy it". Something along those lines. :(:(:(

He was quoting Socrates. The line probably went over a lot of peoples' heads.

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Ann was a refreshing change from the ignorant good-ol'-boy stereotypes, and caused a lot of people to view Texas (and Texans) more favorably.

She was very likeable but a very stereotypical Texan to me when she hit the scene. I was not a Texan then and with the big hair, wrinkled face and sassy, downhome wit, she seemed like a slightly exagerated version of what I, and probably a lot of outsiders, assumed Texans were like. Sort of an LBJ type; country, but intelligent and charming.

Then we got Big George I. He seemed like a carpetbagger all the way so he probably really didn't do much either way to change people's perceptions of what a Texan is like.

Then along came W and............here we get downhome and witless, sort of in the mold of Billy Carter.

Probably set back the country's image of Texans 50 years.

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Probably set back the country's image of Texans 50 years.

Oh no, don't tell me that our existence annoys New Yorkers and Californians...that just can't be. The horror, the horror!

Seriously, we'll get along just fine with or without the ire of blue states. We always have in the past.

Edited by TheNiche
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To quote Willie Nelson:

"I don't see what the big deal is. He (Bush) is not a cowboy and he's not from Texas."

Why should Texas and cowboys take a hit?

And just in case you carpetbaggers don't know what a Cowboy is:

The Cowboy Code

The Cowboy must never shoot first, hit a smaller man, or take unfair advantage.

He must never go back on his word, or a trust confided in him.

He must always tell the truth.

He must be gentle with children, the elderly, and animals.

He must not advocate or possess racially or religiously intolerant ideas.

He must help people in distress.

He must be a good worker.

He must keep himself clean in thought, speech, action, and personal habits.

He must respect women, parents, and his nations laws.

The Cowboy is a patriot.

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To quote Willie Nelson:

"I don't see what the big deal is. He (Bush) is not a cowboy and he's not from Texas."

Why should Texas and cowboys take a hit?

I alway's thought Bush was a poser and I am a right winger. Bush is a big lib with his domestic policy.

Edited by Marty
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I am so sorry to see her pass on. Last time I saw Ann was at the last national pro-choice rally in D.C.

Tickets to her pre march event were the hardest to come by because she remained such a popular figure nationally. Lots of "Don't Blame Me I Voted For Ann" posters marked the Texas delegation that day and Ann walked proudly and without body guards. She was always very approachable.

Now, hopefully the myth of Ann pulling strings for Baylor would die off as well. By the time Ann Richards was in the statehouse, she was no fan of BU. It was also well known that she greatly enjoyed UT women's basketball more than anything else :)

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To quote Willie Nelson:

"I don't see what the big deal is. He (Bush) is not a cowboy and he's not from Texas."

Why should Texas and cowboys take a hit?

And just in case you carpetbaggers don't know what a Cowboy is:

The Cowboy Code

The Cowboy must never shoot first, hit a smaller man, or take unfair advantage.

He must never go back on his word, or a trust confided in him.

He must always tell the truth.

He must be gentle with children, the elderly, and animals.

He must not advocate or possess racially or religiously intolerant ideas.

He must help people in distress.

He must be a good worker.

He must keep himself clean in thought, speech, action, and personal habits.

He must respect women, parents, and his nations laws.

The Cowboy is a patriot.

The Cowboy Code is how i live my life every day. ;) So lets saddle up and get the H E Double crooked letter out of here. Yee Haw! Edited by Marty
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