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Day 18 of Government shut down


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Is still news?

it’s becoming real to me. I’ve been in Manhattan since the first day of shut down, thinking it wouldn’t affect me as I fly back to Houston in 2 weeks but TSA ( working with no pay) are dropping out like flies with “sick “ call ins. Noe I ‘m thinking trying to fly out with my 79 year old Mother may be dicey with a Skelton TSA crew that hasn’t been able to feed themselves for a month.

i’m doing Daily calls and emails to both senators....... but don’t have a lot of faith in either to influence....anything.

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I'm not sure the intent of your question. Of course this is still news, the government is basically shut down. Myself and thousands of others in Houston are furloughed and will not be getting paychecks this week most likely. Nationwide that number is ~800,000. We have a new House that looks like they will be holding their ground against the Executive so actual legislation will be at a near standstill for the foreseeable future. So whether you care about politics or not, this is news and will start to impact almost everyone.


Good luck getting home.

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From what I've read, after previous shutdowns Congress authorizes pay for the furloughed workers during the time of the shutdown.  Is that true?


I have to wonder if President Trump is going to try to make an end run around Congress by declaring an emergency for the wall and then sign a bill to reopen the closed part of the government.

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That is correct, government employees end up getting paid for time they didn't work. Not that I begrudge the employees that, they're just pawns in a very, very stupid game that ends up costing the country even more than just agreeing to a budget would do. I still don't blame those employees who "sick out", even though they will get paid later. If enough of these "essential" employees who are forced to continue working without getting their paychecks did so, and essential services actually did grind to a standstill because of it, perhaps presidents and legislatures wouldn't get away with playing chicken with government employees' cash flow and the services we pay for as taxpayers to push their extreme agendas. Though I guess this thread should probably be moved to Way Off Topic forum.

Edited by Reefmonkey
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One of my kids works for NASA in Manhattan. Yes furloughed. Yes one of 800,000. They will get back pay. Those Federal contract workers also not getting to work during government shut down won’t.

the number of furloughed  not coming to work at JFK, LGA and Newark grows— Traveling with elderly isn’t’t always easy but more difficult with shortages.

Just upset and concerned about it.

I’ve already been writing/ emailing and voice mailing our senators— guess I was venting

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9 hours ago, skwatra said:

Senate passed a bill to backpay furloughed workers. But i also heard that Trump didn't sign it, but can't find that detail after a quick search.



That story was from December 21, and the House had not passed the bill, so there was nothing to sign.

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On 1/8/2019 at 8:32 PM, Ross said:

That story was from December 21, and the House had not passed the bill, so there was nothing to sign.


I wasn't talking about the appropriations bill, but legislation was passed by the senate per a few sources

(separate legislation based on my understanding - but i don't really understand what is going on so i may be wrong)



The Senate on Friday passed legislation to ensure federal employees facing furloughs during a potential partial government shutdown are guaranteed back pay once the government reopens.


bottom line, I won't be getting paid this week.

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On 1/8/2019 at 7:47 PM, trymahjong said:

One of my kids works for NASA in Manhattan. Yes furloughed. Yes one of 800,000. They will get back pay. Those Federal contract workers also not getting to work during government shut down won’t.


Can't give details, but one of our major contractors (at JSC) are paid forward through the end of January, the other through the end of February. So contractors are still working and being paid as of now.


Given ISS is on-orbit with 6 crew, I am confident that we will do whatever it takes to keep supporting the program safely indefinitely.

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I wrote to Cornyn

this is what I received




Thank you for contacting me regarding the current operations of the federal government. I understand the importance of funding programs that support our national defense and protect our borders, and I appreciate having the benefit of your comments on this important matter.

A partial federal government shutdown creates further uncertainty and instability in the economy. I am eager to end the partial shutdown and move ahead with the fiscal and economic reforms our country so urgently needs.

In 2018, Congress enacted five appropriations bills that provide funding for 75 percent of the federal government agencies in Fiscal Year 2019, including the Departments of Defense, Energy, Labor, Health and Human Services, among others. However, on December 22, 2018, funding for certain federal agencies lapsed due to disagreements over funding levels for important border security priorities, resulting in a partial federal government shutdown

I share the frustrations of many Texans, and I will continue to work with my colleagues on a path forward to end this partial shutdown. It is my hope that an agreement can be reached quickly to reopen the all federal agencies, while strengthening security at our nation’s borders. 


I am honored to represent Texas in the United States Senate, and I will keep your views in mind as the appropriations process moves forward. Thank you for taking the time to contact me.  





United States Senator

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If a wall would have a significant effect on drug flow/addiction, violent crime, terrorist infiltration and Illegal immigration then I could see throwing a lot of money at it.  But...it won't.  Now, it appears as though unspent disaster recovery funds are being targeted for the wall, if trump declares a state of emergency.  So, if this is the case...Houston would pay for the wall. 

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10 hours ago, Naviguessor said:

If a wall would have a significant effect on drug flow/addiction, violent crime, terrorist infiltration and Illegal immigration then I could see throwing a lot of money at it.  But...it won't.  Now, it appears as though unspent disaster recovery funds are being targeted for the wall, if trump declares a state of emergency.  So, if this is the case...Houston would pay for the wall. 


I guess you could debate what constitutes significant but there's no doubt that additional walling/fencing/barriers would enable the border patrol to allocate it's limited resources more effectively.  What's really curious is that the top Democrats, including Pelosi, Schumer, both Clintons, and Obama are all on record being for the wall before they were against it.  Pelosi and Schumer could easily end this by sticking to they're documented positions, but it's not really about border security or the government shutdown.  It's about #resist.



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I think that Democrat leadership is representing the resounding will of the voters who returned them to power, due in large part due to the policies and campaign promises that the president made. It’s pretty clear that they are representing the will of the people.  That’s what they are supposed to do.  The wall just doesn’t have the support of the public.  My larger point, is that if trump decides that the only way he will get a wall is to side step the process and the public will, and declare an emergency, do you (we) think it is worth paying for with previously defeicated desalted relief funding, for such funding as a coastal barrier/Ike-dike, additional reservoirs and other flood control remedies for our region?  Because, this is likely where the money to build the wall will come from.  I find that unacceptable. 

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2 hours ago, Naviguessor said:

I think that Democrat leadership is representing the resounding will of the voters who returned them to power, due in large part due to the policies and campaign promises that the president made. It’s pretty clear that they are representing the will of the people.  That’s what they are supposed to do.  The wall just doesn’t have the support of the public.  My larger point, is that if trump decides that the only way he will get a wall is to side step the process and the public will, and declare an emergency, do you (we) think it is worth paying for with previously defeicated desalted relief funding, for such funding as a coastal barrier/Ike-dike, additional reservoirs and other flood control remedies for our region?  Because, this is likely where the money to build the wall will come from.  I find that unacceptable. 


Yeah...except they've been against everything Trump comes up with, including the wall, since he was elected...before the mid-term elections.  He proposed a DACA fix that went beyond expectations in the number of people covered and Schumer and Pelosi were against that too.  This isn't about the will of the people.  It's about partisan politics and who wins or loses power in DC.  This could have been resolved last year with wall funding traded for a DACA fix.  That was a decent compromise and could have avoided the shutdown now.

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I wrote Crenshaw the same letter as Cornyn


received this:


Thank you for contacting me and taking the time to share your thoughts on this important matter.

As my office gets up and running, I will be sure to send you a more detailed response. I simply wanted you to know that your opinion has been noted and your voice has been heard.

It is a great honor to serve as your Representative in Washington, DC. I am humbled to take on this responsibility and look forward to serving our great state and Nation to the best of my abilities. To better stay in touch, please sign up to receive my e-newsletter through my website.

Dan Crenshaw
Member of Congress

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53 minutes ago, trymahjong said:

I wrote Crenshaw the same letter as Cornyn


received this:


Thank you for contacting me and taking the time to share your thoughts on this important matter.

As my office gets up and running, I will be sure to send you a more detailed response. I simply wanted you to know that your opinion has been noted and your voice has been heard.

It is a great honor to serve as your Representative in Washington, DC. I am humbled to take on this responsibility and look forward to serving our great state and Nation to the best of my abilities. To better stay in touch, please sign up to receive my e-newsletter through my website.

Dan Crenshaw
Member of Congress

They better reopen the government.

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I have resorted to emailing only once a day—— Mostly after news coverage I want to send a searing letter immediately.


This whole government shut down fiasco cannot be laid at any ONE persons feet.

Now is  the time for all of us to call, email and snail mail our Governments reps.

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17 hours ago, HoustonMidtown said:

TSA Checkpoint in Terminal B is now closed due to shortage of TSA workers - passengers being routed to Terminals C or E



I worry it's a matter of time before an unpaid ATC worker, who has been driving 12 hours for Uber before their night shift at the airport, falls asleep and there's an incident

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I’m waiting in LGA


with the construction trying to get in and skeletal personal trying to get through, I am fed up with all this  @#$& and want who ever has the power  to use that power to get the government up and running again.


Its 23 degrees here— I’m worried for any fed gov workers who can’t pay their heating bill. 

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There seems  to be a lot of talk about furloughed fed employees seeking out additional jobs, as a stop gap measure.But  reality is for many (NASA employees for one)—- who are forbidden by their contract to seek additional jobs.

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I finally heard back from Sen Cruz

.....after writing him 7 (seven) times concerning the Government shut down, my fears for my daughters family as a furloughed fed employee,...........it seems he couldn’t tell me enough about the solutions he had in mind.........




This week, millions of Americans are mourning the 46th anniversary of Roe v. Wade — but also celebrating the incredible progress we have made since then, fighting to restore the God-given rights of every American, of every age. I am proud to be leading the fight for pro-life policies in the United States Senate and to continue battling to protect the rights of the unborn.

I believe every child in Texas deserves access to an excellent education. That is why I introduced pro-school choice Student Empowerment Act, alongside Rep. Jason Smith (R-Mo.). This bill builds upon my Student Opportunity Amendment, which was signed into law in December 2017, by allowing all students – including public, private, religious, and homeschool students – to use 529 savings accounts to cover eligible educational expenses. I also introduced a bipartisan resolution with Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.) declaring next week ‘National School Choice Week’.

This week I participated in the Judiciary Committee’s confirmation hearings for Attorney General nominee William Barr. There, I questioned Mr. Barr on the rule of law, the First Amendment, and religious liberty. I am confident Mr. Barr will uphold his oath of office and be above the political circus that consumes Washington, and I look forward to casting my vote for him to be the next Attorney General of the United States.

Please read below for an update from this last week.

Keep Texas Strong,

TC Sig

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Dan Crenshaw has settled in Washington DC enough to verbally spar with Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and get quoted in the news....But I have been writing  Dan Crenshaw for almost 4 weeks and he can’t get his email auto response updated? Even with a skeletal staff this Shut down crisis seems worthy enough for a more sensitive response.


I wrote him earlier today to explain that after 4 weeks my furloughed kid from NASA was having to dip into savings. Now my worry is for the other 8000,000 that might not have savings to dip into......


This was the response:


Dear Friend,

Thank you for contacting me and taking the time to share your thoughts on this important matter.

As my office gets up and running, I will be sure to send you a more detailed response. I simply wanted you to know that your opinion has been noted and your voice has been heard.

It is a great honor to serve as your Representative in Washington, DC. I am humbled to take on this responsibility and look forward to serving our great state and Nation to the best of my abilities. To better stay in touch, please sign up to receive my e-newsletter through my website.

Dan Crenshaw
Member of Congre

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