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ISIS, Syria, Saudi Arabia And Related


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No. Weird conspiracies aside, no, no one would support ISIS. And let's not bring loaded religious questions into this because I know what you're going to say.

I think it is a relevant question to this building because it begs the question, should we allow countries to be represented here that support or harbor terrorists. I'm not a Middle East expert so that's why I asked if Saudi Arabia does.

But to list a few countries and government authorities that support(ed) the killing of innocent people or help terrorists monetarily:


Sadaam Hussein





North Korea

Again, this question is related to this building. The above is supporting argumentation for my question. It is not an underhanded way to attack a religion. The little research I've done since asking suggests Saudi at least publicly denounces terrorism, or at least that's the way western media presents it. That's like two mins of research.

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I think it is a relevant question to this building because it begs the question, should we allow countries to be represented here that support or harbor terrorists. I'm not a Middle East expert so that's why I asked if Saudi Arabia does.

But to list a few countries and government authorities that support(ed) the killing of innocent people or help terrorists monetarily:


Sadaam Hussein





North Korea

Again, this question is related to this building. The above is supporting argumentation for my question. It is not an underhanded way to attack a religion. The little research I've done since asking suggests Saudi at least publicly denounces terrorism, or at least that's the way western media presents it. That's like two mins of research.

Should other countries have the us embassy which inserted dictators in iran, panama, nicaragua, and covertly supported other ones in Argentina, chile, brazil, Libya, and Iraq? See how ludicrous this sounds? The Iraq "war" was an oil grab where thousands of Americans and Iraqis died. No country has a clean history. Edited by Slick Vik
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I think it is a relevant question to this building because it begs the question, should we allow countries to be represented here that support or harbor terrorists. I'm not a Middle East expert so that's why I asked if Saudi Arabia does.

But to list a few countries and government authorities that support(ed) the killing of innocent people or help terrorists monetarily:


Sadaam Hussein





North Korea

Again, this question is related to this building. The above is supporting argumentation for my question. It is not an underhanded way to attack a religion. The little research I've done since asking suggests Saudi at least publicly denounces terrorism, or at least that's the way western media presents it. That's like two mins of research.

Hitler didn't start off as campaigning for the Holocaust. He came in at a time when Germany was unstable and was a powerful speaker.

But I see your point. Kind of. Rather just not start a discussion like this.

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Hitler didn't start off as campaigning for the Holocaust. He came in at a time when Germany was unstable and was a powerful speaker.

But I see your point. Kind of. Rather just not start a discussion like this.


I just don't understand how any of this comes into the architecture of this building -.- Hell even the politics of this consulate. Ugh!


EDIT: I was speaking about the person you were responding too btw >.>

Edited by Luminare
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Love the architecture but not sure how I should feel about the project.

Where does Saudi Arabia stand with ISIS and support for terrorism?


They support terrorism to the best of their abilities through the construction of their Wahhabi madrassas.


It appears, however, that the Saudi's may be currently being blackmailed to dissociate themselves from such fundamentalist groups (e.g.ISIS)  through the potential release of the 28 redacted pages of the 9/11 Commission Report which, no doubt, would implicate them in the funding of the 9/11 attacks.

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They support terrorism to the best of their abilities through the construction of their Wahhabi madrassas.


It appears, however, that the Saudi's may be currently being blackmailed to dissociate themselves from such fundamentalist groups (e.g.ISIS)  through the potential release of the 28 redacted pages of the 9/11 Commission Report which, no doubt, would implicate them in the funding of the 9/11 attacks.


It would implicate Saudi Arabia and the United States, and don't forget that we currently are supporting ISIS with funding, high-tech arms and air support.  This whole "war on terror" is one big joke!  I don't need to tell you what I think about 9/11.


If you want one positive, I'm glad Saudi Arabia is spending money here and building, that's one way we get our dollars back.  It's all about the money.  Concerning this project, I love it.

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Senator John McCain supports the "moderate" rebels in Syria (and he physically met with them) who have an allegiance with terrorist groups like ISIS and Al-Qaeda.  Congress approved the arming and training of these people a week or so ago.  Rest assure that any weapons we give them will fall in the hands of terrorist.  Do you remember our government arming Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan in the 80's?  The U.S.  government has a track record of supporting terrorist groups, dictators and killers to use them as patsies (they allowed the hijackers into the country), and staging many false flags like 9/11.  Saudi Arabia, our ally, helped in that effort.


Anyways, I want the Saudis to spend money here, so I welcome them and their building projects!  I have the same amount of concern about this as our government has for illegals coming into my country while having no idea who they are, which is none.

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Posts peeled off from the Saudi Arabian consulate topic.  Have at it!


Thank you sir.


ooooh ooooh, he actually called 9/11 a "false flag"! 


That's pretty great. I don't think I've ever seen that said seriously before.


You know it.  It's as serious as when our government said they found 2 IDs INTACT belonging to the hijackers who went up in a fireball when crashing into the tower.  What were those made of?  I mean none of the black boxes from the planes survived the impact  :huh:

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I'll play to your posts democide...  Lets assume the government did demolish the World Trade Towers.


Here's a big question that needs answering.  Why?  To start a war?  If so they would only have needed to blow up/demolish (with airplanes) 1 building - not 2 (or three or 4), and it could of been any building of 20 floors or more in any city in the country.  Why would they purposefully target a building that at full capacity had 5,000+ people in it?  Much less BOTH twin towers?  IF the government had wanted to do that they could have done so at night, with minimal loss of life and the average American person would have been pretty outraged over the whole thing to the point that war because of those actions would have been inevitable.


Now, assume the Government did everything - and it played out the way it did - why?  To appease defense contractors?  Remember the defense industry really took off post-911.  It's grown ever since because of the new nature of global conflict, and the hysteria at home about "take'n our guns" (perpetrated by the defense/armaments industry).  Per-911 it was much smaller, and I doubt those folks at Ratheon and Lockheed got together and said "lets make a war by blowing up the twin towers"... seems very unlikely.


Lets peel off from the "government" for a moment, and instead focus on the New World Order (that has some living in fear):  If that group did it.  Why?  To gain what?  What did they gain by accomplishing that?  The US today is armed to the teeth with weapons of war that can obliterate any country on earth, not much different than it was in 1989, in fact one could say things haven't really changed.  On top of that we have a fairly large group of combat experienced veterans who'll be a big asset in any conflict over the next 10-20 years (guys discharge from Afghanistan or Iraq 4 years ago who are 22-24 will be 42-44 in two decades and easily recalled for training should a large conflict come about).  The rise in gun ownership in America has blossomed into a mushroom-cloud during this same interval, and with near military grade hardware.  Any one who wanted to invade us, or try and take over this country will face the most daunting fighting force in the world, then the most heavily armed and militarized civilian population on the planet.  And that population is very well motivated to resist aggression against itself.


I should add that the US has the nuclear arsenal large enough to destroy the whole planet several times over and then some.  One ballistic missile submarine has 24 Trident Missiles, each has 3-4 warheads capable of destroying a very large area.  What would a rouge government plan to do with those assets?  Or the carrier strike groups larger than all the worlds navies save a handful of Russian, Chinese and European fleets?


Again I ask.... what/why/who though it was a good idea to do what they did?  Why did the government assault the WTC when it could of attacked XYZ Center in Anytown, USA and gotten the same response?


The simple answer is 99% of the time the correct answer.  Besides that, how many thousands of people would have had to keep this secret for over a decade?  Someone would have blown a whistle by now, and have real, credible, fool-proof evidence that foul play was instituted by the government (or some other organization).  It would simply be impossible for the thousands of people needed to be involved in this to have kept quiet for this many years with so many people watching, and listening.

Edited by arche_757
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  • 2 weeks later...

I won't entertain discussion with someone who thinks 9/11 was a false flag. It's just downright tragic logic.


Here's a neat little article dealing with the current events and our neat little tie-ins:




I can't really help but laugh at the complete and utter stupidity of our leaders leading up to this. 

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  • 3 months later...
  • The title was changed to ISIS, Syria, Saudi Arabia And Related

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