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Culberson And METRO Reach Compromise

Slick Vik

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Culberson announced he would seek to continue cutting off the Richmond money in the next federal funding bill, but he softened his stance by saying Metro could seek money for the lines if they receive local voter support in a new election.

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Voters that live in the METRO service area.  So he is feeling the pressure!  We already voted on it.  What of waste money to revote. That is fine because it will pass no doubt about it.  How odd since the other 2 lines are getting ready to open.  I believe see has see all the development along the lines.

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This is bizarre. Voters spoke a long time ago. What's the point of a revote? And who's to say that Culberson won't change his mind again and block funding later if he doesn't like the result of the vote? I think Culberson realizes it's almost impossible to get federal funding now so it doesn't matter what plans are made. And probably wants metro to spend hundreds of millions doing studies again. Or maybe be compromised to get the Missouri city rail built. Or maybe he just drove down Richmond.

Edited by Slick Vik
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In reality I think developers and the Feds probably put a lot of pressure on Culberson. Developers wanting to develop the Richmond corridor and Feds probably threatening to not give any more money in the future for Houston projects if Culberson didn't give in after all the effort that was done already with the university line.

Edited by Slick Vik
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I can just see it now. If you support Metro initiative to place a rail line down Richmond, vote "No". Just like the last Metro vote. :-(

Oh please you live in burbs which you cannot even vote.  What a waste of money to vote, but it will pass.  I live 2 miles from Downtown so I can ride the rail or the bus and we get there quicker then driving.  $1.50 each way hey!  There are three big parties in Midtown tonight.  I will use METRO of Uber.  Do you remember we had to revote the RED Line?  It now has 40,000 customers per day.  


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If METRO is smart, they'll put this on the 2016 general election ballot. If they're really smart, they'll throw in a second referendum for a heavy rail line ;)

And if they're really REALLY smart, THIS time they will word the ballot the CORRECT WAY, to where voting "YES" actually means you are FOR the rail and voting "NO" actually means you are against.

Not like the last election where they bamboozled all the poor people with slick wording that was the reverse of what I just said.

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Culberson announced he would seek to continue cutting off the Richmond money in the next federal funding bill, but he softened his stance by saying Metro could seek money for the lines if they receive local voter support in a new election.

keep in mind, the Culberson funding block was also preventing federal dollars from funding the Post Oak LRT line. this potential revote could allow for the Uptown BRT line to be built out to LRT, as originally envisioned.

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KittyCat - As usual, you missed the point/joke. Maybe you didn't vote for the last Metro Referendum.

This news a great...it's just a shame that we have to spend even more time and money. Culberson is now costing us even more money, when all he would have to do is NOT put a line into a bill. errrrr!

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KittyCat - As usual, you missed the point/joke. Maybe you didn't vote for the last Metro Referendum.

This news a great...it's just a shame that we have to spend even more time and money. Culberson is now costing us even more money, when all he would have to do is NOT put a line into a bill. errrrr!

Phew, I thought you were talking to me. I had a response planned and everything (no that was not why the post was edited, it was to add the second line) Edited by IronTiger
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Culberson. What a piece of work. Why can't folks just vote him out?


His district is designed to reliably elect him, or someone like him. Did he even have a challenger in the last election?


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Unfortunately, with districts drawn to be safer and safer for one flavor or the other, the primary voters tend to skew more towards the lunatic fringe.


Still, I'm glad to see that for whatever reason, The Gentleman came around on this... even though it's going to require public vote number whatever on earth we're up to on this.

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