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Mr. Chenevert

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  1. Looks like we were both wrong. I was off by 7 months.
  2. Yea, lets cut out the middleman... what you are suggesting is a fat tax... I like it... Now let my skinny butt have a coke...
  3. Nothing sticks it to Kroger like giving them zero competition... smartest thing Ive read all day.
  4. Nothing sells a house faster than chaining the for sale sign down -ex Midtowner
  5. Elgin currently cannot be one way over near Chenevert. The streets get all sorts of crazy the closer to 59 you get. I wouldnt have been able to get home if Elgin was one way...
  6. woah woah woah..... you cant just say adios and leave us hanging... I dont mean to pry into your personal life, but where are you going? What brought on the change?
  7. Interesting article about the energy savings that smart meters can bring.. http://news.cnet.com/8301-11128_3-10357360-54.html?tag=newsEditorsPicksArea.0 A test city in North Carolina is seeing average energy savings of 15% with smart grid technology.
  8. I'm back in business.... the DNS must have finally propogated...
  9. Do you use thehaif.com to get here or do you go directly to www.houstonarchitecture.com/haif ? Thank goodness Tory has the correct link on his blog... even Google couldnt find this place.
  10. www.thehaif.com takes me to a webpage parking site... Did the DNS records get changed?
  11. You will be waiting for awhile on the Titan renderings. Nissan doesnt even know what they are doing yet. They had a deal with Dodge to offer a re-badged Ram, but that fell through when they merged with Fiat. Now Nissan is scrambling to come up with a backup plan. Chances are, the "next generation" Titan will simply be a sheetmetal refresh of the current product.
  12. Whatever happened to Rice Military? Isnt Washington the Core of that?
  13. Sir, please take off your latex gloves... i need to take your fingerprint... Dont taz me bro
  14. HOA's can take ownership of city or county owned streets. The issue is cost. Not only is the HOA then responsible for maintaining the street, but also the stret lights, the water mains, etc, etc.. Since County and City crews no longer have access or responsibility of these area's, they must be done by the HOA. If you look at the HOA fees of gated communities compared with open communities, you will likely see a huge delta. Its a liability that many communities cannot afford.
  15. I second the notion for getting the Lexus. I've had my IS300 for almost 8 years, and even though I saved up money for a new car... I just have no reason to trade it in. It looks and drives like a new car.
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