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mfastx last won the day on July 25 2012

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  • Location/ZIP Code
    New York, NY
  • Interests
    Building construction.

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  1. Looks 10x better without the paint. I hope maybe they are reconsidering which is why more hasn't been painted yet.
  2. It's the concept of reducing the quality of development due to strictly adhering to misguided parking requirements.
  3. The red and blue scheme actually looked good I though too .. And obviously increased visibility which was critical.
  4. How METRO hasn't bought up land and built high density housing around rail stations is beyond me. EDIT: Or how the city hasn't partnered with a developer to do that. I realize it may be illegal (backwards US law) for transit authorities to develop real estate. At least it is here in the northeast which is ridiculous.
  5. If METRO deems one BRT line too expensive to operate, then there's really no hope of any meaningful transit improvements happening within my lifetime unfortunately. The General Mobility payments did exactly what they were designed to do - ensure that METRO forever remains too cash strapped to make capital investments to better the system and attract ridership and will be stuck operating the bare minimum transit system for the foreseeable future.
  6. I can't wait to see this beautiful parking garage rise. Honestly if they put some retail (sports bar anyone?) at the bottom I'd be very fine with it instead of a parking lot. But, based on the render that doesn't look likely.
  7. That looks straight up beautiful. Flawless development as of now. My dream is for every strip center inside the loop to be replaced with something like this.
  8. Another building torn down to let a vacant lot sit downtown. Hooray!
  9. I think it's mostly a few prominent developers lobbying one certain Congressman (Culberson) into opposition which blocked the University Line. Still, for METRO to have only attempted to build one East-West line is a planning failure IMO. Westheimer is the single most low hanging fruit for rail in entire Houston area and my entire life there hasn't even been a whisper of a proposal to do that. Obviously it would have to be a subway especially east of Kirby but it makes too much sense.
  10. The original Red Line was unquestionably a major success, but the lack of expansion westward to Houston's more dense communities 20 years and counting later is a failure.
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