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Do You Recycle?

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Last month I called COH 311 and ordered the large container to recycle.  You do not have to separated anymore, and the large truck pick it up every two weeks.  It is amazing how much trash we have if you do not recycle!  I hardly have regular trash twice a week.  I used to have 2 to 3 bags twice a week.  Now half of one bag twice a week.  Call 311 to see if your zip code is included.  They are expanding it and will soon come to your zip code.   


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I would if my neighborhood provided the service. I would only recycle paper and aluminum though. Plastic is literally useless to recycle. Its the only one of the three (paper being a close second) that is a waste of time because it actually wastes energy to convert it. Aluminum is the true recyclable material....and glass of course.


edit: I think a mod should move this. A great topic of discussion, but this the going up section and not general discussion. Thanks.

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we finally got the larger automated bins for mixed-use recycling. I had the smaller (no glass allowed, hand pick up) bin until last friday. That was picked up every two weeks and I would often have to borrow a bin from a neighbor because it would fill up, and that was without glass. The mixed-use pick up begins on 6/23 for me, and 6/30 for the other side of the neighborhood. This is around Montrose and West Gray, they've had it in place south of Gray for a while now (and I've been jealous).

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I've been carrying a car load of recycling to the Westpark Recycling Center every couple weeks for years.

Well this morning I heard a big rumbling outside...i go out to check and, lo and behold, it's a big green recycling bin on wheels! I actually had my truck loaded up with recycling already, so I immediately filled the green bin (to the top) with my recycling.

Only afterwards did I open up the letter attached to the bin, telling me that recycling begins on June 23. Oops! I've got a full bin for the next month...looks like I'll be continuing my trips to Westpark for a while. :-)

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Last month I called COH 311 and ordered the large container to recycle.  You do not have to separated anymore, and the large truck pick it up every two weeks.  


Are you referring to the One-Bin-For-All  program because I didn't think that started yet? I have one big green one for recycling glass/cardboard/everythihng and one big bin for trash. I want to make sure I'm not missing out on the one-bin program if it exists.


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Are you referring to the One-Bin-For-All program because I didn't think that started yet? I have one big green one for recycling glass/cardboard/everythihng and one big bin for trash. I want to make sure I'm not missing out on the one-bin program if it exists.

No. It's planned to begin in 2015:


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Does anyone know where I could get a couple more of the old green recycle boxes?  I discovered they are the perfect container for  growing carrots and leeks: rigid and UV- stable, lots of drain holes, deep. 


I've noticed in some other  cities that have the large recycle bins have moved to smaller size garbage bins. This would work for us--a 2-person household and we generally have 1-2 tall kitchen garbage bags of trash per week, but lots of recycling and compost scraps.

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I think we may be mixing things up. Currently as far as I know the city only provides two types of recycling, depending on neighborhood:

  • Curbside Recycling utilizes an 18-gallon bin placed at the curb for collection.
  • Automated Recycling utilizes a 96-gallon cart rolled to the curb for collection.
Curbside does not include glass, they are manually picked up. Automated includes glass and is picked up like normal trash (lifted by the truck). From articles i read and talking to 311, the automated recycling with glass goes to a different center then the curbside, and was at capacity (though it is being expanded hence the additional neighborhoods getting the 96-gallon cart last week).
The "One Bin For All" program will allow for all trash and recycling in one bin. If they are testing this now its news to me, according to their website:

On April 11, 2014, a Request for Proposals (RFP) was issued by the City. Only those Proposers that were short-listed from RFQ S10-Q24644 are invited to participate in this RFP.


The City hopes to have a facility completed and operational by the end of 2015/early 2016.



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Ah, thanks. This PDF sums up well what's going on. They're currently expanding Single Stream Recycling to 70% of Houston households. Meanwhile, they are investigating how well One Bin For All could work, putting trash in with all recyclables. http://www.houstontx.gov/onebinforall/One_Bin_For_All_FAQ.pdf


I think they should give Single Stream a real chance. It seems to be catching on like wildfire in the areas where it's deployed. I see lots of green cans out on the street on every other trash day.

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I would like a clear explanation of the new, highly-touted technology used for processing the contents of a "One Bin For All" container. How many recycling firms are able to deal with materials that are heavily contaminated with all kinds of nasty stuff, not to mention bacteria, viruses, mold, etc?


Is COH falling for something that's too good to be true, like the infamous Red Light Cameras?

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Yep, we recycle enough that i wish the truck came every week. We end up with lots of soda cans, cardboard boxes, plastic bottles, etc.

The truck does come once a week in my neighborhood (not in the COH) and it is amazing how much we are able to put in that container each week (mostly cardborad and plastic).

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  • 3 months later...

One Bin for All was a topic on NPR's Houston Matters today. First speaker didn't really make any good points (he was against it and kept playing the racism card without much data). Second speaker was the project mgr of the program.



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For two of us, there's typically one kitchen trash bag a week for the garbage, and way more for the green container.  This does not count the plastic film stuff (bags, mostly) that get chunked into the trunk of the car to be dropped off at the grocery store or Westpark with the dead electronics.

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