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NenaE last won the day on September 16 2012

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  • Location/ZIP Code
    Collinwood, Collinsport, Maine
  • Interests
    architecture, history, archaeology, landscape design, interior design

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  1. I read somewhere that the rows of trees were planted in remembrance of WW1 soldiers. I'm curious about the Hermann stables, as well.
  2. Nice aerial pics! The direction is NE in the first photo. It looks like downtown Houston is in the background. Too bad the 610 Loop West took out the big estate. Who lived there? I'd like to know, too.
  3. Peter Pan Dude Ranch would be 6500 block of S. Main. The photo above is definitely PPDR. You can tell by the presence of the stadium and the neighborhood. GoogleEarth shows PPDR in the 1944 and 1953 aerial maps. The question is... was it always called PPDR? Did you notice the pony prancing around the ring with a person behind him? Great pic, thanks for sharing.
  4. Nice pic...any idea what that white frame is for, on the left side of the hotel? It's huge. The two guys in the background are so small standing by it. Surely that's not a roller coaster frame. Mysterious. Here's a map showing where the hotel was located..close to Houston Ave. at Highland (later Parkview). The word under Highland Park says "hotel". map.source - harris county archives maps. BTW - the house on the northeast corner (Hou.av. x Parkview) dates to 1902. It's a beauty.
  5. Maybe the narrow gauge pass was a reference to the trolley line on S.Main. It was still in service for a short time after the Bellaire line closed. On early topo. maps it's drawn smaller than the RR tracks that ran close to Almeda Rd.
  6. The article states that Mr.Prince had a keen sense of advertising from the very beginning. He named his first hamburger location #10. It also mentions a yacht he brought up from the coast, and made it into a restaurant on S.Main.
  7. Playland Park did have some kind of train at one time.
  8. What was the ring or track located directly behind the nite club at 8299 or 8301 S.Main? It's too close to the club to be the bldg with the canals. I agree, those addresses get confusing on that OST / S.Main curve.
  9. I read today that Prince's first location was at 4509 S.Main (by Sears) in 1935. The location was originally an old Weber's Root Beer stand. The article was from tshaonline.org.
  10. As mentioned above... maybe Kiddie Wonderland.
  11. Thanks for the good research and clarification. I like addresses. So they were both doctor/ owners of the one story Red Bluff hospital. That's the only one I'm not familiar with. What a wild and sad story.
  12. SO, did Red Bluff hospital become Pasadena Memorial? I thought that PM hospital was located on Pasadena blvd. (tater)? There are three different hospital buildings in these posts...so confusing...Pasadena Memorial, Southmore, and Red Bluff hospitals. And don't forget the large, multi-storied Bayshore Hospital on Spencer. Does the Bowling Green subdivision (a place in Kentucky) and streets have a link to the horse loving doctor? Aren't those streets named after race horses? Secretariat, Tiny Hur, Citation, Gypsy Pops.
  13. BTW - those black holes lining Speer rd. are trees.
  14. Thanks for the Kiddie Wonderland info. I knew it was old, but had no idea it dated back to the 1930's. I like to see owner names. There is a Highrise Tower post from Feb 3 about a miniature golf links on OST (source-1950's sanborn map). The side road associated with it was called Speer rd. (as hinted at in above posts). So, the Speer park was probably in that area. It's close to the restaurants.
  15. The only "kiddie" style park located anywhere near the Prince's and Sivil's (later Stuart's) drive-in restaurants was Kiddie Wonderland. I can't see any other park on the aerials besides Playland Park. I get the impression that Playland catered more to the teen and young adult crowd. I'm wondering if this smaller park (Speer Park) became Kiddie Wonderland. Notice the emphasis on 'family" style entertainment in this park ad. Sears Roebuck is mentioned, and they catered to young families. Also, the Speer Park's sketch shows a carousel close to the road. The aerial map (1953) of Kiddie Wonderland (around 7830 S.Main) also shows a carousel by the road. As mentioned above, Sivil's was at 8001 S.Main. So, the drive-ins were close by... opposite side of the road. BTW - the 1944 GE aerial in this location may be in error. The date may be older. The kiddie park does not show up in the maps until 1953. The date on the water table reference lists a 1941 park date. Is this when the Speer park was established?
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